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Everything posted by usafphantom2

  1. I found some freeware 3d models online-vehicles,ships What else beyond an ini file and a data.ini do i need to get the game to use?maybe some only static. Thanks! they were done in 3dmax.
  2. It said I needed win7PRO Alas I am back to home version.
  3. OK great I dont have the right version of windows to run it and microsoft has received all it's getting from me! So I have these freeware 3D objects-vehicles,ships,ww2planes not many of each but if anyone wants i'll send to you they were done in 3Dmax I belive.
  4. Ndicky's Spitfires

    I have seen BF109E-3,4,7 and Fockewulf 190A-1,4's There's more I'll make note when i see in game.
  5. Ndicky's Spitfires

    Yes that was it,I gotta quit messing around with this late at night! And yes if you mean the flickering roundel on the fuselage very weird effect.Thanks for your help!Question i dont know if anybody's noticed planes flying with a static prop,But I have, any idea's why they do that sometimes?Not the one i'm flying.Others.
  6. Hi, those are cool, are they posted in downloads?
  7. Ndicky's Spitfires

    Let me check that, it was Late when I first looked. Thanks.
  8. Ndicky's Spitfires

    Thanks Again Guys that really helped out,All Mk.1's and 2's are flyable with ammo.Supgen i did change the entry's in the data.ini's but i musta missed something cause it did'nt work so i put back the originals and sumitted them as the problem.Now anybody have any ideas why his Mk.16e isnt showing up in my single mission screens?I checked the data.ini against the Stock Mk.9e and they look the same and the stock 9E shows up!Wrench thanks for going thru the trouble of rewriting that part of the file,Damn nice of you I must say. Thank you all for your Help!
  9. Ndicky's Spitfires

    Yeah I tried that like Wrench suggested but no dice,Spitfire Mk.IIA loadout uses the Mk.1.Changed all like you said but still no ammo for missions.Even reinstalled them and tried. I already had Wrenchs guns installed, only installed the AVHistory guns cause readme said I needed them to work.So I have both in my guns file.
  10. Ndicky's Spitfires

    AAAAAH Sh@##$$%^t,Leave it to me to come up with another head scatcher.Tried swapping guns no dice,Checked the gun editor the cartridge weights are in there! Somone more saavy than me will have to check out.Only difference i see from stock TW Spit9C is the cannon entrys,Nigel put Fire_Secondary_Weapon in there so cannons would'nt fire.IF you dont have a Fire_Secondary_weapon statement programmed to your stick can it cause your ammo/guns not to show up in single mission loading screen? Nigel if your out there please help us out! in the meantime if you professors out there have any helpful suggestions thery're welcome.
  11. Be afraid......

    Gentlemen,Let me remind you our foe has nothing,Therefor They have nothing to lose........That is what makes them dangerous!
  12. Ndicky's Spitfires

    Ok ,Thanks Wrench I will try that.
  13. Ndicky's Spitfires

    Those were the ones called for in the readme file so I added them thinking that was the problem as it stated they would not work properly without them and they're the ones called for in the data.ini,Now maybe I can edit out those guns and add the SF2 ones but is that what was intended to get those to work?These are the ones intended to use the Spitfire9C,E LOD's by 3rdWire only the MK.1's & MK.2's arent showing ammo available.These have been available for awhile shurley someone has run into this?I feel like I'm becoming The WW2 beta tester for SF2! And I know don't call you shurley! Where are you getting the ammo weight info from to enter if missing?over.
  14. Ndicky's Spitfires

    I have the guns called for in the data.ini, and the problem is with the Mk.1-Mk.2's only they show up but no ammo in load's screen?Even the sf2 gunsare in there.
  15. What kind of tweaking are we talking about?
  16. AAAAAAAH! Your japanese version is gone Wrench?That's a crying shame.
  17. So Far so good...............................
  18. Hey while your at, it Modify a Version into a Japanese Kikka?
  19. I have flown a fuselage and landed,Only to be told I'm deadmeat,So now F5 after a run if ok keep going if not hit the silk and take my chances.But there was one time in korea when i sustained engine damage,started to flame up,So I killed the engine went into a dive put out flames,Restarted the engine and was able to RTB and sucessful mission Now that I thought was cool modelling.
  20. I was flying a corsair against 8 Tony's and got some bullet holes and as I was RTB my left wing exploded and I lost half a wing out of nowhere and had to bailout over the fleet to complete mission.I'm supposed to have selfsealing tanks.
  21. Yeah I did it,I asked the question,Sooooo....Is there supposed to be one?I dint find one. Over.
  22. Thanks Wrench for this one and NewGuinea,Hope you can Fix Midway I can create missions and fly from the terrain with mission editor although it still tries to screw up the red-blue sides that's fixable but single mission only gives same side badguys which of course dont appear and mission failed ,With diveTorp planes I get enemy ship targets with no air cover in single mission So if I create all my missions I'm fine,Leave it to the game no dice.Thanks much for the fix on others!

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