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Everything posted by eraser_tr

  1. Massive Penetrator in development

    Weak kneed my ass. Sane is more like it, no congress in their right mind would support using nuclear weapons in anything but a World War 3 MAD scenario. Think about it. Nuclear weapons, in the 62 years since they've been around they were used only twice to put an end to world war 2. And those were primitive and weak in comparison to what we made afterwards. Is a bunker really worth thousands of years of radiation( and the risk the nuclear material could fall into the wrong hands)?
  2. YESS an american version! I doubt either are the baddest, try the FSW F-16 I saw somewhere.
  3. What Are You Doing to Stay "Green"?

    Starts april 6th, 2008 according to seymore hersch. Will the JSF be operational by then so we can fly serverandenforcer's F-35A? Brazil's sugarcane ethanol looks like a nice alternative, but they're chopping down the amazon for fields, which adds to the CO2 problem.
  4. Massive Penetrator in development

    Jeez, the 20k pound MOAB they were testing wasn't enough?
  5. Who is Looking Forward to Transformers?

    Well once again you're in the minority paul. Saw it the other day with a bunch of friends and my brother, he was the only one that didn't like it. But his favorite movie was always dunston checks in so.... Megan Fox is legal right? they were supposed to be in 11th grade, but for the sake of not being a dirty pedophile she they better have cast someone older.
  6. And IMHO, it's alot less work to learn how everything works, plus you'll have the benefit of being able to mod things yourself.
  7. I know they're eww, but still cool to have and fly.
  8. that and the early yak and lagg jets.
  9. It's a long story that's best forgotten. Created lots of stigma and that sort of thing.
  10. Live Earth

    that was too good!
  11. It wouldn't be viable for this community at all. The only basic install is straight from the CD and TK's patches, beyond that all bets are off. Everyone tweaks things themselves and installs the mods they want.
  12. Live Earth

    I'd still rather see something peer-reviewed for credibility. I just finished a course on psuedoscientific claims, and distinguishing amatuer science, from real science.
  13. Various old sims for sale or free

    The one I said fedex was the obvious choice and asked about payment? Nah, I have USAF already, I was checking to make sure you want to sell her with its recent revitalization.
  14. Looking good! We've needed one of these for a while.
  15. Various old sims for sale or free

    You got my reply PM about shipping right? I hope that copy of USAF is an extra, with that gigantic super pro 9 overhaul it looks worth going back to again.
  16. Live Earth

    Maybe one country on any given day. A hundred and fifty years of burning coal, oil and other fossil fuels adds up to alot more than .1% Check the sources of the researce that says that. Find out who they get their funding from, I'd confidently bet that it comes from highly polluting energy companies. Ever see the intro for "Thank You For Smoking"? Show me something published in Nature, THE premier and most respected scientific journal showing human actions have had no significant effect on global warming. Then I won't give a s**t about CO2 emissions or the polar ice caps melting.
  17. An F-14D needs more than just slightly more squared engines and landing lights. The cockpit needs work for MFDs instead of just a radar screen and a bunch of other relatively minor tweaks.
  18. Racing sims discussion?

    It wouldn't quite go with the name of the site, but what the hell. It'd also be great to centralize a download location for usually pretty scattered games. With that in mind, I also play a space combat/strategy game, X3 Reunion that would fit in the scifi section. And would benefit from an organized downloading site. Currently to find a mod or even individual ships and scripts, you have no choice but to scroung through tons of forums for links people post.
  19. Long loading times?

    loading takes a long time for me...its all the shader optimizations. It zips to like 64% and sits there for 5 minutes, then zips to 100%
  20. Live Earth

    oh it certainly happens naturally, thats unavoidable. But you'd be a fool to believe we can pump out all the smog and chemicals we want into the air and not screw things up as well. The idea is to strike a balance between economic growth and keeping the environment in check.
  21. Racing sims discussion?

    Eh thats because the mod makers got scared and don't fight it, and thats what they bet on. Like a crooked mechanic getting away with phoney charges because people don't question the bill.
  22. I was thinking, maybe we should have a forum for them. I thought we did and was going to post one for a particularly good mission in SFP1, but noticed there wasn't one.
  23. Racing sims discussion?

    The same could be said about lawyers for Aerospace companies, but that doesn't stop the Mirage factory Ultimately adding a car to a game 3rd party falls under fair use so long as the maker isn't making a profit.
  24. Racing sims discussion?

    Well modding is a deciding factor for my purchase of a game, so that automatically disqualifies them....and I'm ethically opposed to taking brilliant PC series and making them on consoles and porting them back to their home platform in a lame castrated form( see rainbow six or halo) Would rFactor support non lapped tracks? ie drag racing or roads? I know you can do circuits that are decorated like roads. Another of my unrealistically huge mod ideas was doing a simulation need for speed mod, the cars and tracks from the series, but with realism that would satisfy rivet counters. I also see the G25 has dropped in price. Maybe by this christmas it'll be affordable for me.

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