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Everything posted by eraser_tr

  1. I was just thinking that, commuting to school in a jet. I wonder how my university security would respond to landing a harrier in the parking lot. I wonder if they'd give me a ticket for it even if I had the parking sticker For the same price, I could buy a Mig-29 fulcrum or P-51 mustang. Decisions, decisions? For $2 mil, I can get either a custom made ferrari, or a fairly young Su-27 flanker. I think I'll take both if I won the megamillions jackpot! (now there's some wishful thinking)
  2. OMG This is Funny.....

    Haha! thats where a friend of mine used to live after his mother dragged him out there. From his descriptions, it's no real surprise.
  3. The Russians Are Coming!

    Rove rescheduled for november
  4. And F4 goes too far to be fun. Jedimaster made the point I was trying to make a little better. JSF_aggie, we're not all in the know, but for at least a thirdwire level sim, how advanced does it need to be, without simply becoming feature creep that nobody uses like the multipurpose cell "phones" that can do everything shy of hook up a usb joystick and fly on. And things like the electronics that communicate with other planes (rather old, mig-31) and such information, doesn't have any need to be modeled because it doesn't affect the gameplay.
  5. New MS Combat Sim 3?

    I just saw an add for an official addon for it yesterday as well. To hear they really want to go back to CFS is good to hear, much nicer to know the developers haven't abandoned the series and would bring her back if they can. EVERYONE BUY FSX so they have the resources!
  6. That, and more pure and direct dogfighting with WW2 era stuff, with somewhat decent speed. But yes, the F-16, A-10 and F-15 start to get boring after a while. And why I'm getting started with my ATF/USNF project for strike fighters/WOE (yep jedi, I've found help and I'm going through with it) I like thirdwire's way. They can do modern fairly well, especially once we get A/G radar with the new modes and HUD. You really don't need much more to do modern planes without going to the level of LOMAC and F4AF, which is IMHO a little frustrating to use. I want to be busy fighting, not setting my electronics. I think it would be a good move for TK to do the more modern, with the same simplicity as usual. Hausser, 2 years ago, I got right up to the X-35 at Udvar Hazy(spelling?) and the SR-71 has been on the intrepid for ages. Sure, many exacts aren't known, but what is known is usually good enough for a flight sim unless you're a rivet counter.
  7. We're...

    Would you like to come back to my place? bouncy bouncy
  8. We're...

    King? I thought we were an autonomous collective?
  9. The Russians Are Coming!

    That may be what you think, but not the rest of journalism. Considering you call fox news fair and balanced, I'll go with the rest of journalism. And yes, I tried to watch fox, the typical story is the same as every other network(they get everything from AP and rueters just like the rest) but anything political or war related, they're just a 24 hour white house press conference, and do a horrible and demeaning job of representing anything left or center.
  10. The Russians Are Coming!

    Wow, what pricks. Not gonna happen, and I intend to be tactful. Being respectful makes a hard hitting question all the more sharp and effective. Though it wouldn't be unheard of hear, they called the NYPD on students protesting the president's absurd salary raise when tuition is a record high and enrollment was a record low. But I'm well connected here, I'll be left alone. Well it was Seymour Hersch of the New Yorker who broke the story, not some tabloid hack who doesn't have to worry about credibility. Considering how known it was we were going to invade Iraq long before any of the official diplomacy or military buildup started, it would not be the slightest bit surprising to be true.
  11. The Russians Are Coming!

    It's supposedly the white house wanting to use them, and the joint cheifs rare opposed to it. Oh I'm quite sure it will be him, we didn't place first in the world's largest MUN competition for nothing. My only worry is getting to actually do so me of the questioning, there are a good ~25 people in the class.
  12. The Russians Are Coming!

    Wow! me and typhoid are agreeing. Saywhat, this needs to be stickied! For this "really cool stuff down the road" would you have use for an older IT specialist who worked on the hubble space telescope? I'm taking this "Road to the White House" course, in which C-SPAN has us able to interview various political figures. Thursday Karl Rove is scheduled, and will leave wimpering with his tail between his legs when me and my friend are done. Seymour Hersch broke that story, I think it's something like April 6th or 8th they want to use tactical nuclear weapons for a purely aerial strike against Irans nuclear facilities. Which utterly defeats the purpose of trying to stop a nation from making nuclear weapons. There'll be no digging our world image out of this hole anytime this century after that.
  13. The Russians Are Coming!

    That's what Karl Rove was for. And I get to put him on the hotseat thursday! But Rummy and Cheney were no good for the military either, I've already ranted about them cutting weapons programs. They may try to look like pro-military hawks, but they're no better than Clinton.
  14. We're...

    Are you suggesting coconuts migrate?
  15. The Russians Are Coming!

    Ah, but congress writes the checks, and the republicans were the majority back then, they're as much to blame as anyone for budget cuts. Another one of those incorrect stereotypes. It doesn't look like anyone will be cutting defense spending anytime soon now. Between the middle east, a resurging russian threat and ever present china. Though I'd rather see the spending go to Jets, rifles and armor than to handouts for well connected companies.
  16. typical navy f$@up

    And something the canadians would do too
  17. typical navy f$@up

    Read that, but it was with the USS Abraham Lincoln not Montana. Considering there being two versions, methinks both are fake.
  18. We're...

  19. Bunch of idiots have something against the Air Force

    Oh, militarism is rampant....so what?
  20. The Russians Are Coming!

    Assuming we had more air cover than on 9/11. Major US cities being radioactive rubble is not in russia's best interest. They're no longer isolated from the global market with a command economy. When New York sneezes, the whole world catches a cold, if New York became radioactive rubble, the world economy would be rubble too. We'd have to go back to trading glow in the dark donkeys and crops. That, and we have enough missiles still that could probably hit every inch of russian soil in retaliation.
  21. I know its not even close to simulation, but does anyone know if the latest Need for Speed games have LAN multiplayer? My brother and friend want a racing game to play. I tried with GTR2, they didn't go for it, they want to turn on a time at 175mph without skidding out of control, so it's arcade for them. That, and GTR2 couldn't find the game I created over the network. Now the last NFS game I touched was underground 1, and that didn't have LAN, only over the internet, have they brought it back for most wanted and carbon? Or are we stuck with the oldies unless we want to buy a seperate copy for each PC and play online?
  22. New MS Combat Sim 3?

    A shame, from what BEAR said, it was backwards compatable with 3's aircraft. The scenery looked like FSX in density and quality from the pre-beta screens. Hopefully they'll pick it up again. 3 has been vastly improved by modders, but its still missing alot of code, and while we have SF/FE/WOE open to modding, they don't do props and realism as well (no avhistory FMs either)
  23. F-11 Tiger shoots itself down

    Gee, I thought it would have been something like a sidewinder launched, but the rocket didn't kick in immediately, and when it did, the plane was far enough ahead for it to lock on and hit the launching aircraft. That would have been hilarious as long as the pilot survived. There's this saying about pissing uphill, it almost applies, but kind of reversed.
  24. Syria engages Israeli Aircraft

    Nesher's sig says it all. As a microcasm, I was the target of every disfunctional teenager when I was younger. Israel's responses to aggression are overblown and are often provocative towards neighbors. But you have to do that to survive, after a while of beating the s**t out of people who got a kick out of tormenting me( and they literally got one for it) People finally got the message and backed off. It's taking a lot longer with Israel's arab neighbors, but its how Israel has to act when everyone's out to get them.

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