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Everything posted by eraser_tr

  1. The Fog of War

    Well said. Just one tiny point about the media. On a personal note, I know all too badly how wrong they get things. I recently became aware of episodes of Dr. Phil and Law & order that were absolutely insulting to people with a condition I have in how wrongly it was portrayed. They're not invested in any one side, or in delivering news anymore. They're a business and they're invested in making a profit, and their business is simple entertainment. Back to the points then. 1. Empathize with your enemy. You can't empathize with someone you're fighting, otherwise you won't be able to fight them. The gist I get from that, understand your enemy would fit better. And no, not understand as in offer therapy and be friends. Understand as in knowing how they think, their motivations to better predict what they'll do, and how they'll react to what you do. 4. maximize efficiency. Thats the number cruncher coming out in him. Efficiency isn't everything, too much can actually become harmful. Now I'm going by business and general life, but you should never sacrifice effectiveness ( or quality) for the sake of efficiency. It's better to be effective and inefficient than efficient and ineffective. Because then in the long run, you'll be both inefficient and ineffective.
  2. Well thats what Gmax was created for. Sadly they gave it such limited export options, and charged developers $75,000 to have a gamepack for it. If they charged a more reasonable fee it might have caught on. But that 75,000 could be used for much more efficient things. For roughly 10% of that you can buy a speedtreeRT sdk license. I'm actually rather surprised no flight sims have made use of it yet, even MSFSX. They could have saved alot of performance, kept a high tree density and looked even better if they had. Ask Capun about getting it from gmax to 3ds, he seems to have no trouble with it.
  3. Your first order of business is to get the model into 3DSMAX so it can be exported into LOD format. It's possible from GMAX, but I've never been able to do it successfully.
  4. The Fog of War

    What happened to instill this hatred in you Typhoid? An otherwise great guy, add politics and Poof! rabid wolf. Ask yourself, who is more on the fringe, someone who scorns the mistakes of both sides, or just one? The only news I pay any attention to anymore is the traffic and weather. And they're never right either No, as much as Ann Coulter and Rush Limbaugh would like you to believe, Harry Reid and Howard Dean don't send out a bulletin to anyone left or reasonably center with beliefs and arguements that can be tossed away when the next one comes in. As for plans, it looks like we had everything in place and the DOD was put in charge of postwar Iraq, and Rumsfeld just screwed them up. If he had just let people do their jobs instead of micromanaging everything, and if he had listened to Tommy Franks and gone with his original numbers, Iraq would be stable right now. I'll continue later, but I'll leave off with my favorite quote from Robin Williams in Man of the Year "If it was unpatriotic to question the government, we'd be British."
  5. Great to see you're still going on this.
  6. First, what version of the Tomcat? The original version uses old avionics and boresight, the new uses TWS and ACM. The automatic lock for boresight and ACM have short ranges that are useless for the phoenix. Either one, you have to manually select and lock the target in search mode. Once locked it will switch to boresight mode at a longer range, then you can fire the missile. The only difference with new avionics is that it will switch to TWS once you lock.
  7. Poll about the various languages forums here...

    Especially if its a whole different alphabet. Then unless you know the language, you can't even guess meanings through similarities
  8. Then I'm getting my physics crossed somewhere, it has been a few years.......
  9. *sigh* this is why IL2ers freak out at the idea of modding.
  10. Home Owners Associations

    Well the one my parents were in before I was born wasn't too bad from their stories, but it got disbanded long before so I'd have no idea what it was really like. We do have some crooked police departments around here, and absurd town and county permits though. According to the law, to make any electrical change, you have to hire a master electrician. And yes, ANY. even for changing a lightbulb. I like Dwcace's suggestion, go tell them to F themselves. You own the property, you paint the house however you want. This is America, you're supposed to have the freedom to do that sort of thing.
  11. Powerful enough engines and big enough wings will get any load flying at any speed. But if you try to chase a mig in a B-52, the wings will rip off and you'll become a very large unguided bomb. If someone managed to make an "intertia canceliing machine" That would probably make a craft just sit in one place, unable to move, in a museum of useless brilliance probably. To cancel the effect of inertia, you've got to have an equal force in the opposite direction of what you want to cancel.
  12. The Fog of War

