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Everything posted by eraser_tr

  1. Long Live Fidel?

    I doubt there will be much different. We really ought to lift that embargo, the cold war is over, communism is dead. If American tourists could travel freely and trade wasn't restricted, Cuba would be the hottest place in the carribean, much like it was before Castro took over.
  2. Don't laugh at CFS3. Even the IL2 crowd has been giving MAW a good rep.
  3. Long Live Fidel?

    Bah! made up by authoritarians and neo-nazis themselves to discredit valid comparisons of political actions and views. Castro, is/was not quite up to that level yet, though no better than the typical Latin dictator and just as bad or worse than Battista.
  4. Long Live Fidel?

    Indeed, Cuban, but from NY, plenty of relatives in FL though.
  5. You tripped and fell backwards trying to take a picture and your son was looking down in your face?
  6. Long Live Fidel?

    He hasn't been seen in months, so he probably is. Won't make a difference for lifting the embargo.
  7. Why Why Why Why Why?

    Yeah, I hate the pity and making a big deal out of things. Just a simple understanding of any shortcomings and not to hold it against me.
  8. DARPA Load Carrying Systems for the Infantry

    So we couldn't even afford armor for the donkeys? Not the army you'd like to have.......
  9. Took them a while to find him I guess. Wasn't the F-86K canonless?
  10. Why Why Why Why Why?

    Well hospital bills are absurd now. 2nd degree burns probably would be a million dollars, but IIRC she was an idiot and wasn't serious. But people know that's just a get rich quick scheme. Well with the current economy, I can't really blame them.
  11. Why Why Why Why Why?

    No, but that's what the Darwin Awards are for.
  12. how to...

    The F-4 doesn't have CCIP. Dive bombing is your best bet, I've never been able to level bomb without CCIP. The A-10 has it though.
  13. Why Why Why Why Why?

    No such thing as normality, thats for sure.
  14. Haven't We Done This Before?

    If we sent B-2s out past failsafe points they wouldn't even know it
  15. Why Why Why Why Why?

    The sinister Mel Gibson defense. They give drivers licenses to anyone, and they shouldn't. I hate such careless drivers, and I get the bad reputation because young people drive faster. I can't tell you how many times I've almost been sandwiched or sideswipped by people not paying attention to what they're doing. Ok, I can understand accidentally hitting a person behind you in a wheelchair if they're below your field of vision looking back. But you stop, get out, call an ambulance and help her. Not keep going! How can you run a person over twice?! and then claim she had the right of way? I really hope she's facing serious charges.
  16. Well, if I had to bet, I think people would do more constructive work. Like when ketegeys first showed it off, he made an AI plane flyable, added 6DOF trackIR and let you get out of planes and run around ( INCREDIBLY useful, and realistic....I can't tell you how many times I've bailed out just over enemy lines, and was captured despite there being nothing between me and friendlies except a blue/red fence across the map) All constructive. Hopefully everyone will wind up happy.
  17. I think his name was tagert or something like that. windows and linux are entirely different. windows is a commercial product, whereas linux is an open source OS. Both the SFS and CAT extractor are 3rd party developed tools, kind of like winzip, but specialized for specific archive formats. Do you really think people will go through all the effort required to mod the game, just to cheat online? from the way things look, it's not just extract file, open in notepad, change and save. Poof! uber UFO P.11c! It looks like you have to decompile things in order to make any real changes besides things like sounds and textures. The average person won't be able to. people cheat to win and cheat because they don't want to put the effort in to win legitimately, why would they put more effort in to cheat than it would to just work up your skills? Also, the tiny bit of online playing I did when I ffirst got the game, people were already bitching about cheating....it wouldn't make a difference, people who lost will bitch about cheating because they didn't win even if there was no way to cheat. And shouldn't every server simply run those checks to validate files?
  18. It's not a matter of legality, its who likes and doesn't like it. If the SFS extractor was illegal, then so would be the CAT extractor, legality can't center around if someone encourages something or not. Maddox only resents it because his player base is psychotically against it. And yes it is possible, and really, why cheat? it's a freaking game! It's not like there's money being bet on these games or something. If you lose, it makes no difference to anyone, and if it does to the point you'd want to cheat, you're too immature to be playing a game online anyway. Or simply start your own server with all the realism settings turned off so you can fly however you want. And anything they don't like is a banable offense, they banned what's his name for studying the flight models and comparing them against real data to show the flight models weren't accurate.
  19. Too much work, not enough play

    All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. A college student off from classes makes for plenty of time to play and mod. No kids, no girlfriend, minor work around the houseand none of my friends around kind of make me look pampered. When thats not the case, and I'm busy with school (and that is really busy) I simply budget my time at home between games and work. I keep a little egg timer on an empty spot on the desk and set it to a half hour. Once it goes off, I switch between either research/writing on my laptop or reading and games.
  20. Well thats not rumor thats from the developers. They also are going to have stock only servers so people can play hassle free like IL2. What really got me was reading a year or so back was that the person who implements completed planes into the game only does the ones he likes and interested in, not what players want, even if its ready( like the fokker DXXI or CW-21 demon) and as we've seen from patches, his interests are apparently minor russian varients with tiny differences in engines, weapons and performance. Cheating online, yes some people will do it, but thats the same for anything. What they don't understand is the flight sim crowd appreciates realism. If you want to put six 30mm canons on a P.11 that goes 600mph, you probably fly the arcade types
  21. Piracy is allowing people who don't have the game to own it without paying for it (or use its content in another game), so modding a game really can't be considered piracy/illegal. Nor would a tool for modding, if the SFS extractor was piracy, then so would be the strike fighters CAT extractor. It's not a matter of legality, its who likes and doesn't like it. Stop and think for a second, if the IL2 online players weren't so vocal and psychotically obsessively paranoid about cheating, then some concern about compatability, there'd have been a huge modding community for IL2 long ago. SoW:BoB, they're going to support adding planes, maps etc. What you do with a game you've bought it is entirely up to you. If its on my hard drive I own it and nobody has the right to say I can't change it.
  22. The Fog of War

    I'd have loved to be able to fly in the airforce or navy, but could never join because of health complications. So no, I can't speak from personal experience. Who are you saying considers people expendable? The congressmen on the left, or DOD and high level military personel?
  23. The Fog of War

    I'm sorry you've lost friends, and wish your sons the best. Nobody is out to betray them. I've never, nor have seen anyone who isn't just an insensitive ***k actually be against the people who are in harms way. Politics mean nothing when you're in a fight, survival is more important than whatever motives there may be for any of it. It's the policy makers taking the heat. How is it betraying them to want them home? How is it treasonous and terrible to not want people I graduated with, friends I grew up with to get hurt? But don't hate an entire spectrum of ideology because of individuals, because there are people trying to make a profit on oth sides. Who's "they"? people like that bald guy or that ugly woman who go on TV as analysts? For them, that makes some sense, if they both had appearances on different networks, it'd be moronic and counterproductive to say two completely different or even contradictory things if they're supposed to be representing the same organization. Hell, that was a huge criticism of democrats before that they were too divided and didn't have a single message, isn't that a bit of a double standard? Everyone has propaganda, it's just who actually listens to it.
  24. Home Owners Associations

    Fine you? ha! ok now they're trying to rip you off. They're not the town, county or state government, some guy with too many sticks shoved up his *** has no legal authority to do so, no more than I can pull someone over and fine them for speeding(unless of course he is a police officer or real town official, though something tells me he isn't). Actually I think that kind of thing would fall under extortion. Just one question, have you continued painting the house the original color you planned on?

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