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Everything posted by NeverEnough

  1. View File F-9J (F9F-8) Cougar for SF2 F-9J (F9F-8) Cougar for SF2 ver 1.1 2008-03-21 by Column5-FM, Volks-skins and Pasko-the rest Credits: Model work by Pasko FM by Column5 Skins by Volks and USAFMTL Kor_USN Pilot Skin by Diego Martin Baker Mk GW5B Ejection Seat by Ravenclaw_007 SF2 updates by NeverEnough Installation: Simply extract the contents of the F-9J folder into your Mods\StrikeFighters2 folder. Known issues: I can not take any responsibility whatsoever regarding using of this add-on. This is freeware addon package. Have fun :)! Submitter NeverEnough Submitted 08/03/2009 Category F-9  
  2. View File A-5A v3.0 for SF2 A-5A V3.0 for SF2 Credits: Model, Textures and Weapons: Julhelm FM: Fubar512 & Column5 Cockpit: Kesselbrut Avionics: Moonjumper & Julhelm SF2 updates by NeverEnough --------------------------------------------- Updates: * New accurate VAH-7 skin with individual decals and CAG artwork! * Landing gear completely remodelled and retextured to be more accurate * Forward fuselage is now more accurate in shape * Nozzles have been retextured * Linear bombbay system has been completely revised * New models for the Mk27, Mk28 and Mk43 nuclear storetrains with accurate textures and complete entries for "dial-a-yield" functionality. As an added bonus, these nukes actually destroy things! --------------------------------------------- Installation notes: Simply extract the contents of the A-5A folder into your Mods\StrikeFighters2 folder. Also, because of the extensive retexturing and remodelling, any old versions of skins or data.ini files will not work. Submitter NeverEnough Submitted 07/21/2009 Category A-5  
  3. A-5A v3.0 for SF2



    A-5A V3.0 for SF2 Credits: Model, Textures and Weapons: Julhelm FM: Fubar512 & Column5 Cockpit: Kesselbrut Avionics: Moonjumper & Julhelm SF2 updates by NeverEnough --------------------------------------------- Updates: * New accurate VAH-7 skin with individual decals and CAG artwork! * Landing gear completely remodelled and retextured to be more accurate * Forward fuselage is now more accurate in shape * Nozzles have been retextured * Linear bombbay system has been completely revised * New models for the Mk27, Mk28 and Mk43 nuclear storetrains with accurate textures and complete entries for "dial-a-yield" functionality. As an added bonus, these nukes actually destroy things! --------------------------------------------- Installation notes: Simply extract the contents of the A-5A folder into your Mods\StrikeFighters2 folder. Also, because of the extensive retexturing and remodelling, any old versions of skins or data.ini files will not work.
  4. J32B Lansen Interceptor For SF2



    J32B Lansen Interceptor For SF2 BETA based on A32A model by Timmy. Good A32/J32 resources here... Canit, deep stuff on all SAABs ~> http://www.canit.se/%7Egriffon/aviation/ Vectorsite SAABs ~> http://www.vectorsite.net/avsaab.html -------- A32A 3D model by Timmy. Cammo Skin and Metal silver Skins by Timmy. Dark Green Skin & national decals by Knug. FM work by Lexx. Euro001 Pilot by Diego. Martin Baker Mk GW5 Ejection Seat by Ravenclaw_007. Swedish RB Missile Set by Ravenclaw_007. SF2 updates by NeverEnough. Uses the Thirdwire SF2 F-105D cockpit and avionics. Every effort has been made remove as much of the Beta aspect as possible. The weapon positions on the pylons have been adjusted, the weapon stations have been tweaked to avoid model overlaps, and the weapon loadout has been tested to insure every plane in the flight is loaded for bear. The lighting positions and wheel rolling radius have been corrected. FlapSettingForLanding and FlapSettingForTakeOff was added to the FlightControl section of the Data.ini, which helps the AI absolutely grease their take offs and landings! TIMMY made a very nice model and Lexx assembled a data.ini which flys stable and sporty. The plane looks good, and fights just as well. There is no need to fear the MiG-17F. TIMMY SAYS: Model and Template are available for those wanting to work with them. Installation: Simply extract the contents of the J-32B Lansen folder into your Mods\StrikeFighters2 folder. Default Loadout: 4 30mm Aden Cannons 4 Rb24 Swedish Sidewinders Basic setup for 12 Swedish 18cm-m49 air-ground rockets but this is just an example use of Timmy's great pylons. Timmy made this as an A32 so we have 12 pylons here if they are used (invisible if not). Conformal nonjettisonable belly tank. Avionics is SF2 F-105D but basic radar performance (not display) tweaked towards J32B levels. RWR is audio only.
  5. PC Rebuild Questions.

