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Everything posted by NeverEnough
I just took a look at AvHistory.org to check for some updated prop FM's, and the site is up for sale. Gregoryp hasn't posted here or at Thirdwire since July of 2010 when his daughter had some health problems. What happened?
Collision Points
NeverEnough replied to KnightWolf45's topic in Thirdwire: Strike Fighters 1 Series - Mods/Skinning Discussion
Hey Lexx, I've got a 70kb file named SFNotes which is titled: STRIKE FIGHTERS/WINGS OVER VIETNAM : EDITING INFO Some notes on Strike Fighters Project 1/Wings over Vietnam First Revision: October 2002 Current revision: September 2006 Is this file you have? -
Collision Points
NeverEnough replied to KnightWolf45's topic in Thirdwire: Strike Fighters 1 Series - Mods/Skinning Discussion
Amourdave did a collision points tutorial back in January, 2003. The old link is dead, and it was also posted at biohazcentral. Maybe some of the old hands here have copies of the Amourdave tutorial? -
Heinkel He115-C1
NeverEnough replied to MineField's topic in Thirdwire: Strike Fighters 1 Series - Prop Heads Forum
Hey Cocas, if Cliff11 can't work on the flight model I'll give it a shot. Let me know if I can be of assistance. -
Mirage Factory F-4S Phantom II
NeverEnough replied to Dave's topic in Thirdwire: Strike Fighters 2 Series - File Announcements
Thanks to all involved for this early Christmas present! Merry Christmas to all and a very fond memory of BPAO. -
Eastern aviation schools got new tool
NeverEnough replied to Monty CZ's topic in Thirdwire: Strike Fighters 2 Series - Mods & Skinning Discussion
technical manual.7zHey Monty, here's the edited copy of your L-39C manual I PM'd you about. Again, thanks for all your considerable efforts. -
Thirdwire F-84F Rework
NeverEnough replied to Soulfreak's topic in Thirdwire: Strike Fighters 2 Series - Mods & Skinning Discussion
This package is really beautiful! The skins and work Soulfreak, Ludo and Ravenclaw put in this package are outstanding. The Groundhog has never looked so good. Anyone even mildly interested in the F-84F really owes it to themself to download this Mega Pack. Thanks guys for all the terrific work! -
Tu-22M3 BackFire C
NeverEnough replied to a topic in Thirdwire: Strike Fighters 1 Series - File Announcements
Hey Blackbird I'm using the whole pit from the newest Vark Package for SF2, as well as the F-111F avionics and cockpit.ini from that package, and it looks and works pretty good in SF2. -
Su-27 for SFP2
NeverEnough replied to Wilches's topic in Thirdwire: Strike Fighters 2 Series - Mods & Skinning Discussion
Hey Wilches, this is from the Knowledge Base Converting Cockpits to SF2 page: Marcfighters SU-27 Extracted the following files from WOE Object.cat F-4E_PANEL.bmp F-4E_HUDGLASS.tga F-4E_COWL.bmp F-4E_PIT1.bmp F-4E_GAU3.bmp F-4E_MIRROR.bmp F-4E_HUDGLASSTOP.tga F-4E_HUDREFLECTION.tga Copy into cockpit folder -
Romanian Mig-21 LanceR weapon loads
NeverEnough replied to dtmdragon's topic in Thirdwire: Strike Fighters 2 Series - General Discussion
"BTW, I still have a skin from Bobrock for the Lancer-C on my HDD for SF2.... If you are interested, let me know" Soulfreak, please release it!!!! -
F-84F Thunderstreak Skin & Inis Upgrade Pak
NeverEnough replied to Wrench's topic in Thirdwire: Strike Fighters 2 Series - File Announcements
