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Everything posted by eraser_tr

  1. I'll second that. Anyway, "as is" looks pretty good from that angle. What planes has he left unfinished? I'd be glad to help finish off models, especially exotics like the XL.
  2. What nations still using a mig-21 would be able to train pilots that match the skill of a US naval aviator? Skill with inferior technology and weapons simply can't beat superior technology, weapons AND skill.
  3. MV-22? I thought its designantion was going to be CV-22? hmm, gives me the idea of a new mexico map and some aliens a la half-life. Them, alongside the apache and falcon make a few appearances alongside tanks. maybe make a strider and organic gunships from HL2 and do the 7 hours war that's referred to.
  4. You need to add the data bigred posted to the campaign.ini file, then more data in the campaign_data.ini file, its in the knowledge base. The odd thing when I do it is, if I make a new nation flyable( ex dhimar or soviet) the choice shows up, but when I start, it gives me an american unit.
  5. A Bad Day

    That is why I always check my targets before firing. Either selecting them an getting a confirmation they're an enemy, or by checking with red crown for nearest threats and checking if they match the heading and distance.
  6. New russian stealth fighter

    What's AESA? I haven't heard that acronym before. The russians claim the plasma stealth is real and they have a working version. If that really was the case, and it became widespread, we'd be going back to the days of old. The MK1 eyeball being the only manner of detection, and good old dogfights with guns and maybe shortrange IR missiles.
  7. New russian stealth fighter

    What happened to China? Back in the day they were well ahead of western civilization in technology and originally invented things like gunpowder and rockets long before the west. Now it seems all they can do is rip-off others work. All of those chinese stealth fighter designs look like they were cobbled together from existing planes.
  8. Bone

    Tu-95 I think.
  9. F-35A

    Yeah, some ugly planes perform well, but there is that saying "if it looks right, it is right" And quite frankly the X-32 and its giant underbite mouth did not look right. Their proposal for what the production F-32 would actually look like was alot better looking. Should have built the demonstrator in that design instead.
  10. F-35A

    The F-35 is the JSF, the one that goes into production. The X-32 was boeings contender, but it lost out. and it was particularly ugly.
  11. B-2

    I think they act like one side only airbrakes. ie the open and only create drag on one side to turn the plane
  12. Anyone have any good links to color swatches used currently by air forces and during the cold war? Everything seems to be WW2, with the latest going into Korea. Particularly the colors for SEA camo, Euro camo and the more colorful aggressor aircraft.
  13. B-2

    Marcelo, I freaking love you! Yeah, good old ATF, if only I could find some help.
  14. Thanks, thats just what I needed. But how to convert FS colors into RGB values for photoshop?
  15. TK did away with the groundobjects.ini file when WOE came out a year ago.
  16. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autom...mp;showfile=691 Try these, different model, but I think with SP4 all the migs have the same general mapping(hence why the F was changed)
  17. Do you have the skins in PSD format? the regular bitmap files SF uses don't have layers that you can use to paint under panel lines, weathering etc.
  18. F10 is the render menu in 3dsmax....make sure to set to save a file of the render.
  19. Nice looking skin on the flanker. My wingmen have gotten kills before, but a flanker?!
  20. Download the .CAT extractor and look in the flightdata.cat (or it might be missiondata.cat) in the flight folder. campaign 1 is the 1962, campaign 2 is 1979 and campaign 3 is 1968
  21. I have one going, but its not much more than a few splines for the forward fuselage.
  22. My friend had several seagate HDs and they were terrible and all died. I've only had maxtor and Western digital and I've been very satisfied. Actually the Hondas of HDs, Ferraris are always breaking down and need tons of maintenance to keep them in good shape.
  23. Cockpitsite!

    Some interesting aircraft on the silly/kitbash page on aircraftresourcecenter.com Real aircraft with some fictional markings, Israeli harrier, US EE lightning, Canadian skyhawks, camo RAF tomcats, USN pre WW2 marking phantom, USN rafale, german and dutch tomcat and hornet, RAF F-5, F-22 aggressor and some fictional aircraft, like a swing wing EE lightning, FSW lightning. Biplane F4U, XF4U-1 with floats, fixed wing tornado, a jaguar/kfir mix, british modded B-2, Israeli Me-262. And more. As soon as my finals are done, I'm sure as hell painting some of those.
  24. Thanks I'll see if that helps. I wish this thing would be more wysiwyg, or at least a little more clear. Like have it load the entire DEM file, and you could crop it like an image in photoshop to the area you want to cover. Or explain what the lat/lon you enter corresponds with. The majorlee tutorial could use some specifics for creating a brand new terrain, how to set things up in the beginning.

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