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Everything posted by JJava

  1. Sure thing. It's just the stock Angolan skin with correct-ish sized decals. Looks pretty close to the one in a picture at acig.org.
  2. There is also one made by the IDIot(?) team in the downloads section. I decaled a quick Eritrean skin for it a while ago, didn't release it though.
  3. Prometheus

    Meh. Well, it was pretty.
  4. Prometheus

    Going to see it in 11 hours. Can't wait because I know it'll be epic! I'll let you know how it was after the show.
  5. If I recall correctly, they only produce "flak clouds" when the rounds self destruct after a 'longish' time. At least that's the only time I saw it happen when my unit did live fire training.
  6. Dear Activist

    Because protesting one thing prevents you from protesting others, right?
  7. MYTH CONFIRMED! This my friends is a Soviet T-55 engaging Centurion tanks (as evident by the dust cloud raised by it's main gun) while it's AAMG is busy making scrap metal of my Meteor. Unlike previously, this time I got no cannon shells fired at me, only machine gun fire. Sure makes CAS more interesting!
  8. Hmm.. Maybe we could use this to make tanks engage air targets with their aamg's while simultaneously engaging ground targets with their main guns. I'll test that right away! Also, from some of the missile's weapondata ini's: IsDecoy=TRUE JammerStrength=30.000000 Any idea what this could be?
  9. Stary that looks awesome! Pfft, I used 16 up until recently. Then the loooong loading times started to bug me too much.
  10. The French attack! Too bad the six-in-one monster carrier didn't suffer much...
  11. I for one would love to fly a Finnish MiG-21bis in the late 70's/early 80's, such pretty colours.. (I borrowed a book about the MiG-21 in Finnish service from the library, so references would be plenty) There's also quite an interesting "what if" scenario if Finland would've chosen to buy Mirage 3's (as recommended by the air force test pilots) instead of MiG-21's. This could've lead into a 1961 Note Crisis gone hot situtation! ..Just my 5 (euro)cents
  12. In sky

    Beautiful, no wonder you're so obsessed with the clouds in SF2NA! j/k
  13. Hey, the Finnish Air Force had 50 mk51's (HW-301 - HW-350) and 7 mk51A's (HW351 - HW-357). 10 Have been lost in accidents. 17 Ex-Swiss mk66's were bought in 2007, unfortunately I only found one serial (HW-374) for them. *edit* Damnit, beaten by boulder
  14. Kotka means eagle in finnish. кошка (strange s thingy) however, means cat in russian as far as i know.
  15. Nice, that's quite an interesting camo scheme you got there!
  16. From a campaign I'm working on (2 weeks, I still need to figure out a few kinks): No countermeasures + Sukhois with Archers = No CAS for you. CAS for the other side.
  17. Damn, I had almost forgotten how fun this plane is to fly. Thanks for the inspiration Wrench! (ps. Apparently Alamo's are as bad as described on ACIG)
  18. But seriously, thanks for doing these campaigns. I've been dreaming of a Finnish MiG campaign ever since I started playing 3rdwire games.
  19. Awesome! I served in a unit that used these guns when i did my conscription service, so it's nice to see them get proper love. I got two suggestions though, if you don't mind: The gunners seem a bit too small and the muzzle flash should be HUGE (almost as long as the gun itself)!

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