Thanks Wrench for the new skins, hangar screen and the new loadout.ini for one of my real favorites! The original data.ini included in the SF2 Expansion Pack did not have the flap deploy and retract settings in the Data.ini, but you will have fully functional flaps by adding these entries to your Data.ini. // Control Surfaces --------------------------------------------------------- [LeftFlap] SystemType=HIGHLIFT_DEVICE CLiftdc=0.1540 CDdc=0.0160 Cmdc=0.0056 DeltaStallAlpha=-3.75 AreaRatio=1.000 DeploymentMethod=MANUAL Setting[1].Angle=22.5 Setting[1].DeployValue=150 Setting[1].RetractValue=275 Setting[2].Angle=45.0 Setting[2].DeployValue=120 Setting[2].RetractValue=180 MaxDeflection=45.0 MinDeflection=0.0 ControlRate=0.14 ModelNodeName=flap_L ReverseModelOrientation=TRUE [RightFlap] SystemType=HIGHLIFT_DEVICE CLiftdc=0.1540 CDdc=0.0160 Cmdc=0.0056 DeltaStallAlpha=-3.75 AreaRatio=1.000 DeploymentMethod=MANUAL Setting[1].Angle=22.5 Setting[1].DeployValue=150 Setting[1].RetractValue=275 Setting[2].Angle=45.0 Setting[2].DeployValue=120 Setting[2].RetractValue=180 MaxDeflection=45.0 MinDeflection=0.0 ControlRate=0.14 ModelNodeName=flap_R ReverseModelOrientation=TRUE -
B-1B Cockpit
NeverEnough replied to Dels's topic in Thirdwire: Strike Fighters 2 Series - Mods & Skinning Discussion
Dels always seems to maintain a very high standard of craftsmanship on all his projects. Thanks for all your outstanding contributions to this sim! -
NeverEnough replied to pistitom's topic in Thirdwire: Strike Fighters 1 Series - General Discussion
For the fixed canopy and wing fold, just download the Super Etendard from the SF2 Downloads section. Use the Data.ini file in that package, and it will work just fine with your SF1 install. -
Yak-38 Forger
NeverEnough replied to mono27's topic in Thirdwire: Strike Fighters 1 Series - Mods/Skinning Discussion
Sorry to hear about Krisis' health problems. He has made so many quality additions to this sim! Please give him our best wishes for a complete and speedy recovery. -
How NF4+ Update Will Be Handled
NeverEnough replied to Dave's topic in Thirdwire: Strike Fighters 2 Series - General Discussion
Hey usafmtl, take care of the pneumonia first and I'm sure that everybody will wait patiently while you are on the mend! -
Couple of effects editing questions...
NeverEnough replied to malibu43's topic in Thirdwire: Strike Fighters 1 Series - Mods/Skinning Discussion
Here's the Readme from the creator himself: Enhanced SAM Trails by Fubar512 This mod attempts to give the user a bit more situational awareness, by adding an enhanced flare and exhaust flame effect to large SAMs, making them visible for miles, during both day and night missions. It also replaces the default exhaust trail with a whispier, more prominent trail (which should allow for a slight improvement in frame rate when multiple SAMs are in the air) To install: Simply drop the LargeSAMTrailEffect.ini into your effects folder. That's all that's required. To uninstal: Just delete the LargeSAMTrailEffect.ini, and the game will revert to using the original. Known issues: The "rocketflare" effect may appear larger on all objects that use it, though this is not necessarily objectionable. To test that, launch an air to air missile, and see if you find the flare effect too prominent. If you do find it to be an issue, open the LargeSAMTrailEffect.ini in Windows Notepad, and edit the following lines: [EffectType001] Element[03].ElementName=RocketFlareEmitter<----edit to RocketFlareEmitter2 [EmitterType003] Name=RocketFlareEmitter<------edit to RocketFlareEmitter2 Save the edits when prompted, and the LargeSAMTraileffect will continue to use the enhanced rocketflare by itself, with absolutely no impact on other files. -
Couple of effects editing questions...
NeverEnough replied to malibu43's topic in Thirdwire: Strike Fighters 1 Series - Mods/Skinning Discussion
Drop the LargeSamTrailEffect.INI into your Effects folder. -
This sounds like a follow up to "the most expensive oil and lube job ever"! Is the prior service Marine better at CQB than you are? Sometimes life is complicated enough without pouring gasoline over your head and flicking your Bic.....
