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Everything posted by eraser_tr

  1. What?

    In correction: I believe there was a bomb in the WTC, just as in '93, having nothing to do with bush or NORAD. When you look at things without assuming its all demented, problems do arise and warrants a closer look. That doesn't mean its a conspiracy and they orchestrated the entire thing etc.. Just that they're not being entirely truthful. It's Naieve to think that the government is going to be entirely truthful and forthcoming and believe what they say. With all the Clinton bashing from everyone right of center, you've got to at least admit that much. They said the air was safe after 9/11 in downtown manhattan, we now know otherwise. Well then you subscribe to a much narrower and unusual definition of mistake. It was a calculated and intentional act, but that doesn't change the fact that it was a bad decision and therefore as most would say, a mistake. Anyway this was all on a theoretical point that if there was a conspiracy of any sort, it doesn't necessarily have to be grandiose.
  2. What?

    Ok, this isn't getting anywhere. To clarify things, what do you think I believe and have been trying to say?
  3. What?

    A mistake is neutral, a poor choice regardless of knowledge or intent. Because you know something can lead to a hazard and choose it knowingly doesn't mean its not a mistake.
  4. What?

    A mistake is a mistake, intentional or not. http://edition.cnn.com/2002/HEALTH/01/21/gupta.otsc/
  5. What?

    For 6 years without functioning kidneys?
  6. What?

    Semantics. I still consider that a fault. Although anyone still mentioning bin laden is yanking your chain. He's dead, you can't live for 6 years with Acute Renal failure without a kidney dialysis machine. And if we can't keep tabs on the relatively few kidney dialysis machines in Afghanistan and Pakistan, then I guess I shouldn't worry too much about the NSA watching me take a crap. Excuse? Are you reading the same words I am? "Tell you what, as long as you do not state a question that has as its premise that NORAD (me) was not part of the "conspiracy ",I can and will debunk any such nonsense that you can name." Wait, what? If I read that right, you'll debunk anything as long as I don't say NORAD had nothing to do with 9/11?
  7. What?

    Would that not be a construction fault like I suggest?
  8. What?

    They notice something fishy, and question it. But speculation snowballs into a bigger and bigger deal, infering things from speculation and inference. There's also the grandiosity of conspiracy theories, perhaps there is a coverup, but for something more mundane, like a construction or design fault, the towers were designed to widthstand a plane crashing into it(though a smaller 707).
  9. What?

    Once again you take things totally out of context. I'm not accusing anybody of anything. I merely stated that there were real reports of a bomb in one of the towers and I heard a radio recording supporting it, and an explosion before the tower collapsed. I didn't say the government planted the bomb, or there was a vast conspiracy. Just that there was a bomb, and that the crazy conspiracy people make any questioning or investigation look like fringe nutcases. I've seen the films and counter films about the conspiracies, no there's no evidence of a government conspiracy. But there are plenty of serious inconsistencies, coincidences and questions being brought up by them that are being ignored and discredited simply because it's related to a conspiracy theory.
  10. What?

    There was at least one bomb, I heard a recording of firefighters in the building over the radio say they had found a bomb in the basement of one of the towers, and it was reported in the news before the towers fell. The problem with the crazy conspiracy theorists is they make everyone who questions the official story look bad and discredits reasonable independant analysis.
  11. A definite challenge

    25 seconds! It's harder to not hit the edge of the area than avoid blue blocks IMO. but how exactly does this have any relevance to flying a plane if the airforce supposedly uses this? The skies aren't exactly BoB with hundreds of planes going every which way anymore.
  12. Internet filter software

    Well porn and videogames are highly correlated with grades. Now correlation does not mean causation, so it could be either watching porn and playing videogames leads to high grades, or high grades lead to watching porn and playing videogames, or something else causing both
  13. The next step to terrain creation following DEM files: Bash your head against the wall until you are unconcious.
  14. Hasn't it been two weeks since that "guess what happens in two weeks" thread?
  15. Last I talked to him, Marc was still unable to work on 3d stuff, so it'll be quite some time. He did confirm his projects were safe, which is a huge sigh of relief.
  16. On Notice!

    Sticking me on colbert's sign is going to become a recurring joke I see.
  17. Depends what you mean by "non skilled", I'm not in the "modder" category here and I may have looked like a rivet counter to you or veltro (I sent a pm apologising if I offended him in any way) but I've been doing 3d work for quite some time and had similar quirks with models and was trying to help him improve the mig by sharing some things that have helped me.
  18. DCS Black Shark FAQ

    Have starforce for FC and GT legends, no problems so far. Are they still updating LOMAC for 6DOF and replacing the models with the new format so we can add as many skins as we like?
  19. One thing nobody has mentioned is that we have alot of people from all over the world. Not everyone's english may be perfect and can easily make something sound more rude or demanding than meant.
  20. WTF?! why am I being singled out or even on that list to begin with? You and me, 1 on 1. enemy territory: quake wars. tonight.
  21. it may have been a crash landing due to damage. Or maybe if fueltanks are hit and the plane remains flyable, the AI runs out in that case alone.
  22. Just run out and buy IL2 1946. I've still seen it on the shelves in stores.
  23. we asked for on/off and he listened. If enough people asked, he probably would if it wasn't too costly. Though I'd rather see more avionics capability for modern aircraft.
  24. Internet filter software

    I'd recommend no filter, if he's old enough to go to college, he doesn't need his eyes covered anymore. And a little gaming won't hurt him either. Both my brother and me(both in college now) never had such restrictions put on us. We're both in absolutely perfect shape.

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