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Everything posted by eraser_tr

  1. Day of days......

    wow, sorry to hear of everyone's losses. Reminds me of when I was in a similar position, but a much different incident that turned out alright. I've mentioned a few times doing Model UN. Last spring, my school set up a conference for a group of private schools with elementary/middle school kids. We were doing it in the Grand Hyatt about grand central station. A session had just finished and we were letting the kids out. They had to be signed out by a teacher or parent. I was watching the elevators to make sure none of the kids wound up getting separated and wandering off. I notice this little girl run from and try to hide from some guy. He went up and grabbed her hand and started dragging her with him. I stopped him and asked what was going on and he immediately started arguing and threatening me. He claimed to be the girls father, but refused to produce any identification badge parents and teachers had. At the opening ceremony they asked how many people had been to NY before, all of maybe 5 hands went up of the parents. this guy looked and sounded like he was from the area. I quickly glanced around for one of the people in charge and he bolted for an open elevator. I similarly bolted for security and had the cover the exits. They were slow and he got out. We called the cops and filed a police report, and had them on camera leaving the building. Thankfully, he did turn out to be the girls father, he was just an ***hole after we did a headcount and had everyone later that night.
  2. tis a shame, it'd be really cool to see her for export. Indian Navy anyone?
  3. I don't think the Yak-38 Forger goes faster than the speed of sound. I remember reading the freestyle was the first.
  4. It actually fired? had you edited the weapondata.ini?
  5. Northrop patented a design called the switchblade which looks nearly identical to the Talon. They might fly, they might have a good performance level, or they may very well perform mediocre like the P-59(americas first jet) did against props. The anime stuff certainly would never become a transformer or walking mech thingy they look like. oh the things those crazy people come up with! But they certainly wouldn't have the exaggerated performance of fiction. Hell in stealth they aparently flew from one of the 'stans to siberia, back out to sea, to alaska and to north korea within the span of minutes. Why base something with that kind of range on a carrier if you could fly that far?
  6. I guess Halliburton was getting too expensive.
  7. They're the exact same game, except soviet invasion is the European release.
  8. Semper Fi Marine!, but not in their town........

    Why would they bother when most of the country is still living in terror? And besides, the election is still a year away.
  9. Halo 3 out earn Spidey on opening day?!

    Still can't understand the reverence Halo gets among the xbox crowd. It was good and fun, but there was nothing about it to deserve this godly status.
  10. Congratulations on being the first person to ever make an aircraft skin for Djibouti, the official most obscure and unknown country ever.
  11. Semper Fi Marine!, but not in their town........

    If they already filmed on the streets of NY, why do they need to film in SF? "Traffic reasons" is why they wouldn't let them film? I don't quite think SF knows what traffic means.
  12. How to put money in Trash....

    Hey! don't dis my P-47 with CCIP
  13. That's why Red Orchestra went from mod to commercial game. Wish it had a single player like COD. Africa is really under represented, only MoH:breakthrough covered it, and they could have done better. Even in europe they leave gaps for FPS, its always D-day, usually from airborn perspective, then straight to the battle of the bulge. The only thing you see before 1943 is BoB. MoH pacific assault covered early war in the pacific, but left out late war, nothing in the west has done early war. A battle of France in a shooter would be quite interesting, outnumbered and outgunned. Holding off the Germans while evactuating across the channel.
  14. Need suggestions about wich helo sims to acquire

    eechcentral.com has a handy key binding diagram you can print out. Immensely helpful for me.
  15. Haven't We Done This Before?

    John Wayne. And you have to press 1 for english because a large portion of the population speaks spanish, and it can be kinda hard to learn a new language at 80 like my grandparents (hey its still the default don't complain)
  16. Get an LCD monitor with a slow response rate Seriously, because such effects use up processing power. Rivet counters and Luftwhiners would rather see avionics calculations exactly as an F-16 uses them than to be able to turn into the sun and be blinded by a bright HDR effect and use hiding in the sun as a real tactic. Most sims also cover a very broad area. Sure you have the white cliffs of Dover in blazing angels and you don't in CFS3, but can you fly to berlin and back in a B-17 with all of europe being equally detailed in it? Scenery tends to be much more generic because you have a continent to recreate, vector and landclass data instead of hand placed villages. Though poke around the CFS3 mods, some huge scenery improvements are available.
  17. Iran's latest....

    Streakeagle's right about their aviation industry. But copying the blue angels colors and script is really pathetic (and pathetically obvious) For a president who's anti-american he's sure striving to copy us. He was at Columbia this afternoon, saw a bit of a video of it, typical ahmedwhatever.
  18. Important pertaining to what?
  19. Syria engages Israeli Aircraft

    Mannie.B has it right. We actually launch full scale wars on suspicion of such. If for example, Cuba was lobbing missiles across the sea into Miami, there wouldn't be an island 90 miles south of florida for long afterwards. Didn't we almost start World War III over something like that way back when?
  20. Like an added difficulty level beyond hard "simulation" that would enable advanced stuff alot of people want, but leaves the other difficulty levels untouched for accessability.
  21. *cough* *cough* Ahem, I'm trying to do that in SF as a freeware mod. If any of you know a good lawyer to get the propper rights, and can fund development....

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