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Everything posted by NeverEnough

  1. I Passed......

    Good job! Congratulations on your advancement.
  2. Julhelm, many thanks for this update on what was already a great model (V1.2). This is an incredibly fast big boy with a really bad attitude!
  3. Hopefully anyone just tuning in will read Page 4 first. After three pages of mudwrestling, the best pearls of wisdom appeared on Page 4. Thanks for the clarity....
  4. What a nice, cogent summary of the situation! Well said, C5. The "Great Disturbance In The Force" really developed some monentum a year ago November, when the referenced "change of heart" took place. My suspicion at the time was that the primary motivation was "if you want my stuff, you're going to have to pay for it". Some really great mods vaporized overnight. For those of us who had downloaded the material over the years, no problem. The situation seemed limited to the new members of the community, until the impossible hit those of us fortunate to have downloaded the mods before the "Disturbance". But, when the unexpected happens (backup harddrive crash!), it puts us all in the same boat. This sim has endured far beyond it's original life expectancy due to the continous selfless contributions of many extraordinarily talented individuals. Thank you all, for so giving so much so freely....
  5. Aim Points ?

    What I do to try to determine where the guns are shooting, is to fire off a stream of tracers against a section of clear blue sky to see where they are going in relation to the gunsight crosshair. You can then adjust your your point of impact by adding the following line to the individual model's data.ini. [internalGun] SystemType=FIXED_GUN GunTypeName=303CAL_VICKERS_MK1 InputName=FIRE_PRIMARY_GUN GunGroup=1 MuzzlePosition=0.06,0.80,0.51 LightPosition= 0.06,0.85,0.51 AimAngles=-3.9,-1.5,0.0 < Add This Line.......... MaxAmmo=380 EjectShells=TRUE EjectPosition=-0.45,-0.25,-0.24 EjectVelocity=-0.5,-1.0,-0.0 MinExtentPosition=0.01,-0.25,0.46 MaxExtentPosition=0.12, 0.80,0.59 GunFireAnimationID=7 Synchronized=TRUE This is from my Spad 7-180 data.ini. Each plane will be different, and if you change your cockpit Position or Offset values the gun point of impact will have to be re-adjusted again. The middle number is the up/down adjustment, with a negative adjustment moving the point of impact down and a positive adjustment moving the POI up.
  6. Last night I was browsing Column5's newly updated selection of aircraft (Nice site update, Column5!) and noticed Foxmonter's Pulqui model. Since Foxmonter has done a number of nice cockpits for his models, I downloaded the Pulqui and installed the cockpit into a LA-15. Very Nice.... The Pulqui cockpit might qualify as the nicest MiG-15 cockpit we have available. I added Wrench's WW2 Soviet gunsight and sized it to 100 in the cockpit.ini. This is a great combination for the LA-15 and MiG-15. I did a side-by-side with the MiG-15 with the WOE Hunter cockpit, and I think the Pulqui cockpit does a much better job for the early Soviet jets. The MiG-15 was supposed to have a really spartan office suite, and the Pulqui certainly fills the bill. The Pulgui also has animated stick, throttle and rudder pedals! Thanks Foxmonter for another really professional model! Give it a shot, I think you will like it.
  7. My German is not particularily good, but I think Crusader's post translates to "Corrupt File".
  8. Rant on

    The Cliff Notes version of this thread should read,"Thanks for the countless hours of all the modders, and all their considerable efforts to give us all so much pleasure while expecting so little in return. We are not worthy...."
  9. I'm using the Spad 13 cockpit in the Spad 7, which is probably my favorite plane now, and I'm using these locations with the Spad 13 Cockpit.ini: [CockpitSeat001] ModelName=S13_cpit.LOD HideExternalNodeName=cockpit OpenCockpit=TRUE ExternalClipDistMin=0.05 Position=0.025,-0.758,0.634 Offset=0.025,0.00,-0.007 ViewAngles=0.0,0.0,0.0 MaxYaw=160 MinYaw=-160 These settings work pretty well, but I still get slight visual anomalies at the lower left and right edges immediately in front of the cockpit. In the Data.ini the gun settings of AimAngles=-3.9,-1.5,0.0 will put your tracers right through the center of the gunsight. Does anyone have any cockpit location settings that could improve on these?
  10. Spad 7 Cockpit Location

    Hopefully no one paid the slightest attention to my post about the difference in cockpit position between the Spad 7 180 and the Spad 7 150, because I just discovered I had CockpitDataFile=Spad13_cockpit.ini instead of CockpitDataFile=Spad7_cockpit.ini in my Spad7_150.ini file! The cockpit positions are identical, but apparently I'm a turkey..... Everyone have a great Thanksgiving!
  11. Spad 7 Cockpit Location

    I was just trying out the three different cockpit locations in the Spad 7 180, and discovered that the cockpit location is different in the Spad 7 150. All three of the cockpit locations which work for the Spad 7 180, leave a substantial "skywindow" immediately in front of the windscreen when inserted into the Spad 7 150. It appears that the cockpit model needs to be further forward in the 150 then the 180. I'll play with the location for the Spad 7 150 tomorrow. Thanks for the additional input Heck and P10ppy.
  12. Hopefully, we narrowly avoided another self-inflicted wound here! Please Mirage Factory, ignore our inconsequential ramblings.......
  13. Lt Fritz Rumey

    Looks like a beautiful skin. These guys could really pimp out their rides! The only thing missing would be a set of chromed spinner wheels. I guess maybe they weren't available yet.
  14. Great update! You deserve a vacation after all your hard work. Thanks again.
  15. More goodness from Gepard! Thanks for all your hard work and research.
  16. Flik 42 Camo

    This looks like it must have been a pretty challenging undertaking for a first released skin. Great job, it looks absolutely spectacular!
  17. Great work, Fracture! This one really came out of left field, which made for an especially nice surprise. Thank you much.
  18. I sometimes use the WOE Hunter FGA9 cockpit for the MiG-15 and MiG-17. If you have Razbam's beautiful F2H Banshee model, it makes for a particularily nice MiG-19 cockpit! They may not be completely accurate early Soviet cockpits, but they are light years ahead of the repainted A-4 pit.
  19. patch and expansion 1

    I installed the expansion both ways, but am currently running it with the 021907 patch with absolutely no problems. My vote would be clean FE install, patch with 021907, and then install the expansion pack. It works for me!
  20. Outstanding lesson plan, Julhelm! So, what is a realistic cost to get a copy of 3ds Max?
  21. Wow, that's beautiful!!!!! Great work, folks.
  22. SPAD VII "Whiteknight"

    I think the Spad VII is probably my favorite ride, but I was stuck with just the default skin. Thanks Whiteknight for the variety of beautiful skins. You have certainly kicked the Spad VII up a notch!
  23. Check Kreelin's website for the most current FM for the Lightning FMK6, which includes a data.ini dated July of 2006. That should be the latest and most accurate FM.
  24. Wow, these are some beautiful skins. Thanks much!
  25. Great set of new clothes for a beautiful model! Terrific work as always, Corktip.

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