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Everything posted by eraser_tr

  1. What Did You Have For Dinner

    Ah, yes, I had the lasagna.
  2. Lets Go UPS!

    You used UPS? Fastcargo would probably like to have a word with you....
  3. No doubt about that from the screens, it just seemss the difference in appearance is disproportional to the performance hit. The new code for the shadows probably needs some tuning. But then again, I barely notice shadows unless its on the runway in a flight sim.
  4. I worry for my system if he's getting single digit framerates. And the graphics haven't improved that much to warrant FSX framerates
  5. So I guess there is enough interest, I'll upload stuff as I finish.
  6. Movie related question about F-35

    Errr she was like twelve when that movie was made.
  7. IIRC some planes have an export end year in the ini so you can allow planes to show up for other countries, but also not show up after a time.
  8. Yes, exactly. Or something like an F-22 in other services, cold war or WW1/2 colors instead of the silver/ghost grey schemes they'll all be in. Been doing this with IL2 skins and like the result, wanted to see if there was enough interest in it for SFP1 and FE to be worth uploading.
  9. STOL

    Who needs and osprey? PS. why was this tagged for mature content? Was there an exposed nipple in some obscure place nobody would notice?
  10. USS Kitty Hawk for the Indian Navy?

    I've got an idea for india. Take the kittyhawk, buy the superbug. Then sell the superbugs to someone and use the money to buy Su-33s.
  11. Holy crap! Castro quit!

    I heard he actually showed up on TV and proved he wasn't dead afterall. Can anyone confirm this? They really should end the embargo, the trade and tourism would bring Cuba out of poverty and everyone would wonder just why they put up with castro for so long.
  12. Now that's good thinking!

    Take that Wiimote! That is excessively cool. I imagine it will be pretty clunky at first, but think of 5 years from now when the technology is even more refined. Roleplaying games using that would reach a whole new level, flight sims with complex avionics, thinking instead of cntrl+alt+shift+every key. OR...star wars games USE THE FORCE! I'll still stick to my mouse and keyboard for shooters, the precision is necessary, but to map things like leaning, jump, crouch and use to thinking! No fumbling through jumping puzzles or awkward keybinding. It'd also do wonders for people with disabilities. Imagine the work that could be done if stephen hawking could write and work out his physics simply by thought!
  13. I could have sworn I posted here a few hours ago asking where Jimmybib had made an F-22 template. I know I'm crazy, but I've never hallucinated before
  14. This is unacceptable from TK! He released WOI when I'm dead broke and can't afford it. It looks even better than expected and I have to wait :no2: Anyone on the F-22 team test if thrust vectored pitch control works properly now? It looks like so many little nuances have been corrected.
  15. And SFP1/WOV and WOE! TK is always good with nice surprises
  16. A real training Red Flag at nellis would be awesome, maybe even a requirment before flying combat missions. But there would absolutely have to be real combat or people would get bored fairly quickly. Expansion packs are definitely a way to go. Just look at the improvment of the FE expansion. But what exactly is meant by detailed carrier ops? How much would be purely aesthetic compared to having a real impact on the game?
  17. Well, he kind of already said there would be no TW involvement, so anything would have to be a new engine. Unless he didn't mind licensing the current engine out and ending involvment there. That would be great as alot of backwards compatability could be maintained, which means aircraft and everything else available would be quite plentiful. Terrain does need a 100% overhaul to the point where compatability wouldn't be possible, worth it or wanted. One thing that would definitely get my funding would be an intuitive WYSISYG object placement for both terrain and mission creation. If we could hand drop in map details visually, the TW sims would look exponentially better. The aircraft and most ground objects are excellent already, it's just a mostly dead environment that makes them seem a bit dated. I wonder if TK would agree to something like we licensed the engine to do this sim and allowed him to use code improvements in his games free of charge. I've always thought a close partnership between a large modding community and developer would create an ideal and comprehensive game. Historical plausibility I think is better than historical realism. Not to nuts about made up countries like Dhimar and Paran (except for their roundels and paint schemes, which I rather like) But fake conflicts rooted in some reality are fun.
  18. Some food for thought, a little bit of technical details that would be great to utilize in a sim too. A few ideas struck me not long ago doing moddable sims in different eras and genres. What if a common engine could be made that could service flight, naval and ground warfare in a fairly modular way? It was brought about by looking around for a modern tank sim. Not just a combat game with tanks, but something like a TW esque tank sim, moddable and cutomizable for anywhere between WWI and future. Then it drifted to naval warfare after getting Silent hunter 3 and enjoying it, but wanting to take part in surface warfare with battleships in the same way. A specific I think would be amazing for scenery in flight, or any sims: SpeedtreeRT It's been used in alot of games, from very high detailed fantasy like Oblivion, to RTS like world in conflict. Very flexible and scalable in detail, everything from 2d billboards (easy to display in mass from the air) to low poly 3d and very high poly 3d all from the same piece of data. TW's level of complexity in controling things like avionics is in a great spot. I'd love more complexity and ability under the hood, but it shouldn't be hard to operate like with F4AF Since any TW involvment is out it's kind of moot, but a specific upgrade to the engine would be in its texture use. A newer format like dds would be less costly on disk space while maintaining excellent quality.
  19. heck - you're no fun!

    x2 Like we were actually angry with each other? Hell I'm just practicing my pointless uphill battle arguing skills for being in the middle of it for a week in Atlanta! And I wanted to see the reaction to the crazy liberal playing the same card the right loves to.
  20. What?

    Mistakes and decisions aren't mutually exclusive. Thats Treasonous crackpot BullSh** to believe Clinton facilitated the 9/11 attacks!
  21. What?

    A Ryder truck full didn't work in '93, the structure was designed to widthstand an impact from an aircraft. Nor should have the temperatures reached be high enough to weaken the steel and take down the building (skyscrapers have had serious fires before and none of them fell), but combined hits from the bottom and top would. A Turk I met claims it actually does, but I don't think coca cola would be thrilled about changing it. Everyone knows the image. It'd be like Ferrari changing their emblem of the black horse and yellow background.
  22. What?

    If anyone actually read or paid attention to any of it, you don't have to connect the dots in a wierd way to notice there's something unusual about the BBC reporting WTC 7 collapsed 20 minutes before it actually did. You want to hear really wacky? Apparently alot of arabs believe the mirror image of of the coca cola script says "no mecca no mohammed" in arabic and thats some kind of evidence of our crusade against them. Right, a hundred years ago when most people in this country had no idea such a religion existed, someone designing an emblem for a soft drink brand to be a cryptic message mocking a religion.

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