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Everything posted by NeverEnough

  1. Did you happen to fix the loadouts on the wings being too far back as well? No, I did not but I'll fix it.
  2. Hey usafmtl: I've been screwing around with the AU-1 FM and have it working pretty well. The AI just greases their landings now, and it will not turn at 21g's anymore. I don't have any carrier installs, so I have not tested what it does off a catapult. So far, it flies pretty nicely in the SF2 Expansion Pack. I'm just cleaning up the rolling radius on the tail wheel, and adjusting the shock values now. If you still need the tweaked FM, I can send it to you.
  3. The file currently has 104 views and zero downloads. The zero downloads has nothing to do with the beautiful skin LloydNB created, but probably stems from the message screen the download goes to after clicking on the download button. "You are about to download the file 'Fiat Cr.42CN Sicily 1942'. Please take a moment to review the following disclaimer. Afterwards click the 'Download File' button to download the file." There is no "Download File" button available on the page at that stage in the download process.
  4. Hey Veltro, it looks great! Thanks for your ever-continuing efforts.
  5. Here's TK's answer from the Thirdwire forum: Yeah, the HUD message missing has already been reported, it'll be fixed in the next patch. TK
  6. Bombers takeoff from airfields

    This file might be the one OlPaint01 was referring to: http://forum.combatace.com/files/file/1520-making-your-dumb-bombs-smarter-level-bombing-sight/
  7. Too bad Nicki isn't still around to see this. She was one of the biggest fans for your British bomber models!
  8. Wow, this one really grabbed my attention! Veltro has been bringing to life a steady stream of ever improving models. I was just going back through the downloads section looking for some of the old view mods, and it made me realize what a broad spectrum of really nice aircraft models Veltro has introduced. I can remember the many postings leading up to Veltro2k's first finished model. They have been coming fast and furious since that one! Veltro's works have filled so many different niches, which has been pretty unique among the current modellers. Ed has been kind enough to give us aircraft from the Spanish Civil War era to the present day. I'm just struggling to understand how anyone could possibly have their tailfeathers out of joint over prop textures......
  9. IAR-38/39

    These are some very nice models and skins! Great work, and I'm looking forward to the release.
  10. Here's the Weapon Station from the A-5A Data.INI: // Weapon Stations --------------------------------------------------------- [LeftInnerWingStation] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=1 StationGroupID=1 StationType=EXTERNAL AttachmentPosition=-2.9041,0.2611,-0.5693 AttachmentAngles=0.0,0.0,0.0 LoadLimit=2500 AllowedWeaponClass=FT,BOMB,EOGB,MER,TER,2BR AttachmentType=NATO,USN ModelNodeName=Hardpoint_L PylonMass= PylonDragArea= LaunchRailNodeName= MinExtentPosition= MaxExtentPosition= FuelTankName=Tank600_F4 [RightInnerWingStation] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=2 StationGroupID=1 StationType=EXTERNAL AttachmentPosition=2.9041,0.2611,-0.5693 AttachmentAngles=0.0,0.0,0.0 LoadLimit=2500 AllowedWeaponClass=FT,BOMB,EOGB,MER,TER,2BR AttachmentType=NATO,USN ModelNodeName=Hardpoint_R PylonMass= PylonDragArea= LaunchRailNodeName= MinExtentPosition= MaxExtentPosition= FuelTankName=Tank600_F4 [LinearBombBay] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=3 StationGroupID=2 StationType=EXTERNAL NumWeapons=1 AttachmentPosition=-0.0000,-2.4,-0.116 AttachmentAngles=0.0,0.0,0.0 EjectVelocity=0.0,-30.0,1.5 LoadLimit=3000 ,BOMB,FT,DLP,AWD,EP AttachmentType=USN MinExtentPosition= MaxExtentPosition= FuelTankName=A-5A_Fuel SpecificStationCode=A-5LB NoJettisonTank=TRUE Only the Linear Bombbay currently is configured to allow nuclear weapons. You will have to add AllowedWeaponClass=NUC for both the left and right inner wing station lines.
  11. Try taking a look at the Jaguar in NF4+. Hopefully it has already been sorted!
  12. FMA IA-58a Pucara for SF2



    FMA IA-58a Pucara for SF2 Ver 0.9 beta / 26-12-2004 by Fox Monter – Rosario, ARGENTINA Credits: Model work and Skins by Foxmonter FAU Skin by Matthew Ouellette HeloPilot Skins by Diego Martin Baker Mk GW5 Ejection Seat by Ravenclaw_007 SF2 updates by NeverEnough Installation: Simply extract the contents of the Pucara folder into your Mods\StrikeFighters2 folder. Shift 1 will open and close the canopy. Chaff and flares have been added so you can spend more time flying, and less time dying! I can not take any responsibility whatsoever regarding using of this add-on. This is freeware addon package It is not supported by me or anyone, but your feedback with suggestions and improvements is appreciated: foxmonter@hotmail.com. Have fun :)!
  13. If you are using the Super Etendard v1.00 for SF2 file, Shift 9 will open and close the canopy, and Shift 10 will fold the wings. Take a look in the downloads section for the file, since it is already configured for you.
  14. That is an extremely handsome bird!
  15. New FE seasoned tiles released!