NeverEnough replied to Veltro2k's topic in Thirdwire: Strike Fighters 1 Series - Prop Heads Forum
Hey Velto2K, thanks so much for your brand new MS 406 you just posted. You have really been bringing to life an incredible number of nicely done models! I've been holding my breath waiting for the release of your remodel of the ultra-sexy Fiat G-55 (Sophia Loren with a prop), and was just curious if there was any further news? Thanks again for all your terrific work. -
F-84F ThirdWire SF2 Tweaks and Bits
NeverEnough posted a topic in Thirdwire: Strike Fighters 2 Series - File Announcements
File Name: F-84F ThirdWire SF2 Tweaks and Bits File Submitter: NeverEnough File Submitted: 04 Jun 2010 File Category: SF2 Series Add On Aircraft F-84F ThirdWire SF2 Tweaks and Bits 06-04-10 Credits: F-86F Cockpit by Zurawski Early 1960's French Pilot by Corktip 14, based on Diego's USAF Korean War pilot. Martin Baker Mk3 Ejection Seat by ravenclaw_007 F-84f Hangar Screen from the Mirage Factory F-84F Package F-84F Loadout tga by Paulopanz F-84F Data.INI tweaks and F-84F Loading Screens by NeverEnough The Thirdwire F-84F model is very nicely done for an AI only model, and can be easily finished into a real fine ride. The latest version included in the SF2 Expansion Pack did not have the flap deploy and retract settings in the Data.ini, so these have been added in this tweaked Data.ini. The taillight was located about six feet behind the aircraft, and the navigation lights on each side of the tail are modeled but have no entries in the stock Data.ini. The tailight location was corrected and the tail navigation lights are added in the included Data.ini. The front landing light has also been added, and SHIFT 0 will open and close the cockpit canopy. The early 1960's French pilot is a nice addition, and he looks great sitting in ravenclaw_007's beautiful new Martin Baker Mk3 ejection seat. The new loading screen is a French F-84F with Suez campaign stripes, which looks especially fitting when used with Paulopanz's Suez SuperPack skins! An alternate loading screen of a beautifully restored Italian F-84F is also included for a SF2E installation. Give this kite a test drive, and discover what a treat it is. Be sure to include Paulopanz's Suez skins, and you will be looking good. --------------------------------------------- Installation notes: Simply copy the contents of the included Objects folder into your Mods\StrikeFighters2 Israel, Mods\StrikeFighters2 Exp1, or Mods\StrikeFighters2 Europe folder. To use the Italian F-84F Loading Screen, change the line in the F-84F.INI as shown below: [AircraftData] AircraftFullName=F-84F Thunderstreak AircraftShortName=F-84F AircraftDataFile=F-84F_data.ini LoadoutFile=F-84F_loadout.ini UserList=F-84F_UserList.ini CockpitDataFile=F-84F_COCKPIT.ini HangarScreen=F-84f_HANGAR.bmp LoadoutImage=F-84F_LOADOUT.tga Loadingscreen=F84F_Loading.bmp <<<<<<<< Change this to F-84F_Loading.bmp --------------------------------------------- Click here to download this file -
F-84F ThirdWire SF2 Tweaks and Bits
NeverEnough replied to NeverEnough's topic in Thirdwire: Strike Fighters 2 Series - File Announcements
Hey Gunrunner: I checked on Martin Baker's website to see if the Mk3 was used on the F-84F before I uploaded the file, and you are absolutely correct about the Republic ejection seat being used. Ranvenclaw-007's brand new Martin Baker Mk3 ejection seat just looks alot nicer than the correct Republic ejection seat. Before the release of GMG's beautiful Hunter FMK58 package (which included ravenclaw-007's new Martin Baker Mk3), I was using ravenclaw-007's great looking Martin Baker Mk GW5 ejection seat. His new Mk3 is even more detailed, and closer to historically correct while looking just plain good! So I elected to go with looks over historical correctness. -
1948 War for Independence Campaign
NeverEnough replied to Dave's topic in Thirdwire: Strike Fighters 2 Series - Mission & Campaign Building Discussion
For a cleaner exhaust emitter you might try this: http://forum.combatace.com/files/file/8821-new-clean-exhaust-effect/ I hope it does the trick! -
DH Venom
NeverEnough replied to paulopanz's topic in Thirdwire: Strike Fighters 2 Series - Mods & Skinning Discussion
Hey Wrench, everything shows up fine. Yes, the Hunter 9 pit is included in the Expansion Pack and I used the same method to drop the Hunter 9 cockpit in all the other variants of the Hunter. It sure beats the effort involved in extracting all the bits and pieces from the Object Data files! -
DH Venom
NeverEnough replied to paulopanz's topic in Thirdwire: Strike Fighters 2 Series - Mods & Skinning Discussion
I'm using the Expansion Pack P-51D cockpit in all my Spitfires, and the Meteor cockpit in all my Vampires without putting the cockpit folder directly into the AI aircraft folders. It works like a champ! As an example, I drop the Meteor cockpit ini into all the Vampire version folders and rename it Vampire_Cockpit.ini so I can use the same cockpit ini for all three Vampires. In the Vampire.ini add the line "CockpitDataFile=Vampire_cockpit.ini", and extract one of the Vampire_Data.ini's for the Pilot Position Location located here: // Crew --------------------------------------------------------- [Pilot] SystemType=PILOT_COCKPIT SeatID=1 PilotModelName= SetCockpitPosition=TRUE Position= ------- This Value------- -
SF2 Dassault Super Mystere cockpit almost finished
NeverEnough replied to ordway's topic in Thirdwire: Strike Fighters 2 Series - Mods & Skinning Discussion
As per your usual standard Ordway, very nice work!