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Everything posted by eraser_tr

  1. Considering I've installed quite alot since then, and encountered the problem from first installing it (after reinstalling my operating system) I don't have a baseline where everything did work properly.
  2. Sounds exactly like the problem I'm having! Only difference is my voice and IR growl are about that same 25% of everything else. Something else must have changed somewhere that's causing this in both of us. I've got W7 with Aero on and its still giving me a problem.
  3. It's set in october. I'm playing through that campaign now and I've been getting mostly broken or scattered clouds if any at all.
  4. Judge Rules Against Stolen Valor Act

    my thoughts are just as S&E's above. I would like to add a little bit however: there are some benefits one might be able use by fraudulently claiming to be a war hero. It wouldn't be surprising to find someone trying to take advantage of scholarships and grants for education soldiers get from universities, or medical care from the VA, though that would be much harder to pull off. As for the law itself, it's wholely unnecessary to make statutes for absolutely everything. The current common law for fraud really should be all that is needed for such circumstances.
  5. US military airplanes in 1936?

    yeah, my mistake, the B-18 was the bolo. I admittedly don't pay nearly as much attention to bombers as fighters. Well if you look at the numbers for any American pre-war plane, they were all in small numbers, even fewer than today's production numbers. We weren't looking for war and stayed out as long as possible at the time.
  6. Indeed, .dds has essentially become a standard for games now and they do basically everything other formats can.
  7. US military airplanes in 1936?

    The B-18 may have been a later model Bolo, but the 10 certainly was. I've liked the idea of a WW2 sparked early in both the pacific and Europe. It would have been really interesting to see how some of the US fighters like the P-35 and P-36 would have done had they served more. I remember reading that an American became an ace piloting a P-35 in the phillipines that managed to take down zeroes. It and the P-43 were the direct ancestors of the mighty jug afterall. Similarly read the P-36 was quite maneuverable and gave a good accounting of itself in France as one of their better fighters.
  8. Sounds like it would be really valuable for info on WP aircraft and equipment. But yeah, reliability of any conclusions made about data is questionable, but solid numerical data should be fine. Doubt the accuracy of info on NATO equipment outside of anything that was ever directly captured. I remember seeing how we were mortified by the Mig-25 and thought it was a super fighter like the F-15 or 16 became, rather than as a heavy interceptor with limited range and capabilities until a pilot defected with one.
  9. We have the worst..but whats the best commercials?

    The shake weight.
  10. Commercials I'm so tired of ...

    No! even after all the arguements I had here, I would never unleash such horror on anyone. Be glad most people are way out of the area, every damn commercial break its on.
  11. US military airplanes in 1936?

    When Italy invaded Ethiopia and Hailey Sellasie however its spelled goes to the league of nations and they actually do something. I like between this period and the start of WW2, the 36-40 range, lots of prototypes and designs that were used in WW2, but rarely get seen in flight sims, even as AI only.
  12. Commercials I'm so tired of ...

    I've only seen both of those once. definitely all the progressive commercials, and the burger king ones with that plastic masked "king" are f***ing creepy. Oh and then there is that Optimum Online commercial that's made to be a fake news show, as well as any that try to do the same kind of crap. We know its a commercial dammit! Just show the product/spokesman, a quick selling point or two, buy it and goodbye. Bob's discount furnature. It's furnature, calm the f*** down...really. And if you absolutely have to use cartoon or 3d animation, please make sure it looks decent. It doesn't have to be Avatar, just not done by a 12 year old, you know, the same one who decorates his webpage with flaming skull gifs. Oh and the ones done with 20 year old video cameras, no lighting, rehearsing or multiple takes. A comercial that looks like it was shot in your garage using yourself and your hillbilly neighbor is going to make me avoid your business, even if its spectacular.
  13. US military airplanes in 1936?

    Hrm lets see. The P-35 and P-36 weren't introduced til a year or two later, so for fighters that would leave them primarily with the P-26. A few other odd types were around, but barely saw any use if at all. The P-12 was still used probably, and was used by the navy as the F4B. The navy also used the Curtiss Hawk as the F11C/BF2C and Grumman FF-1 F2F and F3F biplanes. For dive bombers, the Curtiss A-12 and Northrop A-17 were in service with the USAAC. the heavier bomber used would have been the B-10 Bolo. Not exactly the most exciting group of planes.
  14. Various Bumper Stickers Seen on US Military Bases

    One I heard from an Army guy not to long ago: MARINES - My Ass Rides In Naval Equipment Sometimes
  15. 30 Years of CaddyShack

    The last time I saw a mouth like that, it had a hook in it.
  16. Deus Ex:Human Revolution trailer

    Well the original was 2050 or something close to that, and the mechanical augmentations were obsolete. JC Denton was said to be 23 in the first one, do the math and you get 2027 for a birth year. Hopefully that means we'll have an already born Paul involved as a child. I really hope they do a good job tying it into the first one, dealing with all the appropriate characters. Bob Page and Walton Simons laying the ground work for Deus Ex, the formation of UNATCO and the NSF, and Gunther Hermann better show up as another agent and already be paranoid about orange soda.
  17. So it's an entirely scripted mission & escort then?
  18. Happy Birthday Ezlead and Typhoid

    Happy Birthday guys!
  19. Amazing! and intriguing. I'm guessing the mainstay is set as a bomber and that's how you got it to spawn escort flights, or is that a scripted mission?
  20. Seriously?

    It wasn't a vampire, it was a Twilight fan. I think she was going for the "this will be the most creative excuse you've heard so you should give me a pass on this one" approach.
  21. 'Do your Bird' Lohan

    In response to the news, her clothing line has released a new item: The unisex jumpsuit, available in bright orange and with personalized names and numbers! It has already been seen being worn by stars such as Paris Hilton and Kiefer Sutherland
  22. 234 Years Ago

    Happy Independance day! :english_en:
  23. What about space combat sims?

    Depends what you're looking for. There's the X series that has great visuals and a mixture of combat and trade/industry. Plenty of mods and modding. Starshatter is ok, it's not as polished since it comes from a small indie dev like TK, but it's got newtonian physics, dynamic campaigns and atmospheric flight/combat. Or there's EVE if you like the online approach, but you don't directly steer the ship and fire the guns in combat. It has a similar mixture to the X games. I just got it (amazing discount on steam) and am in a corp that's recruiting.
  24. Why me?

    That's neither a joke, prank or anywhere near just idiotic. That manipulating people for amusement when the end result will probably be too serious for anyone to stomach is dangerous and sociopathic. He shouldn't be anywhere near a position of authority.
  25. new 'The lord of the Rings' announced

    Am I the only one getting sick of this glorified kazoo everywhere? Now don't get me wrong, this is the first time I've ever seen us Americans psyched over soccer (USA! USA! USA!....f***ing referees....) but the kazoo everywhere is getting anoying.

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