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Everything posted by NeverEnough

  1. Hey there Wrench, Capun did a M59 Long Tom 155mm model. Or are you looking for a howitzer, because Capun also did the M101 and M102 105mm howitzer models.
  2. I bet the hole in the dash and the dangling wires is where some lowlife broke the window and stole the killer sound system!
  3. Kudos gentlemen on work you're doing on this beast. I just love this big girl!
  4. Spad VII stuff

    "...but I am mightily confused by the file structure here. What do ya do - just dump it into the Spad VII 180hp a/c folder as is? Or is that just too simplistic? " Based on installing the package last night, just copy the files into the SPAD7_180 folder. Based on my installation and subsequent flying experience, you Do Not have to extract the Spad 13 cockpit form the Objects Cat file! The program will by default read the relevant files from the Cat file, so you can save yourself the trouble of extracting the files. The beautiful loading screen will not show unless you change the line in the provided SPAD7_180.ini file: [AircraftData] AircraftFullName=SPAD VII.C1 (180) AircraftShortName=SPAD 7 AircraftDataFile=SPAD7_180_data.ini CockpitDataFile=SPAD7_180_COCKPIT.INI LoadoutFile=SPAD7_loadout.ini LoadingScreen=SPAD7_180_Loading.bmp <..................This line. HangarScreen=SPAD7_180_Hanger.bmp To have the new non-widescreen loading screen show, change the LoadingScreen= to read: [AircraftData] AircraftFullName=SPAD VII.C1 (180) AircraftShortName=SPAD 7 AircraftDataFile=SPAD7_180_data.ini CockpitDataFile=SPAD7_180_COCKPIT.INI LoadoutFile=SPAD7_loadout.ini LoadingScreen=SPAD7_180.bmp <.......This change will now show the beautiful new loading screen! HangarScreen=SPAD7_180_Hanger.bmp You could also add the "LoadoutFile=SPAD7_loadout.ini" line to the SPAD7_180.ini. To bring your tracers to the center of the gunsight, add the following line to the SPAD7_180_DATA.ini: // Internal Guns --------------------------------------------------------- [internalGun] SystemType=FIXED_GUN GunTypeName=303CAL_VICKERS_MK1 InputName=FIRE_PRIMARY_GUN GunGroup=1 MuzzlePosition=0.06,0.80,0.51 LightPosition= 0.06,0.85,0.51 AimAngles=-2.7,1.1,0.0 <Add this line................... MaxAmmo=380 EjectShells=TRUE EjectPosition=-0.45,-0.25,-0.24 EjectVelocity=-0.5,-1.0,-0.0 MinExtentPosition=0.01,-0.25,0.46 MaxExtentPosition=0.12, 0.80,0.59 GunFireAnimationID=7 Synchronized=TRUE With those few tweaks, you will be able to fully enjoy P10ppy's outstanding addition to a pleasurable FE experience!
  5. 37mm AAA

    Hey Tailspin, here's the scoop on tracers from TK: TracerSize sets the basic size of the textures. TracerDistFactor is the modifier for size (set above) for distance. Without this, we find that tracer texture would be less than 1 pixel and disppear completely too soon. So this increases the tracer size as it gets further away from camera. So if you want tracer to be visible further away, but you don't want it to look like a giant basketball-sized texture up close, you want to try adjusting the TracerDistFactor. Max Streak Visible Dist sets the maximum distance (from camera) to which the "streak" (that "tail" part of the tracer graphics), is rendered. And it may also affect the long distance visibility from different angles. TK
  6. WoE has some absolutely fantastic additions available, specifically C5's stunning Nato Fighters and Nato Fighters 2. Just today, max188 posted a new terrain tile set for WoE, and his terrains have always been outstanding.
  7. Great news, Corktip! I have a suspicion these will be stunning.
  8. Vogesen terrain released

    Gepard, you are the champ!!! Thanks a million!
  9. Flying the Spad V11

    P10ppy's Spad VII Skin Pack he posted today includes everything you need to fly the plane. Just drop the SPAD7_180.ini, SPAD7_180_COCKPIT.ini, SPAD_7_180 Hangar Screen and SPAD_7_180 Loading Screen into your SPAD7_180 folder, and you are good to go! You can make the SPAD7_150 flyable by just editting these same file names to SPAD7_150_Cockpit.ini and SPAD7_150.ini. Drop the SPAD7_180 Hangar Screen and SPAD_7_180 Loading Screen into your SPAD7_150 folder without changing the names, and you won't have to edit the SPAD7_150.ini entries for them. You get two new flyables for one!
  10. Spad VII stuff

    Thanks a million for all your work on the Spad VII, this is probably my favorite ride! That first screenshot is absolutely stunning.
  11. Hey Gepard, a Formosa Straits terrain would be terrific! I'm sure lots of people would really enjoy flying over it, particularily since your terrains are all first cabin.
  12. The "new and improved" Crusaders sure seem to have stirred up alot of peoples interest and involvement. These new birds have really reinvigorated some incredible creative juices. Good times....
  13. Hey gerald14, glad to see you're still in the game! Really appreciate your efforts and contributions.
  14. When it rains, it pours! Great stuff here, folks. Excellent new models with lots of really beautiful skins!
  15. Thanks USAFMTL, the new file works perfectly!
  16. I just downloaded the file for the second time, and got a WinRAR Diagnostic Message: Invalid or corrupt authenticity information. I first downloaded the file last night, and received the same WinRar error.
  17. Wow, these are really beautiful! Thanks so much to all the talented people who brought these birds to fruition. They are magnificent.
  18. Just popped by Checksix, and noticed an article on the Mirage Factory Crusader! It might be worth someone with a greater command of the French language than I (pretty pathetic at best!), to take a look at the article and give us language-challenged individuals a recap. It seems that the Mirage Factory has taken the Gunfighter's F-8 to the hangar, and turned out a bigger and better updated model!!!!
  19. The addition of any of these models will be wonderful. A really big thank you for bringing these birds into our "world"!
  20. The PilotModelName= should be VF41BLA, with nothing after it. Do not include the .LOD portion, as shown below. // Crew --------------------------------------------------------- [Pilot] SystemType=PILOT_COCKPIT PilotModelName=RedAir1 ----------------------------- change this to PilotModelName=VF41BLA.LOD The line should read PilotModelName=VF41BLA Also, make sure that the VF41BLA and two included LOD files are located in your Aircraft Folder, not your MiG-21MF Folder. Hope this fixes it, because it works perfectly in my installs.
  21. Christmas presents

    Hey Brainless, does your wife have a particular spot at the beach or in the mountains that she enjoys? If so, give her a weekend away with you there; and stay at a nice hotel, cottage, bed and breakfast, etc. Someplace with "atmosphere" and I've heard you have some places like that in England! Maybe attach the "coupon redeemable for a romantic weekend" to good bottle of champagne and a couple of dozen long stem roses for her on Christmas morning. Another successful gift for the woman in my life is a bottle of her favorite perfume. Best of luck!
  22. Great model! Now, if we could just get Kreelin to release his latest helicopter FM magic.
  23. Hey Sundowner, thanks for releasing this beast. This is the ultimate "if a little is good, a lot is better" solution. The falling shell cases would be a pretty effective area denial weapon! They probably called it brass rain.
  24. hanriot hd.1

    EmlD, that is some beautiful work! Excellent as always....

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