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Everything posted by eraser_tr

  1. I'd rather see real planes before anything from star wars, there are space games more fitting for that(see star shatter or X3: reunion)
  2. Star Wars Games

    *cough* Ahem, there was that star wars mod for starshatter. I see a hell of alot more hope in that. http://www.xwavi.com./index.php
  3. damn two hard drive crashes? what brand HD are you using?
  4. I've mentioned a few times at C5 and here a big project, I'm working on. I'm calling it "Fighters Anthology'07" It's meant as a tribute/hi res up to date remake to the old Janes series and its culmination as fighters anthology ten or so years ago. Why? they were my favorite and first sims, jet sims since had me disappointed until I found SF/WOE which had a similar feel. I'm only one man, and while there's alot already made for SF that FA'07 would need, there's alot to be done. Need help particularly with terrain, as thats the area I know least about working with. New maps: -Ukraine/black sea -Kuril Islands and Kamchatka penninsula(north of Japan) -Vladivostok(just north of korea) -Baltic states and sea. -a modern update to Egypt Planes and groundobjects, too many to list, but a few noteworhy: X-29, X-31, X-32, Rafale, Eurofighter Typhoon and the US stealth aircraft fleet. *also posted at thirdwire*
  5. Beuller? Some other aircraft that might get others interested: Mitsubishi F1 Mitsubishi F-2 Q-5 Fantan AC-130U C-17 C-5B Tu-160 Tu-26 Tu-95 AH-64 KA-50 MI-17 RAH-66
  6. Maybe if we all lobby for it....
  7. A short burst from the guns will break up a fighter formation just as well, with the bullets taking up only a fraction of the weight of the missiles!
  8. When you first start a campaign it'll ask you to save it, usually the pilot's name and the number campaigns they flew.
  9. If you think the sidewinder is bad, try the aim-4 falcon. About 1 in 5 sidewinders tend to hit for me, falcons are 0 for about 20. Good position, straight, level, good tone, fire. tracks for a second or two then flys right past the target. I've complained about it before, someone said it was meant to be used against bombers, large, slow moving, etc. made no difference whether it was an il-28, tu-16 or mig-17. Or the russian equivalents, the AA-2 akali and AA-3 Atoll. I've managed a few hits with Atolls, firing from in very close, half a NM to just under one NM. Despite having a rated range out to 4nm, anything more than 1 and it might as well not have a seeker. However, even with the early sparrows, I hit about 80% of the time, provided I'm not too close, or pulling too many G's. And they were ripple fired because of their unreliability back then.
  10. A while ago, someone asked about the first phantom, the navy FH-1. WIP
  11. The whole series automatically saves the campaign. The only way it would disappear is if you died, were captured or missing and you didn't refly the mission. Or if you never completed a single mission, then it wouldn't be saved.
  12. the main reason other nations didn't buy it was because we didn't order any. Of course, the more the merrier. Thats the beauty of SF, we can make all those things that could have been. When I get to the X-29, I can quickly convert that to a tigershark. The X-29 was essentially an F-20 with canards and forward swept wings.
  13. It would be interesting to have in game, but in reality I doubt it would have been worth it. Not much more than an F-5 with a single engine and digital avionics. Air to air armament of only 2 sidewinders? this in 1980 with the Mig-29 and Su-27 becoming fully operational, carrying 10+ a2a missiles.
  14. try editing the shock values for the front wheel.
  15. I'm not sure, I bought lomac gold and haven't tried to play online.
  16. So I went back to trying to use the terrain editor. WTF its not importing my DEM data. I pick the Latitude/Longitude it reads the file, then the file select box pops up again looking for a different lat/long. Closing that, the first data doesn't exist(after checking view->heightfield)
  17. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autom...p;showfile=3002 Try this mod. Worked for me, I could fly all planes without losing any of the original ones. Wish the american planes used american cockpits, but better than having to replace stuff.
  18. You're not using the new nuke effect?
  19. Mig-21

    one problem: the modern mig with HUD can't have ground radar at the same time. Unless you've somehow managed to do what moonjumper couldn't.
  20. I had been thinking about a Berlin blockade inspired conflict as well. Among a number of others. I've been tossing around the idea of a Janes USNF/ATF homage/remake in the SF engine and started modeling a few objects, but I've had no luck finding active help, permission to use stuff, easily. Over half of what's needed is available already. The campaigns would be Ukraine, 1997. A military coup overthrows Yeltsin and wants to reclaim Crimean penninsula from Ukraine as the crimean itself wants to become an independant state. Kuril Islands, 1997. Conflict with russia spills over to the kuril islands. the USMC captures several islands from the russians to gain japan's support Egypt, 1998. Islamic radicals start a civil war in Egypt. Russia/China, 2002. China wants to reclaim Vladivostok/ Primorsk region from the Russian Federation. Baltics, 2008. Hardliners take over Russian government and try to reform Soviet Union
  21. So you want to flatten whats in the DEM data? Go out to the spot you want to be flat with a shovel, flatten it, then ask the USGS or NASA to get new DEM data I tried out the terrain editor a while ago, and there apparently wasn't a way to directly shape the terrain. It looked like it was limited to purely what was in the DEM or heightmap. I would have continued with it if it wasn't for the areas I wanted to make wind up being split into more than 1 DEM file and have no idea what to do about that.
  22. Demographic Similarities of Virtual Pilots

    Do you even know who chuck norris is?
  23. is this supposed to be exclusive too? the link doesn't work
  24. usually it changes with the plane. Or the service dates of the ordinance passed and was replaced by new bombs?

    But the F-22s were on the blue side? do you mean the eagles didn't want to play with the typhoons?

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