    KJakker, I just waded through your thread on Techreport. I had forgotten that the 3700X does not have any graphics capability. That would certainly explain the lack of video output. Did you re-install your video card to see if you have any on screen error messages? If your current bios version does not support the 3000 series processors, you will have to flash to a current bios version. Before flashing the bios, you really need to get video output to check for error messages. Do a google search for" ASRock B450 Pro4 and AMD 3700X " for any potential hints on your current adventure. If it is a bios compatibility issue, you will find some other poor souls sharing your experience. Check ASRock's user forums for helpful info.
  6. PC Rebuild Questions.

    KJakker, from the pictures it would appear you do not have a video card installed. Are you using the onboard video? Just trying to determine if you have any video output to check for error messages. I watched the attached video, and saw the blinking led on the case front. First impression is the system is looking for an operating system. Since you are going from an intel chipset to an amd chipset, your new motherboard and processor will not be able to read any of the previous system's chipset drivers. Do you have a speaker plugged into the motherboard pinouts? Do you get any beeps, which can be used for diagnostics. You mentioned you have not been able to have the bios show up on screen. If I remember correctly, you need to hold down the INSERT key on startup to enter the bios. Check your motherboard manual to confirm the bios is accessed with the INSERT key. After opening the bios, you need to set a boot drive. If you have the boot drive from your prior system connected, disconnect it. Do you have a Windows 10 installation dvd? If you do, set the dvd drive as your boot drive and insert the Windows 10 installation disk in the dvd drive after opening the tray. Before giving anymore advice, let me know if you have been able to access the bios. I am kinda flying blind without knowing the answers to the prior questions.
  7. PC Rebuild Questions.

    Kjakker, are you swapping an Intel chipset motherboard with another Intel chipset motherboard, or are you going from an Intel chipset to an AMD chipset motherboard? If you are changing motherboard chipset manufacturers, the system will not find any compatible chipset level drivers which load before the operating system. It will be unable to access any drives, which is where then chipset level drivers are located.
  8. Both Sundowner and Wrench: positive thoughts, energy and prayers (whatever works!) to both you guys. You both have been significant figures and familiar voices in this community for an awful long time, and hopefully you will both remain active, energetic and healthy for a very long time to come. This would be an appropriate time for a group hug, but everyone should be mindful of the stitches! Please be well!
  9. Russo: Are the model names case sensitive? Your Rail entry is ModelNodeName=LOW_RAIL, but you said in Max it is LOW_Rail.
  10. I look forward to any of your new projects! The Spanish Civil War had such an interesting mix of aircraft, testing for the upcoming big event (WW2).
  11. Mue: This might be helpful: Moments are non-dimensionalized using length (either span for lateral coefficients like Clb, or chord for pitch coefficients). Moments due to force (Clb and Cnb) are divided by (span), and moment due to rate (Clp, Clr, Cnp, and Cnr), are divided by (span*span*0.5), I _think_... So, equation wise, (where q=0.5*density*v*v) [Roll moment due to sideslip] = q*S*(span)*(Clb) but [Roll moment due to roll rate] = q*S*0.5*(span)*(span)*(Clp) [Roll moment due to yaw rate] = q*S*0.5*(span)*(span)*(Clr) [Pitch moment due to pitch rate] = q*S*0.5*(chord)*(chord)*(Cmq) etc. TK
  12. Mue: This is from my SF Notes files: mac = Mean Area Chord, Is used as Reference Chord=x.xx under the aircraft data section. It's also the area of the wing surface from where one would calculate the Xac tables from. Usually a range starting 25% of the distance along a longitudinal line drawn along the mac, aft from the leading edge (LE), and ending 60-70% of the way back from the LE along the chord. BTW, calculate the the coordinates fore or aft of the centerline using an accurate three view for reference...not the 3D model. Ymac = The mean area chord as represented along the "Y" axis, measured out to either side of the centerline of the aircraft(left=-value, right=+value). And yes, the 'significant digits do matter.... if you're taking the trouble to do it, why not do it right? BTW, Kreelin's Aeroconvert is under utilities, in our downloads section. I'll rummage around through my FM files to see if I can find more for you.
  13. Tornado F.3 skins?

