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Everything posted by eraser_tr

  1. Pretty arrogant considering even fourth rate air forces area able to afford su-30s these days.
  2. Being down sized!

    I feel your pain. Work in my household has been spotty for the past 7 years. At least you're still young, my father has been outsourced for years and can't get another job, nobody is going to hire a 59 year old IT project manager with 20 years of experience. They cost too much, they assume he'll retire shortly and ****ing mumbai and beijing will do the job at a tenth of the cost and quality. Oh but our economy is wonderful! the stock market has never been higher, unemployment is only 4% and we're seeing unprecedented economic growth! Can I please have what some of these economists are smoking?
  3. Anyone else find it odd that Hell Fighter on the nose is written in english on a cold war Czech plane?
  4. True enough, the problem is we've got more menacing threats on the horizon than halfassed third world countries. I just saw a news story online about Iran and Russia forming their own regional alliance, and Putin has been carefully and slowly bringing back many of the Soviet's ways. Venezuela is going socialist( and I don't mean in the canadian/scandanavian way) and China is already in an economic war with us. The Saudi royal family and General Musharraf are in pretty bad shape. We've got to be prepared for anything. And unmanned aircraft will never take the place of human pilots. Anything remote controlled leaves the "pilot" without the same effectivness of being in the cockpit, and completely robotic has such a long ways to go. Do you really want our air dominance hinging on the kind of AI opponents we see in flight sims?
  5. Frivolous

    Enlightening. Who the hell is this guy? Is it just USAFBLTdan and C5 up to their usual shenanigans or have eels finally managed to spill over into CA?
  6. Anyone know this language?

    Looks like Arabic or a similar middle eastern language. Though I have seen Indian script that looks similar as well. Al Queda is stalking you C5.
  7. Frivolous

    Wow, this is why europeans think we're all uneducated. Ok, its one thing to have a legitimate lawsuit for being wronged, but when you do something to yourself its your own damn fault. Stupid woman thought cruise control meant you didn't have to drive. These are the kind of things proponents of "intelligent design" should use to attack darwinian evolution with, such stupidity should have been weeded out eons ago. Did her ancient ancestors go over and try to pet lions thinking they were cute? They already sort of do that, its called Judge Judy, they found the bitchiest lawyer in the Bronx and made her a judge, then televise idiotic cases. Not surprisingly on Fox... These kind of things shed a bad light on all lawsuits, I for one am particularly pissed about the portrayal of a mental disorder on law and order and dr phil and want to go after him and jerry bruckheimer.
  8. Ironic, hopefully Israel will learn not to deal with China, as should we.
  9. Raptor Rusting ...

    $50,000 per plane? No big deal, they spend more than that on office chairs.
  10. No plane is invincible. Though I'm surprised the bug could see and compute a lead on the raptor.
  11. I heard one F-22 got caught low and slow in the sights of an F-18, not sure which variant.
  12. It's an F11F. Those balls, were those specifically modded to look like ufos or where their Nav lights too big and bright and look like a single light at distance. I remember reading about something like that happening in real life. I think it was a B-29, or another large 50's bomber that just got 'stuck' and hovered in place for an hour in the bermuda triangle.
  13. Anyone Get Quake Wars

    I have a mic, I just have to find where it is. Thanks
  14. I Declare Jihad On.....

    No, they translated it right, its 72 virgins, but they all look like this
  15. Anyone Get Quake Wars

    Just got it, and TF2 for my birthday Installing now, does it have a friends function to find people like steam?
  16. No, thats from Groom Lake, Nevada
  17. HAAAHHHAHAHA you should have edited the top text to be "From the same people that brought you rivet counters and Luftwhiners"
  18. Again, we don't know if his HD crashed, just that his PC is dead.
  19. Super Hornet

    What movie are you talking about?
  20. Which type of song?

    A playlist of mine: Or the forum doesn't like the code http://www.pplaylist.com/user/5386488
  21. Super Hornet

    The hardest fact we know is his computer's dead. Everything else is up in the air and differs by who says what. the HD is the worst case, everything else can be replaced without losing data, however expensive it may be.
  22. Which type of song?

    Rock of sorts. Not a big fan of metal or punk rock though. Favorite is Carlos Santana, and some trashy thug with #$%& noise came along with the same last name, and if I don't specify carlos, people think I like that cRap. Hendrix, steppenwolf, the stones, CCR, pink floyd. Most of what I like is fairly old, most newer music is utterly talentless noise, at best a repetative beat and maybe rythym. No flow, no melody, no inspiration or soul to it. A few exceptions, like 311, slightly stoopid and a few others, but they're mixed and inconsistent. they don't have the timelessness of the greats.
  23. Yeah, but what could he say we probably haven't heard already, we don't want him going on a federal vacation to scenic Ft. Leavenworth
  24. I thought the F-35 was supposed to be even stealthier because of what they learned making the F-22? What is the T/W ratio for the JSF compared to competing planes anyway?

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