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Everything posted by NeverEnough

  1. The Albatros C.III is here

    Thanks for another splendid addition! I've been really looking forward to your latest release.
  2. "If there is some interest on this project, I can continue to work on it..." Ludo, your skins are always terrific! Please continue!!!!
  3. Spitfire

    I don't have 3dsmax or any experience with it, so I'm not going to be any help with that.
  4. Nvidia 280.19 Beta Released

    For those of you with Nvidia video cards, the 280.19 Beta drivers were just released this morning. They are available at nvidia.com or guru3d.com.
  5. Spitfire

    Hey hgbn: Since the response so far has been deafening, I'll take a shot at it if you still need some help. Let me know if I may be of assistance. P.S. I have really enjoyed your F-100 skins!
  6. The Ymac= values for the RightWing, RightOuterWing and RightStab are all negative values in the F-86K_Data.ini. The Right Side Ymac= values should all be positive values. Just change these three Ymac= values to a positive. RightWing should be changed to Ymac=1.42, RightOuterWing should be changed to Ymac=3.27, and RightStab should be changed to Ymac=0.78. These changes should eliminate the funky FM issues!
  7. 20 Years and Some Change.....

    Dave: Thank you for your service, and best wishes in all your future pursuits!
  8. The new SF2 Extractor is available now at the Thirdwire website in the Utilities section of the Downloads.
  9. I think Storm is looking for the Aim 9G and L skin's from Chris BV located here: http://combatace.com/files/file/7842-falklands-war-era-weapons-mini-pack/
  10. I was spinning my wheels trying use FE1 with Windows 7 64 bit, and took a look on Thirdwire's Store to see what FE2 was selling for. It is currently priced at $19.99, reduced from $29.99, which makes it ridiculously cheap and absolutely senseless not to upgrade. I'm not sure how long TK has had FE2 at the reduced price, but for those interested in taking advantage of the the new shaders and and improved frame rates available with DX10 this should be an especially easy sell!
  11. New version of the Aviatik-Berg D.1

    Stephen 1918, this seems like a particularly fitting opportunity to thank you for the really outstanding models of less well known aircraft you so generously provided for us all. Your efforts have helped provide new interest and enthusiasm within the FE community at a time when it seemed that interest might be fading. Thanks again.
  12. Oeffag D.III Ba.53, 153, 253 - WIP

    Welcome back, Jan Tuma! This is great news.
  13. Nvidia 275.33 WHQL Drivers Released

    Hey Folks: The newest 275.33 WHQL drivers are up now at nvidia.com. The beta version had a pretty good following. I'm downloading as I type this, so no review yet on SF2 compatibility.
  14. Hey Tazkiller, take a look at this link to the Spring 2011 System Guide at Techreport.com. It will take from an Econobox to a "Money Is No Object" system, and includes current prices for components. http://techreport.com/articles.x/20722 Enjoy!
  15. Pfunk did a high res F-105D skin in the Spad Skins pack on page three of the SF2 Skins download section. He did not include the templates in the download, but it might be worth contacting him.
  16. Paulopanz, I think the no shadows problem is the same model issue ErikGen fixed in his G91Y Gina re-release. That would require changes in the 3d model, which would probably have to be made on the original 3d source files. I don't have the models or the software to make those changes..... Draakje, I just downloaded the file and unzipped it with 7-Zip. It worked like a charm! Try downloading 7-Zip and using that rather than WinRar to open the file. I think 7-Zip is the utility of choice for the downloads at CombatAce.
  17. Tornado F3 For SF2



