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Everything posted by eraser_tr

  1. Your thoughts

    Which one? there's well over 50. New York alone has like 12.
  2. Your thoughts

    Whoah, I had no idea they were doing that. Ironroad, you may disagree, but I can certainly see doing a job for the benefits alone. The day I graduate in May, my health insurance is gone, and nobody will insure me with my medical history, so I need a job with health coverage or I'm screwed. So passion for a job is secondary to making sure the healthcare system doesn't crush me and leave me a dysfunctional wreck that can't leave the house.
  3. Your thoughts

    No,no no, you misunderstand me. I'm not saying, oh join the air force to avoid combat and any tough work. Simply that it's not as much of a constant gamble as being a foot soldier. Avoiding any kind of danger is impossible and cowardly, but taking a more calculated risk isn't. Are you saying that for example, a mechanic who keeps the A-10s flying, who don't have a bloodthirsty arab that doesn't care if he lives or dies as long as he kills you 10 yards away to deal with every day is not serving their country? Call me a fool, but I simply cannot hold that kind of trust in a washington bureuacrat, or anyone who doesn't know me face to face. We had this discussion about McNamara during vietnam, remember the universally agreed upon despisement because he just threw away lives in a war he didn't believe could be won?
  4. Your thoughts

    Cowardly is too harsh. Hell I'd never want to be stuck on the ground there. But don't dare call me cowardly, I've no problem with a dangerous situation, but with ultimately having very little individual worth to people higher on the totem pole, because ultimately bush, gates and the joint chiefs aren't looking out for the everyday footsoldier. I'll risk flying a helicopter or plane into battle because its not something that can be thrown away and easily replaced. The air force or navy would be a good choice, he can still serve and be useful and without being stuck in a FUBAR situation.
  5. So what's going on here...

    They're re-enacting that FSX video that was linked here in real life?
  6. SuperHornets/Four Corners Story

    I read somewhere a while ago that the Aussies were interested in the X-32 even after it lost to the X-35, guess that didn't pan out. Wishful thinking makes me feel a resurrected super tomcat for Australia might work, though it would be expensive. It was afterall designed to make up for the F-111 program's shortcomings. And so many people really want to still see her around, the RAAF is a noble place for her. Or perhaps the Tornado? But thats kind of old as well.
  7. (il)legalities?

    Who's offended?
  8. (il)legalities?

    It's pointless yes, I understand the concepts perfectly, we're simply looking at things from fundamentally different perspectives. I make no distinction between intellectual property as any different from real property. Property is property, electronic or physical. No, "Oh its electronic, so different rules apply" I refuse to bow down to the DMCA and its legal pandering. I don't care what some corporate hack says, I bought the game, not a license to use it. Thats where we're getting hung up. You're treating it like it always remains theirs, I'm treating it like it becomes mine once I hand them the money and they hand me the game and it honestly doesn't need to be any deeper than that.
  9. (il)legalities?

    No, the laws don't represent society's values, but the values of those who can hold their influence over the law IMHO. Lobbyists are all too pervasive. Company "A" sells you a flight sim. Intellectual or physical property, you sell something, it becomes the customers. Honda can't come to my house and say I can't change the hubcaps or put in a new radio, even though the Honda Civic design is their intellectual property. So I would argue I have, or in that trying to prevent me from modding a game does infringe on my rights, they are in effect saying I don't own my own hard drive. Nor am I infringing on their rights by doing what I wish with my property. They should go after my old english teacher too for that matter, I just remembered an assignment where we had the change the ending of a stephen king story.
  10. How much did each of them cost? Imagine if that happened with the superbug
  11. (il)legalities?

    All modern games work in and interact with windows, a comparable environment to the flight sim and model. Does this mean all games plagarize windows and violate microsoft's copyright? It would following your arguement. Using your own modding work in someone elses game is absolutely nothing like copying words someone else wrote and using it as your own work. If I took the La-7 model out of IL2 and used it in a different game, that is plagarism, not putting your own work into something. So you would say the rights of a company are more important than the right of an individual? That might(money) makes right? No, their rights end where my rights begin. And now we're getting into the moral fiber of the american legal system.
  12. (il)legalities?