    In answer to Wrench's question about Bobrock's F.3 SF2 update:
  14. New Aircraft

    Geezer, It is great to have you back after your period of absence. Greatly appreciate all your efforts towards making FE and FE2 some of the most impressive abandonware on the planet. Someone way brighter than I said: "Better a diamond with a flaw, than a pebble with none". I guess he was saying everything reaches a point of diminishing returns. Most importantly, do what you enjoy. Thanks again.
  15. Anatra DS and Anatra C.I updated

    Stephen1918: I gotta tell you, this is some pretty extraordinary customer service! Thanks yet again for your amazing contributions to the FE and FE2 community.
  16. UllyB, thanks for all your efforts to find a way to get the Su-34 model done and for generously sharing it with the community. I always thought the expression, "Don't look a gift horse in the mouth" was pretty sound advice. I'm sure quite a few people are looking forward with great anticipation to seeing the final fruits of your endeavor! Thanks again for sharing it with us all.
  17. PFunk, I'm looking forward to your updated Operation Darius. I would be flattered to have the JH-7A included. Best of luck on your project!
  18. baffmeister, you might take a look at Geezer's 1930's Bomb Pack which I think was in the FE downloads. He includes British, Italian and German bombs from the late 1920's through 1945. I just got back into the WW2 material, and have been trying to update the old bomb models. Some of the weapons are pretty long in the tooth. Ravenclaw has some dazzling dumb bombs, HVARs and RP-3 models that will fit the time frame and make your ordinance look good.
  19. Still in the Game

    Raven, it would seem that you are truly a survivor. Be well, and best wishes.
  20. Soulfreak, there is this one: The Mirage Factory F-16B Block 15 Mod. This mod is a work in progress and all other blocks in this package are mods of the basic F-16B Block 15. This project was started by bpao a few years ago however never completed due to his untimely death. Its an old model but she has a lot of fight in her. We will do our best to update as we can. To install drop into your SF2 folder and allow it to overwrite folder names. Credits: Model by bpao (RIP my friend) via Swede... Avionics by Moonjumper (aka Crusader) Doesnt get any better than that..... Skins by Migbuster and Sundowner Units made by Dave (aka USAFMTL) Loading screens by Dave Pilots by Diego If I forgot anyone it was not intentional. Please let me know I and will correct it. For Oli..... Enjoy Dave USAFMTL
  21. View File Kurnass Early Skin Pack Kurnass_Early F-4E TW For SF2I Credits: ----------------------------- Kurnass HiRes Skin by NeverEnough Hangar and Loading Screen by NeverEnough F-4E Template by Sundowner Mk7 Ejection Seat by ravenclaw_007 IsAF50s Pilot by Diego Improved Afterburner Effects by Spillone104 Installation: ------------------------------ These skins are for the TW Kurnass included in StrikeFighters2 Israel. Simply extract the contents of the Kurnass_Early.zip to your desktop or a temporary folder. Then copy/paste the Effects and Objects folder into your Mods\StrikeFighters2 Israel folder. If asked to "OVERWRITE" or "Replace The Files In The Destination", click yes. Shift 0 will open and close the canopy. Israel had first expressed an interest in acquiring the Phantom in 1965, but the U.S. was not yet willing to sell the fighter to Israel. In December 1968 the "Peace Echo" deal was signed for the provision of 44 F-4Es and 6 RF-4Es to the IAF, and on Friday, September 5th, the first Israeli Phantoms landed at Hazor AFB. The four planes, wearing an IAF color scheme but still carrying their American markings, joined the new 201st "Ha'ahat" (The One) squadron, commanded by Shmuel Hetz. Delieveries continued at a rate of 4 a month and on October 23rd the 69th "Patishim" (Hammers) squadron was reformed at Ramat-David, headed by Avihu Ben-Nun. The type entered service as the "Kurnass" (Sledgehammer), the last aircraft arriving in May 1971. The skins are for the The One (201st) and Hammers (69th) squadrons. Thank Sundowner for the insanely detailed templates, and ravenclaw_007 for the droptank details and the two sharks mouths. The artistry and craftmenship in their contributions to our community never ceases to amaze me. To ensure you realize the whole nine yards, be sure to add the ravenclaw_007 Weapon Packs to your install! I hope you enjoy! Submitter NeverEnough Submitted 11/12/2017 Category Israeli Origin  
  22. Kurnass Early Skin Pack

