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Everything posted by eraser_tr

  1. I know of no mech that couldn't make quick work of anything in the sky so long as it wasn't outfitted only with weapons useless for anti-air. I always carry pulse lasers which do the job excellently. Hrm, a mechwarrior section would be great here too, it's impossible to find files or a central forum for the old game. There's multiple people modding mercs, but I'll be damned if I'll ever find what tools I need or where to get them. Maybe I'll start on a stilletto( heavy ground attack plane) or that small VTOL fighter.
  2. Oh awesome! do they actually walk? They need to be near impossible to take down from the air and be effective anti-air platforms. Just recently got back into MW4 mercs too!
  3. New russian stealth fighter

    Damn, it looked like a significant improvement, especially in the weight department. The XM-8 was derived from the G36 family, so there are alot of similarities. At least H&K decided to continue with it as a private venture, hopefully someone makes use of it, quite a nice gun to go to waste. With regards to the talon, Northrop actually patented a FSW swing wing design that looks almost exactly the same. It may not have engines from the space shuttle or such a futuristic computer like the (lame) movie, but its something. That model mig-37 feret would never be used as an actual design. Even if it would fly well, they'd never make a real plane based off an american designed model airplane. It's a shame, when WWIII arrives, we're going to be left in the same unprepared state as we were for WWII. At least we have the F-22.
  4. New russian stealth fighter

    You can't shoot what you can't see. And on the topic of next-gen military tech, It's a shame they cancelled the RAH-66 Comanche. Did they give any reasoning for that? And what is going on now with the XM-8/XM-25/XM-29 OICW program. Last I read it was on hold and they were re-evaluating the requirments and were going to hold a competition with other arms makers for the contract.
  5. Oh I have no worries about quality. I'm just worried I'll be out of college, have a full time job and even time to play before they come out!
  6. oh how glorious! My only concern is marcelo spreads himself too thin with projects.
  7. I thought politics was off limits in the pub too? Any word on price?
  8. Can you actually take off with that much ordinance? When I was testing the XL, the standard load was more difficult than usual.
  9. What do you mean by low end machine?
  10. AFAIK none of the flankers are going to be payware right?
  11. Enough enough! What's the estimated price? This is one I have to buy.
  12. More like what the hell are those things at the front wing roots?
  13. Who is Looking Forward to Transformers?

    Or Ironhide, or Brawn, or......Optimus Prime Especially when we don't have the slightest explanation for Wheeljack, just a half desaturated body in all of 3 frames in autobot city. The least they could have done was sign on the movie voice actors for the next season of the series...but then again, who really likes Leonard Nemoy or Robert Stack( cue the start of airplane jokes!)
  14. J-10! Marcelo, I want to marry you in a non gay way.
  15. Who is Looking Forward to Transformers?

    But of all the G1 autobots who were slaughtered in the animated movie, jazz was pretty much the only survivor besides bumblebee.
  16. Who is Looking Forward to Transformers?

    Except for that secret government guy. They should have cut him from the script entirely. Then my only real complaint would be Primes lame intro speach and long nosed cab (and Jazz ).
  17. Massive Penetrator in development

    My hovercraft is full of eels.
  18. Someone is working on a new Mig-9, they may do a dedicated pit.
  19. Very spotty. Some models it will load, every one of them so far has been really screwed up looking. Most simply just crash the program.
  20. EDITED, didn't see the posts about it being taken down.
  21. Who is Looking Forward to Transformers?

    I think its time to dig out those 1980's era transformers from the attic. Anyone else have an Ebay fortune sitting around? 21, Phew! Hotter than hell. But IMHO, she doesn't look like the kind of girl I'd date.
  22. Massive Penetrator in development

    Yes. It's still a nuclear weapon and leaves the area radioactive regardless of the yield. The overall levels are lower. But using them at all is a slippery slope, if you use the weakest, its not too much to use slightly larger ones, and slightly larger ones after that and so on. Besides, I read about those "rods from god" fastcargo linked to, those could reach the same level of penetration. She wouldn't walk right for weeks :tomato2:
  23. How different is the I from the US late model 2 seaters?
  24. Massive Penetrator in development

    hairy, fat and ugly.... At first I thought someone had leaked the film of me and Genesis Rodriguez, but then I thought "ooh bombs, even better"
  25. Obviously, but I meant a propper SFP1 version.

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