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Everything posted by NeverEnough

  1. Nice update to these older models, and the Readme file was pure poetry!
  2. Wow, this is very nice indeed! Thanks Dels for another of your typically outstanding models. The New Year is getting off to terrific start.
  3. My Grandfather has passed.....

    Sakai: Sorry for your loss, and best wishes for you and your family. It sounds like your grandfather lived a very full life.
  4. Veltro, you have really become quite a craftsman! Thanks for your continuing efforts. It really shines through in your many models.
  5. I snagged a copy for myself when it was released a couple weeks ago, and it really is a gem. The package also includes the earlier EA-6A model. The cockpits and pilot models are beautiful too. I have the earlier Razbam A-6A cockpit with the refueling prob editted out as the office for my B-66B, and it makes for some pretty high-end tenant improvements. The handling on the EA-6B is pretty sporty, with an exceptional roll rate. It helps keep SAMs and bad guys off your back.
  6. Gentlemen, that is a very nice piece of work! Thanks for all your time and effort.
  7. "If someone here sent such a message to WDH and I find out who you are...there will be consequences. FC " It would warm the cockles of my heart if you would be so kind as to open a can of whupass on the moron behind WDH's "thankyou note". Get em....
  8. call of duty 4 grapics problem

    The 178.24 WHQL drivers seem to be pretty stable for most applications. I still haven't gotten around to installing COD4 yet, so I can't tell you from first hand experience if they will work for you. The newest 180 series Nvidia drivers are really optimized for the 8800, 9800 and new 200 series video cards; so they probably won't work for you. Take a look at the forums on guru3d.com for info on compatability. The Nvidia video drivers are pretty anal about how they are installed, and can cause some pretty strange issues if they are so inclined. Based on how I constantly update my Nvidia video drivers, here is what has worked great for my system. Before uninstalling your current Nvidia Video drivers, go to guru3d.com and download DriverCleanerPro. After virus scanning the download, go ahead and install the program. Then through Control Panel, use the Uninstall Programs to uninstall your existing Nvidia Video drivers. Be careful if your motherboard has a Nvidia chipset not to uninstall the Nvidia chipset drivers. Instant self lobotomy! After uninstalling the current Nvidia Video drivers, DO NOT click the Reboot Now button. Now run DriverCleaner Pro from the shortcut on your desktop. The DriverCleanerPro initial window should show "nVidia" in the Cleaning Section window. If not, set the pulldown menu for the Cleaning Section window to read "nVidia" and NOTHING else. Leave the Select Multiple Cleaning Filters box unchecked. Then click Start. The program will proceed to whack all the bits and pieces of the uninstalled Nvidia Video drivers (there are quite a few left behind). When DriverCleanerPro shows it has deleted all the stray files, hit the close button and go ahead and reboot. Lots of people suggest rebooting in the Safe Mode (hold down F8 before the bios finishes loading), but I have had even better luck just doing a normal reboot. After rebooting, run DriverCleanerPro AGAIN. The program will find a couple more pieces of the prior uninstalled Nvidia Video drivers, always! Windows will now be nagging you with the Found New Hardware balloon, so hit Cancel on the Found New Hardware. Now, run the setup.exe from the folder on your desktop where you have previously unzipped the Nvidia Video drivers you have elected to install. After running the setup.exe and letting the Nvidia Video driver set install, click the Reboot button when given the option. Now let Windows detect and install the new video drivers, which usually will be done without any further input from you. You will now have to go into Display Properties to set your screen resolution and sometimes your monitor refresh rate. You should now be ready to go out and make the world safe for democracy!
  9. "So fresh install, then this update?" Yes, in fact that is the Thirdwire recommended procedure.
  10. Very nice work, as usual! Great improvement to the BOB terrain.
  11. India sinks Somali pirate ship

    We should all lift a beverage in salute of the Indian Navy! Finally someone demonstrates the sort of resolve this situation requires.
  12. Nice set of new clothes for the Halifax. Great work for a grand old lady (I mean the plane)!
  13. Flying with Red Air just keeps getting better and better!
  14. Microsoft just released the Directx November 2008 Redist update at http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details...;DisplayLang=en. It's an big file, 86.2 mb. The redist package is a complete stand-alone Directx install, good for either a new install on a fresh operating system or as an update on an existing installation. Unzip the Microsoft download to a folder on your desktop, and run the install from the Setup.exe file in the uncompressed folder.
  15. Syrinx's posting about Schrage Musik made me a little curious, so take a look at this link for an interesting chapter in the night air war over Germany. http://www.207squadron.rafinfo.org.uk/wess...hrage_musik.htm
  16. Veltro2k, you are doing Bomber Command proud! Thanks for giving the coupla WW2 fans such treats.
  17. J-6A

    Thanks fallout3 for all your work to bring these fine models to the Thirdwire sims. This and your J-6 are greatly appreciated.
  18. Well done, Wrench! This rates a big Two Thumbs Up, and is a definite kick in the head.
  19. Wyvern Video

    I just downloaded your Wyvern model. Very nice indeed! Thanks for all your considerable efforts on this most interesting aircraft.
  20. Thanks Comrad for doing a 1024 x 1024 VPAF skin for the grand old MiG-17F. She looks great!
  21. Thanks Veltro2K for bringing this model to fruitition. I've been looking forward to this since your first teaser pics!
  22. "Looking very good, not bankrupt at all .............. " Kirsten, late last night I was going to make a similar observation but thought maybe it would be mis-construed. Thanks for the levity! Great looking terrain, and it just keeps improving.
  23. Thank you, thank you, thank you! Wow, you've made me talk like Gomer Pile.... The F-111 has always been a seriously cool ride to take downtown. Thanks Fast Cargo and Associates for tuning up a grand old bird.
  24. Wow, this is one good looking Dauntless! Thanks for the beautiful skin.
  25. "I likeses nymphs..." Technically speaking, that would make you a nymphsomaniac.

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