    What most people don't know is how far back our involvment with Vietnam and Ho Chi Mihn went. He started off on our side and we told him to piss off. It could have all been avoided. With Iraq, the plans were in place for postwar Iraq. It would have worked, but Rumsfeld came in as a control freak over it all and essentially let it all rot. And going in with alot more troops at the start would have made a huge difference in maintaining order.
  13. The Fog of War

    Yes, I remember, IEDs laced with Chlorine or other chemicals and Iraq/Iran leftovers you posted a link to, hardly what was sold as a justification. Not these massive bunkers producing nuclear warheads or enough Anthrax and Nerve Gas to wipe out the continental US. I'm talking enriched Uranium, Plutonium. Real weapons grade material, fissionable material. Pakistan is a declared nuclear state, we don't have to trust anyone's claims. Everyone is hoping it doesn't happen, but Musharraf is desperate and won't last long. At least in such a scenario, I can wholeheartedly support that war because it is a real threat. Also, were you aware that the head of the Pakistani ISI wired $100,000 to Mohammed Atta on september 9th, 2001?
  14. I'm finally gaining some momentum for a project I've been planning out for a while. I need someone who can make new terrains. I took a stab at it and its not my cup o' tea. I had talked to Edward a while back, but he is busy with many other terrain projects, and terrain is a huge priority because of the work it involves. The maps needed would be for the Black Sea/Ukraine, The Baltic Sea and states, the Vladivostok area bordering Manchuria and the Kuril Islands.
  15. Will it Blend?

    Gotta love the glowsticks. The intro gets annoying after about 2 videos though.
  16. The Fog of War

    Hopefully when we have to go into Pakistan to make sure Islamic radicals don't get nukes for real this time They'll have learned their lesson.
  17. WOOT

    Actually, CA hadn't worked for me as late as 4 and didn't even see the time of your post.
  18. WOOT

    Dammit spectre you beat me to it!
  19. World in Conflict

    Seen some previews and ads in PCLamer. Looks very promising. Sort of a modern day WWIII RTS, with instead of the cold war ending, it goes hot like WOE. Can anyone play the beta, or is there an official demo out?
  20. The Fog of War

    Really fates? I read about him picking targets to bomb with his mathematics? Much like rumsfeld in being a micro managing freak. Those points are general enough to be hard to argue against no matter how much he screwed up.
  21. had no idea what the wrapper was for....will try it when i get home. EDIT: Wrapper patch worked perfectly fine. I have whichever version was released in the UK and shipped to america from gogamer.com. Now, how to go about giving the MS.406, MS.410 and Morko Morane the hurricane's cockpit, P-36 the P-40B's cockpit, and the Avenger the SBD cockpit. Anyone know Ketegey's email? he was the one who did this a while back and showed off the flyable morane and 6 DOF for trackIR.
  22. myspace

    Did somebody here add me on myspace? I got this friend request from someone in the army at fort bragg who wasn't advertising like most random people. Was it someone from here?
  23. AFAIK, they implemented checks against changing game files in 4.08. Why can't online IL2 players grasp the concept of modding a game without cheating in multiplayer? I haven't played online since pacific fighters first came out. Really, what is so wrong with wanting to fly the P-36, the morane fighters or TBM, what's wrong with wanting to fly over a desert map in quick combat? For all the whining about torpedo bombers, this kind of thing should be welcome.
  24. So you managed to find it. THANK YOU! Now if I can only find what files determines what maps are available for quick missions, and how to give cockpits to AI planes to make them flyable.
  25. Ditto To fold the USAF into the army again would be madness, nevermind the budgetary issues.... It'd be kinda cool to go back to the old roundels and color schemes on modern jets. Varying shades of gray are pretty boring to fly dozens of campaign missions. Been painting skins of this theme(mostly IL2 ATM), maybe I'll upload the ones I feel look good enough not to be laughed at when compared to all the great skins already out there.

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