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Everything posted by NeverEnough

  1. With all your obvious talents Brain32, I'm sure you will find an even better opportunity. Thanks for all your great contributions, and best of luck with fixing the RL situation!
  2. Carriers moving that fast would make for spectacular wake surfing. Remember the scene from Apocalypse Now, "Charlie don't surf!".
  3. Any other shooters here?

    I've been a resident of The People's Republic of California since 1964. My father taught my brother and I to shoot (well!) when we were five years old. NeverEnough originated with my philosophy about how many guns is enough. Friends of mine who are vehement gun-haters tell me that when the s**t hits the fan, they are coming to my house. My fiancee and I have been involved in the gun rights political movement since 1990, and it has been a major struggle to maintain ANY rights for gun owners in California. All the whacked out, gun-phobic laws Californians are forced to live with absolutely will go national if we have a veto-proof majority in the Senate with a like-thinking individual in the Oval Office. If you care at all about your or your children's right to legally use and own firearms, you must vote those convictions on November 4th. No politics, just fact....
  4. Based on the leaked pictures and material to date, this thing is going to be EPIC! I feel confident that everybody (except maybe Stiglr) is going to have their socks knocked off. We as a community, have been living large these last several weeks with a plethora of outstanding new models, and it just keeps getting better! Thank You....
  5. We have been deluged not just with lots of new planes, but with masterfully crafted and finished models! The quality of these new additions has been absolutely outstanding. Thanks to each and everyone of the many individuals who have graced us with these pleasures.
  6. Thanks so much Julhelm for this Skyray and your Vigilante models. These are simply outstanding examples of your craftsmanship and dedication!
  7. Wow, this was a big surprise! Thanks Erikgen and Associates for bringing such high quality Voodoo models to the Thirdwire sims. Simply beautiful....
  8. Use the Weapon Editor to check Attachment Type in the weapondata.ini. Just checked my WOV install, and it only had NATO checked.
  9. Correct way to eat a Burger?

    Take a look at C5's snake thread, and you'll see the proper way to engulf a burger! Unhinge the jaws, and a full frontal assault.
  10. You're going to make NFG "the original Glad Girl"!
  11. It's beginning to feel alot like Christmas!
  12. For each of the weaponless aircraft, check the AttachmentType= in the located in the Data.INI file under //Weapon Stations. The MF Weapons Pack uses AttachmentType=NATO,USN, USAF format, which is different than the Bunyap Weapon Pack format. If the AttachmentType= does not match the Weapon Pack format, you will have no weapons at the loadout screen.
  13. Paul Newman Dead

    Also a very talented auto racer. He used to enter SCCA regional races as P. Newman, to avoid being treated like a "movie star". He won his first SCCA national championship driving a Triumph TR6, and then went on to multiple national SCCA championships driving for Datsun (now Nissan) in 510 sedans and 240Z's. Lots of people at the top levels of auto racing felt that he could have been a world class driving talent, if he hadn't waited until most other competitive drivers were considering retirement before he started his racing career. He was a very unique individual. We are all diminished...
  14. I just flew a WOV mission in an F-4J with Sundowner's Showtime 100 skin (beautiful!) and a second mission in a B-66B with Sundowner's EB-66E skin (ooooh, pretty!) and the Green Hell 2 mod was perfectly stunning. Running home through tree topped ridges shrouded in clouds looked damn good. The terrain showed no problems, but I am getting the weird flickering off the sun reflecting on the water. I'll try the HeightOffset edit to see if it will fix the problem.
  15. Wow Klavs, great art work featuring one of the most beautiful aircraft EVER made!
  16. "Does WoI have a flyable Hunter, or is that just WoE? " Lexx, the WOI Hunters are not flyable in the stock install. I just add the cockpits from the WOE Hunter.
  17. Thank you Wrench for your continued additions and improvements in the WW2 era. I've been having so much fun with the prop era, that I haven't spent much time lately with any of the great jet era mods which have been coming out recently. There may not be huge numbers of prop era fans here, but the rest of the crowd really should take em for a test flight to see how much they are missing out on!
  18. After CA_STARY mentioned using the new patch WOI for his WW2 and Spanish Civil War installs, I gave it a shot with the A-Team's just released Spanish Civil War mod. Thank you CA_STARY for your most wise suggestion, because it works like a champ! The prop models appear to fly and fight just fine, unlike their general weirdness in the previous version of WOI.
  19. Alb D.II Skins

    I took a look at all four examples twice, and I'm kind of torn between them. My first impression was that the larger white outlines were too overwhelming, and I preferred the the thinner white outlines. After looking at them the second time, they both have positives. The thinner white outline is a little more of a low viz effect, but the larger white outlines look very crisp. Thanks for your continued efforts, Sinbad.
  20. The plane is available at the A-Team site. You need to register before downloading.
  21. Fubar's "aircraft porn" is going to be the death of us mature viewers!
  22. It has been available for download since 2:07 p.m. this afternoon! Thanks to the German Modder Group for all your efforts in putting this package together.
  23. Ooooooooooh, that's pretty!
  24. "upgraded the the video cards to Nvidia BFG GFX OC 9800s" Are you running two cards in SLI? The newest WHQL drivers are the 177.83, which use the PhysX implementation. You might check at the Thirdwire forums about PhysX compatability with the Thirdwire programs.

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