    Tornado F3 For SF2: Installation: Simply extract the contents of the Tornado F3 folder into your Mods\StrikeFighters2 folder. Tornado Team Main 3d modelling and programming: bobrock FM and avionics advisors: Crusader, starfighter2 Sounds: Spillone104 Pilots: Aleks, Canadair, Erikgen, NGHENGO, Silverbolt, Spillone104, triplethr3at Loading screen photo: David Cenciotti TornadoIDS_Destroyed LOD from NF4+ G-55EUR Pilot Skin by X-RAY Weapon Models: HiRes AIM-9L skin by ChrisBV SkyFlash by Mirage Factory SkyFlash6000 Data by Syrinx 43 Squadron 90th Anniversary Skin by Syrinx 43 Squadron Special Colors Skin by Syrinx Afterburner TGA by dfang SF2 Updates and Loading Screens by NeverEnough This is a complete SF2 installation package for the beautiful Tornado F3 by Bobrock and the many talented modders listed above. The Effect Emitters have been updated to January 2011 patch level. The Wingtip Vortices have been changed so they move properly with the swingwing position. The new TorAfterBurnerEmitter utilizes the January 2011 Particle System combined with one of dfang's afterburner tga's to give the model an afterburner plume similar to photos I've found of the Tornado F3 in warp drive. Also included are two additional loading screens of the 43 Squadron Special Colors Tornado F3. To use the additional 43 Squadron Loading Screens, change the line in the Tornado_F3.INI as shown below: [AircraftData] AircraftFullName=Tornado F3 AircraftShortName=Tornado AircraftDataFile=Tornado_F3_data.ini CockpitDataFile=Tornado_F3_cockpit.ini HangarScreen=F3_HANGARSCREEN.bmp LoadingScreen=F3_Loading.bmp<<<<Change this to TorF3_Loading.bmp or TornF3_Loading.bmp For those of you who have not installed Bobrock's Tornado F3 in the Second Generation Thirdwire sims because there was no SF2 conversion, you owe it to yourselves to take this opportunity to correct that omission. Bobrock's Tornado F3 is really absolutely stunning!
  18. Hey Ordway, here is Fubar's original post on removing the F-4 front cockpit frame to do a interim MiG-29 cockpit. Cockpit Mods Here's a pit that I've modded into a "MiG-29" pit. Consider it more of a place holder until someone creates an accurate model. It is essentially the default SF/WoV F-4E pit, originally painted by MK2 & Deacon 272. I detailed a few areas, added a new RWR and RADAR overlays, and applied an idea first thought of by AD. That is, hiding the canopy struts. Btw...how do you open the pit files to alter them?? I want to try my hand at modding some pits, what do i need to get started.? Open which files? I used a hex editor to edit some bitmap associations, and the canopy frame edit was Armour Dave's idea. MS Paint (of all things) served as my bitmap editor It's simply this: Open the F-4E_cockpit.ini file. Add this to the top section: Instrument[071]=MoveCanopyStrut Instrument[072]=MoveCanopyFrame Add this to the very end of the file: [MoveCanopyStrut] or [MoveCanopyFrame] Type=AIRSPEED_INDICATOR NodeName=FrontFrame (or CanopyFrame] MovementType=POSITION_Y Set[01].Position=-100 Set[01].Value=0.0 Set[02].Position=-99 Set[02].Value=1.0 FrontFrame gives you the F-15 style canopy. CanopyFrame gives you the early MiG-21 style canopy You'll need a hex editor here as well, to verify the node names(frame, strut, etc.)
  19. ..............

    Falcon, I'm so sorry for your loss. Remember that the good folks here are available if you need someone to talk to.
  20. Hey Stary, check page 22 of the SF2 aircraft downloads for the Su-15 SF2 conversion. Boopidoo's baby works like a champ!
  21. Thanks Pfunk for these two great looking skins, and especially for making a hi res skin for the TW F-105D!
  22. I'm working on a FM for Minefield's He-115C-1 model, but every time I hit the F5 or F6 external views it crashes the program to desktop. I'm running it on both WoE 06 patch level and Wings Over Russia 08 patch level, and it does the same thing on both installs. I'm running Windows7 64 bit OS. The system crashes only with the He-115C-1, and all the other prop models work just fine. I've made the Vista shader fixes and the FlightEngine GraphicsSettings changes. What up?
  23. a moment

    I was thinking how nice it was to again have sparkomatic's unique perspectives on things, and remembering the great examples of Far Eastern culture on C5's site.....
  24. To Veltro2K

    Have a great birthday Veltro, and thanks again for all the "presents" you have so generously shared with us all!

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