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Everything posted by eraser_tr

  1. What Could of Been....

    No, because I see his blunders happening as they unfold. You'd probably be singing a different tune had you lost practically all your income, with taxes and all other expenses trippling when his oh so great tax cuts came around. And you've had to see the video of him sitting there with a dumb look on his face after Andy Card told him we were under attack.
  2. What Could of Been....

    But certainly without a disreputable, no account, draft-dodging governor from Texas. And I'm absolutely convinced 9/11 would not have occured had anyone else (McCain most likely) been president Why the Clinton hate? Life was good, the future looked good, and the whole world didn't hate us. No rampant paranoia. He was criticised about oil being $26 a barrel. We had a constitution still, I didn't have to worry about some NSA lackey reading every word I wrote and hearing everything I said over the phone. And legitimate elections. All that compared to a blow job. I'd rather see a good job being done and the guy be a sexual scumbag than a self appointed saint with the intellect and maturity of a five year old spoiled rich kid.
  3. What Could of Been....

    Indeed, Kennedy wouldn't have been assassinated, no Vietnam. But then look at it this way, we wouldn't have the great vietnam era music. And you never know what might have happened instead, with an alternate timeline, we might have gone to war with the soviets and wiped life off the face of the earth entirely in a nuclear holocaust.
  4. OFP 2: Dragon Rising

    FMV is almost always a bad sign. Scratch that, its 2007, its always a bad sign.
  5. I merge everything into one gigantic install, it's over 30 gigs. I moved it to a fresh 250gb HD from an older 40GB that couldn't contain it and 2 other games.
  6. Chavez vows revenge for Falklands war

    Like I said, he's becoming a dictator whether he helps anyone or not. But remember dictators are power hungry regardless of left/right, it's completely unfair to lump an American or European liberal's ideas with a lust for power of a crazy latin marxist. Re:project, the more the merrier. PM inbound.
  7. Chavez vows revenge for Falklands war

    I just saw a guy on Jon Stewart, a rerun of last night I think, who wrote a book about Chavez. According to him alot of people have been helped by his social programs and doesn't deserve the demonization he gets here. He cited chavez calling bush a donkey(translated he probably meant ass, but directly I find it amusing knowing American politics and how the donkey has always been a symbol of the democratic party) and that we really don't get a context of why. That may be true, but shutting down a TV station critical to him and trying to extend his term indefinitely is dictatorial no matter what else he does. FA'08= Fighters Anthology '08 yes, a SF mod I'm putting together, I'd been planning for a long time, and now it's going forward. I'm working with Dels and Marcelo already( he has about half the aircraft needed as WIPs already) It's about rebuilding the old Janes games in strike fighters.
  8. Chavez vows revenge for Falklands war

    Gordon Brown, thats the new PM of britain right? What would they call that then? the Caracas pact? Would be a pretty cool addition to cap off my FA'08 project, a bit of real tension and an excuse to make an otherwise neglected Panama/South America map they included.
  9. Chavez vows revenge for Falklands war

    Aircraft Carriers. But the Tarawa isn't a full aircraft carrier, it only launches helicopters (do harriers operate from it too?)
  10. Thats all you need to mod SF, only TK has the source code. Nobody else can do programming.
  11. Chavez vows revenge for Falklands war

    And for the record, kittens can be dangerous. A kitten of ours kicked my dogs ass, and everyone on the internet has seen that clip of a kitten jumping out of the bushes and mauling a toddler.
  12. Chavez vows revenge for Falklands war

    I thought Bush was comic relief of the world? Along with Kim jong il and ahmedinajihad or however it's spelled, but they're more dangerous. Oh come on, that giving the jews alaska instead of israel was hilariously ignorant. Usually with socialist dictatorships, power to the people means power to el jeffe and nothing but continued poverty for the people. The way Chavez acts though, would make south americans look like monkeys instead of civilized people.
  13. Chavez vows revenge for Falklands war

    Well Castro is dead, so he doesn't count anymore. It seems to be all over the world. Why do crazy extremists come in such waves? South America, who would have thought they'd be a front in World War 3?
  14. Chavez vows revenge for Falklands war

    I don't know what the pentagon thinks, but he is nuts. I've heard some things that seem to conflict with his outspoken publicity, like sending a loaded oil tanker to the US for free heating oil for seniors who can't afford it to heat their homes during the winter on their own, which IMO isn't so terrible. But then he keeps trying to stir up hostilities with the US and Europe like if he was the leader of some South American Soviet Union. Some say it's just political manuevering, trying to gain support and influence. That may be true, but he's certainly crazy and I have a very good sense for what kind of person someone is.
  15. Blind! The NA-10B is in the A-10 v3 package, along with early and late A-10A variants. Pogo, check Zurtech and yak-28 try colum5 or major lee's site.
  16. Another WIP you'd enjoy flying off a carrier. Going to need someone for the flight model when the Lod is ready.
  17. Should probably adjust the air units in SF/WOE campaigns to reflect that. More squadrons, lower chance of each showing up.
  18. It's Nucular, and wacky isn't quite the word for it..... But we have recently had a deal giving them nuclear technology, so it's not entirely out of the question. We've been selling F-16s and F-18s for years, their technology shouldn't be that big of a deal, even for the new iterations (and didn't they redesignate the block 60 aircraft to E?). The mig is an incredibly logical and likely choice. The Eurofighter is just a hunch, a gut feeling sort of thing, easier to picture them in IAF service than the Rafale or Grippen.
  19. My bet is on the typhoon.
  20. Holy Moly!

    Happy Birthday! You're only as old as you act.
  21. I thought they were out of power already? They got elected because of their promise to make life for palestinians better, that worked out well
  22. DARPA Load Carrying Systems for the Infantry

    Anti-tank donkeys, something tells me that won't be in the next medal of honor installment.
  23. What difference does it make? Everything. And even the original wasn't too shabby once the modding community came to life. Get off the bash cfs3 bandwagon, most people who hate it have either: 1. never gave it a chance in the first place. 2. Completely ignore mods and judge it by stock content. 3. Never even played it.
  24. Long Live Fidel?

    Nope, they're all republicans here. However, I've seen and made much better jabs than that.
  25. New A2G weapon from Iran

    IIRC they have Mig-29s too, those are a bit more difficult to handle. Now, who'll model the new bomb for the weapons pack? The important question: do they have he laser designator pods to use it properly?

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