    Well then its a matter of how we're looking at a computer program. However, no matter how much I change, his creation(ideas, code, etc) remains untouched, on a secured hard drive in the developers office, on the millions of CDs/DVDs, including my own. So its no more changed than writing on the pages of a book. I could plagerize software, or a paper I'm writing for class, I could run over people in my car, or do an infinite number of illegal or harmful things. But because I could, doesn't mean I have, it doesn't mean I will. So the painting I mentioned, my moustache relies on the original canvas and image painted on it. Is that plagerism then? If the model was my creation in 3dsmax, it wouldn't. If i shaped the vertices and surfaces, then what am I plagerizing?
  13. (il)legalities?

    But what if said copy protection violates your right as a consumer? We have a right to make a personal copy, ex backup, or so my brother could play the same game on his computer at the same time as me( otherwise why have LAN multiplayer?) But if what they gain access to what you've done is purely your work( for example if I made a P-35 and put it into IL2)? Wouldn't that mean they have a right to distribute their intellectual property, but I do not have a right to distribute mine? Round and round we go hehehehe
  14. I could have sworn they were. I remember a thread here with someone making an integrated sam network on the suez terrain.
  15. (il)legalities?

    A digital product can be manipulated, but so can a more physical product. Take a painting for example, the artist who creates it, it will forever be his work of art, his intellectual property, I cannot claim I painted it. But if he sells me the painting, it becomes my painting. And if I decide to paint a mustache on a face he painted, I can. I can lay claim to the mustache, but nothing else.
  16. (il)legalities?

    It can be a very sticky matter, yes, if you decide to read all the clauses and fine print. I always cut through the complexity and BS through a simple analysis. Am I claiming or selling a work as mine, even though it is someone elses? Am I giving away something you have to pay for to get? Have I acquired something and use it without paying for it? Can the mod produced be used without paying for the original product? No? then there's no problem, I've not infringed on anyone's intellectual property or rights.
  17. (il)legalities?

    Yes, if I was renting the place and I was the only person living there, I'd rearrange all I want, and that certainly wouldn't be stealing or illegal. I certainly wouldn't throw out or sell anything. The owner migt not like it, but ultimately there's nothing wrong with it. But we're not talking about renting, but buying and owning. I don't buy into the DMCA BS. I went to a store, I gave the cashier $50, he gave me a box with a DVD in it. Just as if I bought a car, house, couch or TV, it's my property. It's basic human law. Chefs do not license food to customers and say it must be eaten a certain way, or in a certain order. Ford cannot dictate how you drive or tune your car. (For those unaware, this is about modding IL2 and to a deeper level, flawed copyright laws) Further, I'm not altering the game itself, the DVD is exactly as they made it. I'm changing the copy it has placed on my hard drive, and no convoluted corporate pandering can say someone else holds ownership over my hard drive.
  18. (il)legalities?

    I see just what you're referring to. It's a really bad analogy. A better would be if you got the blueprints and layout of a house, made a mold of the key, walked in and replaced their old TV with a brand new 52in flatpanel TV. Or used their interior layout to remodel the house you bought, made by the same contractor and based off the same structural design. Because you love how they decorated, but didn't like their choice of color.
  19. Welcome to the Aperture science center...

    The cake is a lie!
  20. Manfred was a midget

    Ov cors itz joke mr smartee pants winnar person! evry1 nos migets Ar funy only buffoon liek mr jihadbob wuld not get teh joke
  21. Who's ready for COD 4?

    I think the last games besides the tom clancy shooters to have coop were quake 2 and unreal. Everyhing else took buggy mods to do. And Coop has always been my favorite. Nothing like having useful backup in a game. You should have stuck with CoD SP, it starts out mostly the same, but they really ramp up the intensity of fights. Especially in the addon. the fiercest fighting I've ever seen in a game.
  22. Manfred was a midget

    Well you had to be small to fit in the older planes, but he looks about the same height as that other guy. And I've seen plenty of dogs that are taller than most average sized me on their hind legs
  23. I'm not against payware of any sort. I wouldn't want it to become standard practice for mods though, its already an expensive hobby.
  24. If only this wasn't so expensive.......

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