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Everything posted by NeverEnough

  1. "Someone know where I can get the original ANW?" The ANW terrain was from Major Lee's site, but you can use Doghouse's AmericaNW Mountain Thaw available in the Downloads section here under Terrains. That is what I'm using in WOI. Brain32's new tiles will over-write all the tiles included in the AmericanNW Mountain Thaw terrain. If you use Doghouse's AmericaNW Mountain Thaw, you will have to edit the AmericaNW_DATA.INI file to remove [Texture007] Filename=mountain2.BMP HasWater=0 Color=0.718371,0.605424,0.451735 SolidObjectTexture= AlphaObjectTexture= There is no mountain2.BMP, and it will cause the program to hard lock. The [Texture007] entry is located at the very bottom of the AmericaNW_DATA.INI file, so it is very easy to locate. Major Lee's original AmericaNW_DATA.INI is correct, and will not need to be editted.
  2. OK, how about Rapier......
  3. Wow, Brain32 these tiles are beautiful! Splendid work indeed. The biggest problem is that I'm flying down in the weeds so I can admire the fruits of your labor, and I keep getting jumped from above.
  4. What about going with the razor theme, and calling it the switchblade or stiletto? Call it ghey, and it will cut you b-tch!
  5. I really appreciate Wagsled's insights and tips, since I've managed to development literally hundreds of different ways to get killed. Please feel free to share any experiences which might serve to bring us out of the darkness of ignorance!
  6. There is a very nice South African Mirage IIICZ skin pack posted over at Check-six in the Skins - WoE/WoV section. It includes three camo schemes, an aluminum skin, and a low vis skin. Also posted in the Skins Section is a F-4E Kurnass, an F-16A Netz, an A-4H Ahit 73, and a Hunter F59 skin for WOI. Certainly worth visiting our French friends!
  7. WTF Is Going on in Chcago?

    "Where is society going wrong in this world when an 18 year old can find out he's gonna die in prison, and not give a damn?" So is their attitude any different when they have been sentenced to die by lethal injection? Does the threat of the death penalty have any real deterrent value on the predators? Think of the total cost to house, feed, and provide medical care to individuals for the rest of their natural lives.
  8. Was the Mirage III CJ really as bad an air to air ride as it would seem from the April patched WOI? I had completed a Six Days War campaign in the Mirage III and chalked up a decent number of kills, but the newly patched WOI makes me a MiG chew toy. Using a Mirage tip posted here earlier, I could fight MiG's by popping the airbrakes and reversing over the top. Now, they just shred me using my previously successful techniques. I had pretty much decided I just suck at BFM, but I've been getting six to nine kills per single mission in the MiG-17F since giving up on the Mirage III CJ. I'm flying with Normal FM. Is anyone else having the same experience with the post-patch Mirage III CJ. I really loved the ride pre-patch.
  9. HELP

    Download WinRar or 7Zip. Both are free utilities, just google them for download locations. After you install the downloaded programs, then open the files downloaded from CombatAce with either one. Usually, it's best to unzip the files to a folder on your desktop. Then install the unzipped files according to the included readme files.
  10. Ordway just re-posted the Mig-17F cockpit file, and it downloads just fine now. Thanks for all your hard work Ordway!
  11. Jug, maybe your instincts are still very good. The Cold War era was much more black and white, today things are all shades of gray. It is a very dangerous world out there now.
  12. Check Silverbolt's post on the last page of the EF-2000 File Announcement: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showt...80&start=80
  13. Follow the link to the most detailed cockpit and pilot location tutorial you could ever imagine! This is Lexx Luthor's currently 32 page thread on the subject. http://bbs.thirdwire.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?t=4410 You are going to be stunned at the amount of really good info available.
  14. Wow, it sure looks like you've put a lot of effort into this! Thanks for all your diligent efforts, Ordway.
  15. Craigbrierley, she is beautiful! You should be a very proud parent. Thank you for this tremendous addition to the Thirdwire sims. Maybe a sticky should be started to keep all the ini edits in one place, and to give Craigbrierley a better opportunity to bask in the glory of his accomplishments (and to keep him from tearing his hair out from answering the same question over and over and over.....).
  16. Anyone up for new menu screens?

    OK, I'll be the first to vote for the second version. They both look terrific, though.
  17. Great job ordway, a very nice pit indeed!
  18. I just came across a great article on current Russian missile technology, which might be helpful on adjusting the capability levels. http://www.ausairpower.net/APA-Rus-BVR-AAM.html Very interesting read, and I would be less likely to dismiss modern Russian air to air missle technology after reading this!
  19. A lot to ask

    Hey Hurricane3, I'm only six years younger than you and I think maybe the passage of time has left you with only the fond memories of the early flight sims! I clearly remember having to screw around with DOS to try to sort out the pretty much guaranteed hardware incompatabilities, driver problems or program bugs. Do you remember having to move cards to different ISA slots to resolve the DMA and IRQ conflicts? Just as in any bygone relationship, the mind tends to remember most clearly the good times, and not the bad! Trust me, we never had it so good as we have it now! Enjoy all the good works available to us here in the community. P.S. If you encounter something which might appear difficult, just ask for help. There is a ready and competent source of assistance available here, a really great bunch of fellow enthusiasts.
  20. Very nice work! I keep having narrow SAM escapes, since I'm using F6 to look at all the great looking details on the skins when I get "SAM Launch" warnings. Thanks for the art work.
  21. Fmk6 Lightning

    It looks like a pregnant guppy and goes like a bat outta h..l! I love this beast.
  22. Bought FE EP finally

    "same here...but since the expansion pack costs as much / more than the original perhaps I will dither" The Expansion Pack comes with some very nice new models (DR1 in particular) and includes lots of improvements in terrains and FM. It is similar to the improvement WOI made to WOE. If you give it a test drive, I think you'll be suitably impressed.
  23. Direct X 9c

    This link will take you to the Microsoft download for the March 2008 Directx Redist. http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details...;displaylang=en Click on the download button and download the file (I think it's 69.5 MB) to your desktop. Virus scan it to be safe (I'm paranoid!), then extract it to a folder on your desktop with an appropriate name (Directx March 2008 Redist). After extracting it to the desktop folder, open the folder and find DXSETUP (it is an image of a desktop computer with a software box next to it). Double click on DXSETUP and let it run. The Redist package includes ALL the Directx files, and the March 2008 Directx Redist was only released maybe two weeks ago. This will give you a pristine install of all the most current Directx files Microsoft has available. It works like a champ for me.
  24. CA_Stary, that's a pretty tasty pit you've put together! Are you using the Hi-Res Galanti F-100D cockpit pieces?

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