    One word. Wow!!!!!!
  16. File Name: F-3H-2M Demon v1.00 for SF2 File Submitter: NeverEnough File Submitted: 5 Aug 2009 File Category: SF2 Series Add On Aircraft F-3H-2M Demon v1.00 for SF2 Modelling and Skinning by FoxMonter. Flight Model by C5 -------------------- Credits: Model work by Foxmonter FM by Column5 Skins by Foxmonter,Corktip 14 and Sidewinder86 VF14TOP Pilot Skin by Corktip 14 Martin Baker Mk GW5B Ejection Seat by Ravenclaw_007 SF2 updates by NeverEnough Installation -------- Simply extract the contents of the F3H-2M folder into your Mods\StrikeFighters2 folder. Shift 1 will open and close the canopy, and Control o will fold the wings. DONE! ------------------- If you got low FPS, disable the shadows!, but is work great on my machine. Post your comments in the forums or emailme. foxmonter@hotmail.com ------------------- ENJOY THE FLIGHT. Click here to download this file
  17. Decals?

    Hey Ezlead, download one of the SF2 models converted from the SF1 series and also download the original SF1 series model. Take a look at the two files side by side, and it will make the whole process make a alot more sense. This approach will show you the before and after picture of what changes have been made. It sure took the mystery out of the conversion for me!
  18. Nice catch gerwin! Thanks for sharing this info.
  19. It's Crusader's Birthday!

    Have a great Birthday, and I hope you get lots of dark chocolate for gifts!
  20. Thanks for posting the link to his story. Obviously, he was quite a guy! How in the world did it take 44 years to do the right thing and award him the medal he so deserved?
  21. Mirage 2000-5 BETA for SF2



    Mirage 2000-5 BETA For SF2 This is a Mod of Erwin_hans Taiwanese Mirage 2000-5. Credits: -------------------------------------------------- 3D Model by aleks Original Flight Model by IAFmars and YEYEYE and Erwin_hans French Skin by ADM17 Grecia, Siguena and Tigermeet Skins by TORNO JAS-39C Gripen Cockpit by Gux Avionics by Moonjumper and Jat Martin Baker Mk10 Ejection Seat by AleDucat SF2 updates, FM, Hangar and Loading Screens by NeverEnough Installation: -------------------------------------------------- Simply extract the contents of the Mirage 2000-5 folder into your Mods\StrikeFighters2 folder. Shift 1 will open and close the canopy. This model uses the Gux's JAS-39C Gripen cockpit and avionics. The cross bar in the Gripen canopy has beem removed to provide a fully transparent canopy. Every effort has been made remove as much of the Beta aspect as possible, but some small issues still remain. The weapon positions on the pylons have been adjusted, the weapon stations have been tweaked to avoid model overlaps, and the weapon loadout has been changed to more closely reflect French and Greek Mirage 2000-E weapons capabilities. The lighting positions and wheel rolling radius have been corrected. The leading edge slats are functional, and the flight model has been tweaked pretty extensively. A new Hangar Screen, Loading Screen and Loadout image are included. TORNO's skins make this a very sexy beast. The FM is pretty sporty, and the plane flies and fights nicely. The real Mirage 2000-5 is a very competent multi-purpose fighter bomber, and this model does a pretty good job reflecting that heritage. Take a look at the Mirage 2000 History.txt file for more detail on the Mirage 2000. Enjoy, and good flying.
  22. I'm intrigued! The various cloud mods have really added to the finished look of the sims.
  23. Tazkiller, this looks great. Thanks for all your time and effort towards making a more enjoyable Korean War experience!
  24. Try adding this line to the J-47 Exhaust Emitter INI. [J47SmokeMaterial] EffectShaderName=effectLightLevel.fx The exhaust effects I did still show in my patched SF2 installs, and I included the EffectShaderName line in the Exhaust Emitter INI's.
  25. Check to see if the Smoke3.tga is in your Effects Folder. If it is not, the effect won't show.

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