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Everything posted by eraser_tr


    Ah, if only they'd used the raptors as aggressors. Not only would they have better paint schemes, they would've had a chance to fly her against some of the better foreign fighters to see how she'll really fare against another AF instead of just the F-16 and F-18 aggressors we can fly them against any time we like ( are they at least still using the superkitty as a simulated flanker aggressor, or have they retired her from that too?)
  2. Open their main .ini file and delete the cockpit line.
  3. Demographic Similarities of Virtual Pilots

    Don't be so quick to assume about demographics. When I was a kid I liked strategy....actually a little too much. I always came up with elaborate strategies in games, and a friend of mine would just take the direct approach going for action and come out on top every time. The most thoughtful and prepared base defence in an RTS was just nullified in minutes by a hundred-tank assault waves. Fell out of flight sims for a while, didn't like the selection of games that were out. Then started getting back into them at about 17, now I'm 21, in college and still fly sims often. Sure, I go out alot, but I need my games to unwind from all the stress of the work. And I also happen to have a 59 year old father who refuses to play anything but straight shooters. nothing in which you "have to do all this other s**t" like sneak around, talk, pick locks, hack into computers etc. So stubborn about it that he's complaining about running out of games to play, but refuses to broaden his horizons. I'm trying to get him to try flight sims, SFP1 is fairly simple, but its like pulling teeth.

    Worse, they'll have two designations. One will be a variant of the original like Su-27SK and then give it a new number designation as well. The Su-37 may be the most advanced derivative, but it is beneath it all, still an Su-27. Just a variant letter would suffice, we didn't give the eagle a brand new designation when we made the ground attack variant(F-15E) But then again if you look at airwar.ru and all the variants they have of russian planes, it kind of makes sense. There are so many its hard to keep track of. Why did sukhoi skip Su-26, 29, 31, 31 and 36? a russian f-19 case? What has been other AF's reaction to the raptor? and what were they flying against it?
  5. Gaming computer prices

    Build it yourself, I went from what had become an average gaming PC to what would be a $4,000 beast had I not carefully bought the parts that mattered to upgrade for $600. $900 counting the video card which was a gift, still far cheaper.
  6. Again, my thud experience is unusual. Migs weren't that big of a deal, probably because of the engine.
  7. Thats odd, flying the F-105 in WOE I wind up with tons of CAP and escort missions. I guess I'm the only one here for fighters then. Fighters can bomb strategic targets, provide close air support and recon and shoot down other aircraft whether its a CAP, interception, escort or on any of the A2G missions. Most bombers are exclusively for ground attack with very little ability to shoot down another aircraft.
  8. SLI videocards would have absolutely no relevance to fuel tanks in a game...
  9. One was released in the US, the other in Europe. Only the title is different for marketing purposes, they're the exact same game.
  10. There's only one ground unit in WOV at Khe San
  11. F-35A

    The engine wouldn't support it. You could fake it a little bit by giving the field for the hud really large boundaries to mimick the hud being right in front of your face, but it wouldn't move where you look. And it would be annoying to go over all the other avionics.
  12. A Gift

    Hrm, I think those planes are fictional aside from the shinden and Do-335 (3rd link) the zwilling Me-262 says they are fantasy planes. But I was making a point that there were few planes that used canards, fewer that entered service before the current generation of designs came around and they became popular.
  13. Star Wars Games

    Wow, I remember those games. Hours of fun and frustration. I never got XWA because I was rather disapointed by XvT, but looking into it now, it looks more like the xwing and tie fighter that I loved...the graphics could be better now, but they're servicable One thing I've had my eye on recently is this star wars mod for a recent space sim "starshatter: the gathering storm" The game itself looks decent, a very modable independantly developed game. It's supposed to have a good dynamic campaign system and being able to go from space to planets/systems. With a star wars TC and more star wars ships than I knew existed, it fits my craving for a fly everything space combat game with modern graphics. I haven't bought it yet, but as soon as that mod is done, I certainly am.
  14. Well I can wait for a grippen as long as its not abandoned, I'm just concerned he hasn't been to CA in a month without any notice. In a community centered around modding, that usually means they're gone for good(or for bad to be correct).
  15. How would locking a topic get someone to show up? Do they send out an automated email or something? (IDK I've never done something stupid to lock a topic here)
  16. What do you mean by realistic? If you mean the HUD, just take the F-15I/K cockpit and use it in the E
  17. I just looked, Gux hasn't logged in for over a month, has anyone heard from him or is he AWOL?
  18. A Gift

    How many planes before 1990 had canards?
  19. A Gift

    Happy Birthday! So why didn't MiG put the Ye-8 into production? it looks like a russian forerunner to the J-10 or eurofighter designs but from the 60's. Damn command economies and central planning offices
  20. Nevermind that the superkitty could carry a heavier bomb load, farther. So actually they lost out on both A2A and A2G capability for the sake of cost. Not that cost has ever mattered before....
  21. A Gift

    You have a model of a J-10?!
  22. Look USAFMTL, don't start up with your white zone s**t again. There's just no stopping in a white zone.
  23. The red zone has always been for loading.
  24. The red zone is for immediate loading and unloading of passengers only. There is no stopping in a white zone.

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