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Everything posted by eraser_tr

  1. I came across that design just recently looking for data on the MFI( and found some contenders from other design bureaus) I actually thought it was a concept made by MiG, not the DoD.
  2. The thing is, pitch linked thrust vectoring seems to work to a degree, at least visually in the Mig-29OVT. The visual only seems to work for downward though. Regarding the Yak, having the AB and thrust vectoring was supposed to be impossible as well, but thats been proven otherwise.
  3. F-35A

    The FSDS models can be imported and do take alot of reworking. Once a model is in .mdl or .m3d for cfs3 there's no getting them back. A really good programmer might be able to reverse engineer it like they did with the .Nif model format for a number of games. but nobody has. Asking if you can use their FSDS/3DS/GMax source is a much easier route. But in my experience FSDS and GMAX files are too much trouble to get into 3DS and lose too much quality.
  4. Judge of what? being photorealistic? I'd say almost, it may be the resolution, the angle of the model, but something looks off, most notably near the very end. I heard someone else had taken up the model to fix and finish it?
  5. Ack! my Afterburner got screwed up somehow even though I can't remember ever doing anything to it, or overwriting it. I've reinstalled Deuces effects pack and overwritten everything, but nothing gets fixed. The AB particle effect acts like if the TGA file isn't there and displays slightly colored, untextured squares. See attached picture.
  6. Yup, all aircraft. Already tried different TGAs. Oddly Afterburneremitter2 works perfectly.
  7. But it would make a wonderful "what if" model. As would an 2-seater F-35. I would think they'd do something for being trained to fly a plane with thrust vectoring.
  8. Now thats what I'm talkin about! Looks like the F-35 won't have to be castrated in order to do VTOL.
  9. Download one of the alternate tilesets. GermanyCE.cat has the airfields and whatnot.
  10. Useless, yes, but it makes airbases more lively.
  11. Now as forthe cockpit, how different is the superbug from the original hornet?
  12. So I misread that, you need UVW mapping and adjusting tuts? Lemme rummage around my model links and see if I can find a good tutorial. Not to hijack the thread, but the F-14D could carry a heavier load of ordinance, not as many pylons but certainly heavier. But bombs are best left off tomcats unless you like being called francis :P Now the blue angels, did they jump straight from phantoms to hornets, or was there ever a blue kitty?
  13. Could you elaborate what more you need than that? SF(or any flight sim) doesn't use the wonderous but complex texturing and shader techniques many other games do. 12 AMRAAMS?! Ok, I have newfound respect for the superbug, but the tomkitty will never be topped.
  14. I third this motion. As for an FH-1, There's a source file of freeflight design and simviation I think. I was going to fix it up for SF/WOE when I got the time to, add it to my list of to-dos. As the model is made, I'll probably finish it up first as my modeling debut for SF.
  15. They actually have service dates that overlap?
  16. What's the poly count on that turbosquid model? There was a pack with an E, that F and a EA-18G on turbosquid as well. Alternatively there was an E/F and X-32 that could be bought on another site, I was going to get those. What does JSF aggie specificially do? would he have access to things from older X-plane projects? like the X-31 NASA tested?
  17. No gun, and couldn't turn worth a damn, just fast and armed with unreliable missiles. against nimble migs than turn on a dime, what's to be afraid of?
  18. Flanker, Flanker, Flanker....

    I used to think "Whats the big deal? its just another modern airplane" from flying against it with no particular difficulty in the old janes games. Until I started watching videos of the acrobatics it can do. Then I thought "Holy s**t! I don't want one of those within 10 miles of me unless I'm in it" Otherwise its a gorgeous aircraft, big, yet sleek. And far more interesting paintschemes than we see on any of its western counterparts, with the exception of our aggressor aircraft painted to simulate them.
  19. I can't speak for someone with any pirated games on my HD, or with a burner, but starforce has not given me any problems from LOMAC or GTL. Still I'd rather not have it on there. I've no difficulty learning a complex sim, I got bored of LOMAC after a while because of the theater. There's just one, the black sea and surrounding countries. in the thirdwire series, you can fly planes of any era in so many different locations, everything from WWI-future/fictional aircraft, over the US(Alaska, florida, SoCal and the northwest), carribean, pacific, korea/japan, china, south east asia, almost the whole middle east, nearly all of europe, north africa, madagascar and SE africa. Who knows what I'm forgetting.
  20. You can get an educational license for ~$200. Thats what I did, there are some benefits to being a poor college student, but I think anyone can get one, you just can't do anything commercial or payware with it
  21. I remember him(or someone) making a fictional sukhoi called the Su-16, made to look like a cross between the flanker and falcon. This might be how it finally turned out.
  22. gah, why's it not letting me edit? remove the quote at the end of the link.

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