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Everything posted by eraser_tr

  1. Biggest Mistakes of WW2

    Well, that advice from the election kind of assumes one's parents could actually lend their kid 20 grand. If he just said, try to start your own business, that would have been great advice, instead it came off as out of touch. One thing to take into account in WW2 with the soviet union is they had a nonaggression pact with hitler, and had actually collaborated against Poland. It was entirely conceivable that the allies might end up fighting both the soviets and the nazis. To that effect, we assisted Finland against the soviets early on, which kind of throws out Snailmans idea that Roosevelt had any love of the soviets. Also, regarding the profiting aspect of war, Roosevelt outright said he didn't want anyone to get rich from the war. A whole other angle is the R&D aspect and technological advances made. At the start of the war, the Japanese and Germans had serious advantages, it was probably inconceivable that the allies could catch up and pass them as they did. The Zero outclassed anything we had in speed, maneuverability and firepower. We practically had no tanks at the start either and the Germans had a huge advantage there over all the allies.
  2. Another wonderful surprise, thank you TK!
  3. Here's hoping we'll see higher detailed versions in an SF2 release.
  4. I don't know whether to laugh or facepalm like grviper. Anyway, I read that the older brother got kicked out of a mosque. Damn! that's like being kicked out of a mental hospital for being too crazy.
  5. Starting a new gig soon

    Congrats! And that's about all I can say without starting a political argument
  6. Irans new Fighter - Qaher 313

    Just saw this today and how the image of it flying was photoshopped. Also you can see that in the 'cockpit' shot, there's practically nothing under the panels. Oh and the Lego picture is absolutely the best, but lets try to not be too mean to the Iranians, they're trying. We should at least give them a big golden star sticker to put on their toy airplane for effort. We wouldn't want to hurt their self-esteem now would we?
  7. I was looking at Thirdwire's Facebook page and noticed an answer from TK to someone's question: Now we know there's going to be an Exp3 and DLC planes, but does this mean that he's getting out of flight sims, or PC games?
  8. I too can't say I'm terribly surprised. But I don't think the basic formula is all that bad. And it's still going to be a very long time until DCS catches up in terms of maps and planes. Hell CFS3 is still chugging along, and it doesn't even have real carriers and different terrain requires a whole seperate install.
  9. OT: STALKER 2 Cancelled

    Well it certainly sounds interesting. The freeplay and coop modes sound like they'll be what people gravitate towards. And a persistent world might be better than session based for a kind of open ended survival FPS. Think eve online, but on earth. Still, there's just something about single player survival games that can't quite be duplicated in multiplayer.
  10. The Balkans/Southern Europe and the mediterranean would be phenomenal. Aside from cold war stuff, it'd be great for Allied Force and WW2.
  11. All my work gone

    Sorry to hear, I had a problem a few weeks ago back at the end of July. My windows 7 drive died on me, file system and everything, which also screwed up booting to XP forcing me to reformat that and buy a whole new drive to replace the old one. Thankfully nothing from SF2 was lost, but there were casualties in other areas. Maybe I ought to try plugging it back in now with the system fine and using these programs to try and get stuff back.
  12. So all he did was just add a new parameter that allows spawns to be even more controlled. He really ought to do an 'extended release notes' that document this stuff.
  13. Yeah, equivalent functionality of ground radar to the A2A modes would be great, especially for longer range A2G weapons. It shouldn't be too difficult to use alot of the same code. But at shorter range, the current system works nicely and and lets you focus on delivery rather than locking up the right target. Though a bombing aid prior to CCIP using HUD's would be a godsend. Doesn't need to be a super accurate representation of DIANE or LABS, but a generic and simple system that would work across the F-4, A-6, F-105 and others.
  14. As far as new content goes, I don't think there's anything wrong with SF2NA. The terrain is a tad disappointing, but even the screens I've seen of DCS's terrain don't look all that exciting. If I had a fortune, I'd pay it to have a global terrain like FSX or Outerra. But as far as ground units and planes, it's got plenty.
  15. Yeah, alot of this is really communication. We're stuck speculating and fearing from what we've seen. As far as locked files go, there's only so much that would be useful to steal. As we've seen last year, models. But things like text files and shaders or how to make terrain aren't particularly useful outside of modding for SF2. As far as features, cost and code, has thirdwire really investigated what's out there for tools and code? From all the work, research and learning I've been doing to get my business off the ground, it just seems like thirdwire is making things out harder to be than it really is.
  16. Extremely difficult, time consuming and uncertain, yes. Stupid is sitting around helpless bitching, whining and complaining about things instead of doing something in the event we can no longer mod and play as we like. We're not at that point yet thankfully, but if the day comes.........
  17. Yeah, the gameplay isn't going to be comparable. Chances are it would make ace combat and hawx look like a sim. You're not going to see full length missions, people playing phone games aren't going to fly an hour to a target dodging SAMs and drop some bombs and fly back an hour. However its broken up, it would be like five minute segments of activity. I would hope that maybe the mobile version would satisfy his desire for being a simple game, and that the normal SF2 line can stay a good survey sim providing a realistic experience and results without the unnecessary complexity to operate.
  18. Surprised to see it's so far along. Kind of explains why most of the patches lately have only listed like 2 or 3 things fixed. Well if it brings enough revenue, maybe he can have more than 2 people and get more done.
  19. Perhaps some kind of compromise can be worked out? Since almost everything is made by people here, that anytime someone whines about a mod breaking their install to simply direct them here and we'll handle the support. He can stick it in an FAQ/big sticky post about it. Modding is the biggest appeal of the series. I simply would have never bought every game in the series if it hadn't been for stumbling upon the mods, and I've seen many other people say the same.
  20. My thoughts just keep going back to "lets just make our own damn sim" so its the way we want it or get someone to programs an independant CAT extractor that gets everything. There's no reason whatsoever to lock text or shader files. I can understand models after the chinese stole them, but text files with settings?

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