    Version 1.0.0


    Kurnass_Early F-4E TW For SF2I Credits: ----------------------------- Kurnass HiRes Skin by NeverEnough Hangar and Loading Screen by NeverEnough F-4E Template by Sundowner Mk7 Ejection Seat by ravenclaw_007 IsAF50s Pilot by Diego Improved Afterburner Effects by Spillone104 Installation: ------------------------------ These skins are for the TW Kurnass included in StrikeFighters2 Israel. Simply extract the contents of the Kurnass_Early.zip to your desktop or a temporary folder. Then copy/paste the Effects and Objects folder into your Mods\StrikeFighters2 Israel folder. If asked to "OVERWRITE" or "Replace The Files In The Destination", click yes. Shift 0 will open and close the canopy. Israel had first expressed an interest in acquiring the Phantom in 1965, but the U.S. was not yet willing to sell the fighter to Israel. In December 1968 the "Peace Echo" deal was signed for the provision of 44 F-4Es and 6 RF-4Es to the IAF, and on Friday, September 5th, the first Israeli Phantoms landed at Hazor AFB. The four planes, wearing an IAF color scheme but still carrying their American markings, joined the new 201st "Ha'ahat" (The One) squadron, commanded by Shmuel Hetz. Delieveries continued at a rate of 4 a month and on October 23rd the 69th "Patishim" (Hammers) squadron was reformed at Ramat-David, headed by Avihu Ben-Nun. The type entered service as the "Kurnass" (Sledgehammer), the last aircraft arriving in May 1971. The skins are for the The One (201st) and Hammers (69th) squadrons. Thank Sundowner for the insanely detailed templates, and ravenclaw_007 for the droptank details and the two sharks mouths. The artistry and craftmenship in their contributions to our community never ceases to amaze me. To ensure you realize the whole nine yards, be sure to add the ravenclaw_007 Weapon Packs to your install! I hope you enjoy!
  23. View File SEA3_F-100D.zip SEA HiRes Camo F-100D For SF2, SF2V and SF2E Credits: ----------------------------- SEA HiRes Camo Skin by NeverEnough Hangar and Loading Screen by NeverEnough F-100D Template by hgbn NorthropTB Ejection Seat by FastCargo USAFNM3 Pilot by X-ray Improved Afterburner Effects by Spillone104 Hun Addons by Jug Installation: ------------------------------ Simply extract the contents of the SEA3_F-100D.zip to your desktop or a temporary folder. Then copy/paste the Effects and Objects folder into your Mods\StrikeFighters2, Mods\StrikeFighters2 Europe or Mods\StrikeFighters2 Vietnam folder. If asked to "OVERWRITE" or "Replace The Files In The Destination", click yes. Shift 0 will open and close the canopy. I hope you enjoy! Submitter NeverEnough Submitted 02/12/2017 Category F-100  

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