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Everything posted by NeverEnough

  1. Thanks for all your concerted efforts to bring this together. I just love the Korean War airwar era. It was the end of one era, and the beginning of the next. Kind of a knife fight for purists!
  2. Bite sized chunks

    That's a whale of a "bit sized chunk" of updated FM's you did there! Many thanks for all your efforts.
  3. Very nice job, and I'm eagerly awaiting this pit!
  4. The History Channel had a special on the U.S.S. Liberty incident. Very well done show, and probably available on DVD.
  5. Brain32, your tileset has taken WOE to a whole different level! I'm spending more time just cruising around sightseeing, too distracted to even look for something to shoot or blowup. This work is absolutely beautiful.
  6. Beautiful job, Brain32! Thanks for all your significant improvements for TK's sims.
  7. "This is right from my IDF MD-450, main tank only" I did a search looking for Wrench's IDF MD-450 in the downloads section, in the knowledge base and on Wrench's site. Where can I find Wrench's IDF MD-450? There doesn't seem to be any skins for this bird other than those included with the aircraft download. I downloaded the aircraft model at C5's site.
  8. When it rains, it pours! Good times all around. Thanks for the great cockpits to help out us RedAir fans!
  9. Another GREAT contribution by CA_Stary! Excellent adaptation of Boopidoo's Su-15TM cockpit. Thanks for the moves.
  10. It flies really nice! I'm just pounding the Arab Air Forces with my Sparrows. It also handles nicely on landing approach. Great job, C5.
  11. Copied from Charles Strike Fighter Notes: SF uses the Metric system for its data (metres, kilograms, and Newton for engine thrust). NB Fuel is in Kg, not litres.
  12. Great news, Brain32. Looking forward to these beautiful new tiles!
  13. P10ppy, you just keep making the Spad VII better and better! Thanks for your continued efforts.
  14. Boopidoo, your adaptation of the beautiful Su-15 cockpit to the Su-7 looks fantastic and is a real gem. Thanks for all your considerable efforts to advance the state of the art!
  15. Great work! Really looking forward to this project being available.
  16. I agree, nice office!
  17. Just a headsup on WIP's (contact sheet)

    That's quite a portfolio you've got, Gambit. Very nice work, indeed!
  18. It looks like Bounder is flying the WOI Vautour.
  19. For the WOI Vautour, I've been using Razbam's Banshee F-2H2 cockpit. It looks and works pretty good!
  20. It's great to have you back applying your considerable talents to the SFP1 world, Boopidoo! The modded Su-15 pit looks great, and if you left the dual engine controls this would look great for the Yak-28 or even the MiG-19....
  21. Looks like a great addition to the skins available for Florian's MiG-21UM. Many thanks!
  22. The terrain looks nice when you're down in the weeds. There is even smoke rising out of factory smokestacks. The FM on the Mirage IIICJ seemed pretty sporty! Watching from the chase view, the roll rate is pretty impressive. Flew a 1963 Mirage IIICJ fighter sweep mission, and noticed it seems a whole bunch tougher to get a guns kill. Initial impression is TK really kicked it up a notch!
  23. Excellent work, and most appreciated!
  24. Each dog has his day.

    This bad boy had his hand in quite a few nefarious deeds. Those who live by the sword, die by the sword......

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