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Everything posted by eraser_tr

  1. I'm picturing a green & grey RAF eagle that would look pretty sweet.
  2. Slavic beauty? It's Swedish! It's a Nordic Beauty, or Scandanavian Beauty.
  3. F-35A

    Remember when they thought guns were obsolete and only missiles would be used? or the british white paper stating manned aircraft were to be obsolete back in the 60's? The powers that be have seldom predicted anything wisely as far as warfare goes. It takes learning things the hard way(ie being unprepared and getting our asses handed to us) for often than not.
  4. Where's the B-2 nobody will work on?
  5. F-22

    Fantastic aircraft. The latest figure I heard was that a flight on 8 raptors managed to take out 32 F-15s without loss. But then on C5, I read one got caught by an F-18 low and slow. I say the pilot makes the plane, but as far as just the machine goes, I don't think there was ever a finer plane made. Of course that comes at a price few can afford. Fortunately, it and the rest of the top of the line equipment being developed and deployed now most likely won't ever see a true test of their abilities. Unless other nations sell their best planes(and other weapons) cheaply and liberally, most won't have much of a chance to fight each other. As economies intertwine, aside from some catastrophic change, going to war with any of the old threats like china and russia dwindles as time goes on. North Korea is probably the biggest threat, any other country war is forseeable with, we'll be stuck in guerilla warfare against militias, rebel groups etc. Which a Raptor or Abrams isn't quite as useful. Of course, that's what simulations are for. We can make up and conflict we like to pit them against each other.
  6. What a coincidence, we were just covering multiple personality disorder in one of my psych classes Double check the bomb bay doors, that or the fire controls might have gotten changed somehow. That happened to me once and I completely freaked, are other planes ok?
  7. Didn't know they made a two seater with canards.
  8. Looks kinda young, but I hear thats the way the russians like them. I think I'll take the arrestor hook. I suppose, if the pilot managed to land more softly than the usual carrier traps a land based plane with a hook could work on a carrier. I dunno about the catapult launches though. It also makes a decent emergency escape method, I'd rather risk a carrier landing in a plane not made for it than get left behind and stuck in a POW camp.
  9. @ Edward, check PM on whineHQ
  10. Awesome, any Su-35s or 37s on the production line?
  11. Take a lesson from marcelo, take your time and get it perfect.
  12. Speaking of Avionics....any explanation of the HUD symbology?
  13. Fly it more. Shooting at it isn't a good idea, this thing is a beast. and too good looking to see in flames( better it than my tomkitty though!) Took her out for some acrobatics. Damn! Things just got a whole lot more dangerous for NATO in SF. Let the skinning begin!
  14. Clickable Cockpits

    With TrackIR, clickable cockpits just don't work right. I've tried to do it in FS9/X and between having to move the mouse to a specific tiny spot on screen, and trackir moving the screen with my head, it's easier to simply press a button on te keyboard.
  15. You may be able to find an educational license for much much less. Mine is about $200 annually, can't sell anything you make though( freeware models ).
  16. Not. It's another one of wpnssgts works. Skinning, Adobe photoshop, Paintshop Pro or freely available, The Gimp. All excellent bitmap based image editing programs.
  17. Do you have 3500 dollars for 3dsmax and a year to learn how to use it? That's typically what it takes. You can try in gmax, which is free, but it's missing so many useful tools of 3ds, and I still cannot get a model into max properly from gmax, despite all the right tools and procedures. IMHO, I can accept the limitations of the sim and manual thrust vectoring and stealth(didn't we have an RCS parameter to make stealth aircraft for inis?) I talked to USAFBLT a while ago about finishing some of his stealth projects off for FA'07 that are absolute musts. I was hesitant to take over work on a source file from someone who wasn't around to directly give permission
  18. I remember having that problem constantly. Go into the campaign data file and change the carrier type to a different one. That's the easiest way to do it. I eventually got the correct carrier working fiddling with god knows how many ini parameters.
  19. Where's the B-2 model? If nobody else is, I would like to work on it.

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