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Everything posted by eraser_tr

  1. Form follows function. might have gotten the official name "mustang II" as for what pilots would call it, who knows?
  2. They're supposed to be, but I've never seen it happen. There's a squadron editor posted in the files section, you can use that to change pilot's stats and whether they're KIA, MIA or active. You could change a dead or missing pilots name, exp and make them alive again as a makeshift pilot replacement. There's nothing you can't fix with enough duct tape.
  3. I think the decal limit is 4. However, if its making an entire pylon go invisible, its probably a max problem. Either that, or transparency of the texture.
  4. No, thats the new british "magnetic pylon" You see, they're strong electromagnets that keep ordinance suspended near the aircraft, but not attached so it doesn't affect the weight or drag of the plane
  5. As long as you know "how not to be seen". When Marcelo finishes the nighthawk/DS comes out, you should announce it with a shot of it at night and name the thread after the monty python bit
  6. How the heck did you come up with that?

    Mine goes back over 10 years. I picked Eraser as a call sign for flight sims and as a multiplayer name in other games. It was a natural choice for forums. the _tr stands for Tamriel Rebuilt, a mod for an RPG series I've been with for four and a half years. Someone already took Eraser, when that happens I just tag _tr onto the end to identify that I'm the same person. Actually, plain Eraser here is probably me, just registered earlier and completely forgot about it
  7. Blue thunder? Jedi, thats what i just said. And of course there are all the XF, YF, XB, YB. The F-107 has quite a few admirers
  8. Red Flag Alaska Pictures (56k Be Warned)

    Well red flag is the name of the training/wargame exercise not the AFB, could be held anywhere.
  9. That would automatically become the best scenery available for SF/WOE
  10. Nothing to intimidate a new modeler huh?
  11. yes, WW2 italy on a modern jet. I'm painting a few american planes in WW2 colors, slowly, think of an F-4 or tomkitty in the light blue used in 1942. Or for that matter, a P-51 or P-47 in SEA or Euro camo! Is that desert marine skin or RF-4E euro camo uploaded anywhere?
  12. I've always been a fan or the less common types, the prototypes, experimental designs or research planes. They tend to be the hardest to make though, without nearly as many resources( drawings, color profiles, performance data) I've been obsessed with the X-29 FSW and X-31 EFM and have wanted to fly those in an environment more advanced than janes ATF for quite a while.
  13. How dare you! Looking at a texture in a game against the background of a texture in a game, you can't really get a true effect of camoflauge(spelling?). It's amazing how a pattern of completely different colors can blend in. Perfect example: my cat. Bright orange on slightly darker orange, sitting in the middle of my backyard( green grass) was absolutely invisible until I was about 3 feet from her. It's not so much that the camo really hides something, its that your eye passes over it without noticing if you don't know something is there. Same with a regular soldier's camo, works great if you don't know where they are, but once you do, it doesn't blend in at all. Except those suits snipers use. You could step on them and not know it.
  14. Try the Uber AI mod in the downloads section. the TW games are best enjoyed by tinkerers, if you want to justs install and play a game without any modding, you're better off with LOMAC or F4AF. Indeed, a nice video. But what's that blurting sound? I recognized the RWR track/lock and IR seek/lock seperately from it.
  15. Reminds me of the "spiral of death" from CFS3. I wonder how the old crew back on MAW are doing?
  16. More likely the eject view is exactly the same as the killed view. Maybe at least a sound could be played, maybe a voice "Eject, Eject, Eject!" or a sound for actually punching out to distinguish between the two? One of the few things that irk me about the series, tiny details that should be a no brainer but just can't be done
  17. Hrm, so much for seeing trouble on the way. Glad it ain't me...
  18. Perhaps an ejection seat model could be attached to the canopy, so that as the canopy goes falling off, the seat shoots up? It's also helpful in a way, more than a few times I thought I had ejected just in time to save myself, but wind up dead on the mission debrief.
  19. Awesome! oh and wrench, please, please don't get me started on de-humanizing enemies. Well, actually they usually just turn into Tomcat love threads, not many side with the bug
  20. So we can't afford to repair planes, we can't afford armor for humvees or kevlar vests for soldiers; Where the hell is the money going? Indeed, the tomcat will never be retired on my hard drive. or at least until an F-22N is in service :P
  21. In looking for a side by side comparison I had seen earlier of the F-14D, FA-18E and SU-33, I came across a little bit about how in afghanistan, the super bombcat was outperforming the superbug. I said it before, since when has cost mattered for the military? How many billions are we up to in iraq and afghanistan, but we can't afford to fix the navy's best interceptor?
  22. F-35A

    Yeah, well none of the F-35 pictures came out. Damn stealth aircraft....
  23. hehe generally that spook talk( neither confirm nor deny etc etc.) means yes Two other aircraft, hrm F-14D and F/A-18C? But I count only 8 including the two mystery aircraft, perhaps a deep black project, or just a miscount like they'd want us to believe Maybe with the momentum from a modern campaign, the group would be interested in those campaigns and theaters we talked about a while back?
  24. IIRC the mirage factory is working on one, but its a long way off. I was also planning one for my pet project, but I'm the only one working on it, so it will be a while. I do have some good drawings for making one though...maybe I should pause the FH-1 phantom and make that instead?

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