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Everything posted by NeverEnough

  1. I just took a look at the readme files on the B-52D Big Belly and the B-52F, and it didn't say anything about the model lods. I checked the B-52D.ini and B-52F.ini files for the mod, and they both referred to the B-52D.lods. It would seem they both require the Thirdwire B-52D model, which both WOV and WOE included.
  2. My suggestion to use the Razbam Banshee cockpit for the Il-28 or MiG-19 was made with the express intent that you first BUY the Razbam Banshee Package for a whopping $15! Their models are obviously developed from a clean sheet of paper, and take the overall level of finish to whole new plane (no pun intended!) These guys have invested tons of effort in the model, and it really shows. Do yourself a favor, and take a look at them. I am in no way affiliated with Razbam and I'm not much of a fan of payware, but their plane models will take your breath away. After some initial complications with hooking up with the new model, Prowler really stepped up to the plate to take care of business. Kinda refreshing...
  3. You might take a look at Razbam's F-2H2 or F-2H4 Banshee cockpits, which might make an especially nice IL-28 OR MiG-19 cockpit! The F-2H2 does not have a radar screen, and the F-2H4 includes a radar screen. The cockpits are BEAUTIFUL, and should work great for early twin engined jets. They should work even better than the F-4 repaints for Red Air twin engine jets, if you can live with the English lettering on the dash.
  4. Hey Jarhead 1: From the readme file included with the model: The model uses WOE's Harrier GR-3 cockpit. You can change to any other available cockpit with some INI editing. Unless you have installed the Yak-41 to WOE, you will not have the WOE Harrier GR-3 cockpit available. The Thirdwire Harrier GR-3 is only included with WOE.
  5. I bought FE through the online store at Thirdwire, and the download was quick and painless! Be absolutely sure you backup the down load to a CD or DVD, or you may find yourself SOL if you have a harddrive hiccup! I copied the download to two separate harddrives (Not just different partitions on the same harddrive!) as a backup, AND burned the download to CD. Right now, WWII installs to FE have some additional complications over WWII installs on WOE or SFP1. You can get a copy of Strike Fighters Project 1 from Circuit City (if you're in the U.S.) for $4.99, and I believe Circuit City has it online for the same price. That would be the most economically efficient (cheapest!) way to have your cake and eat it too!
  6. Fokker E.I - RELEASED

    Another beautiful creation by Laton and Von Deutschmark for everyone to enjoy! Thanks a million for your considerable and continued contributions to making this sim something extraordinary.
  7. OK, so does anyone else feel a little bit hoodwinked with this one? Based on all the teasers and progress reports to date, wasn't the impression left that this was a major effort by a selfless and talented individual to bring the Thirdwire family of sims up to a new level? Somehow, the fact that the terrains were going to only be available on a payware basis seems to have been overlooked to date. I don't begrudge anyone fair compensation for their hard work, but I feel that this has been a bit of a bait and switch approach. It certainly could have been handled in a much more upfront and honest manner.
  8. After looking at the link CoolHand gave you, those files might be skins only rather than complete aircraft models. The F-5A, F-5C, and F-5E Mirage Factory models are available for download at column5.us/aircraft2.shtml. They are complete aircraft packages WITH auto-installers. The auto-installer makes it an almost impossible to go wrong deal!
  9. On behalf of those few individuals that fly any WW2 missions, thanks a million Edward for all your efforts. I'm looking forward to ALL these terrains, like a kid on Christmas morning!
  10. I just did a quick review of a bunch of FE cockpit.ini's to see what the InternalClipDistMin values were set to, and discovered that NONE of the cockpit.ini's included the InternalClipDistMin entries. I had thought that an existing cockpit model would provide some indication of value ranges, but no dice. Does anyone know what the InternalClipDistMin value does, or is this a question for TK?
  11. ErikGen's beautiful Super Mystere B2 is now available for download at Checksix-fr. Stop wasting your time reading this, and go grab it for yourself!
  12. P10ppy, this is some incredible work. Thanks for your considerable efforts!
  13. Thanks Gux for all your efforts to date, and I'm really looking forward to the finished model.
  14. Payware made my skin crawl, but I tried Razbam's A-1E Skyraider Vol.1 for a whopping $8.00 and I saw the light! It is absolutely beautiful, and the two seat version to boot. I then went for the Skyraider Vol. 2 for $15.00, and it had nine different versions of the single seat model. If you love the Skyraider, these packages are going to make you weep tears of joy.
  15. I don't think there is a complete Draken cockpit available, but I copied the relevant Hi-Res F-104 and Alternative_F-104 Hi-Res Cockpit bmp's over to really sharpen up the Draken cockpit. The Hi-Res 104 Cockpit files are available here at CombatAce.
  16. The Mirage Factory posted an updated F-84F Thunderstreak V1.5 today at Checksix-fr. The updated model includes 6 different skins. As usual, very nice! Also posted today at Checksix-fr are three new skins for the South African Mirage IIICZ.
  17. No new cockpit. It uses Zur's F-86 cockpit.
  18. You need to extract all the AV-8A files from the WOE ObjectData file into a folder named AV-8A, and then place that folder in your SFP1 Aircraft folder. Use the extractor utility available in the downloads to extract all the relevant tga's, LOD's and ini files. Or, if this all seems too complicated, just download the excellent AV-8C available here at CombatAce. The AV-8C has a great flight model, cockpit and lots more skins available than the WOE AV-8A.
  19. As always, Edward, simply beautiful!
  20. The F-14D uses the F-14 Afterburner Emitter, which is included with the Mirage Factory F-14A package. Install the Mirage Factory F-14A, and you'll be good to go!
  21. Fresh install

    Just rename the existing folder the current install is in (ie; Org SFP1), and you should be able to perform an auto-install. I then patch the new install up to the latest level (SP4), and rename the new folder Fully Patched SFP1. Then rename the original folder back to its original name (ie; Strike Fighters Project 1) so your original desktop shortcut will work.
  22. Good to hear from you again, Bort. Welcome back!
  23. extracter

    In the Downloads Forum; Sfp1/Thirdwire sims; Utilities; Page 3 under SFP1 File Extractor.
  24. Nicely said, gentlemen. You have all really raised the bar for this flight sim, both with your models and FM's and with the interaction and integrity you have shown the community. Thanks.
  25. Also from the MiG-23MF_Data.ini: [LeftFuselageStation] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=3 StationGroupID=2 StationType=EXTERNAL AttachmentPosition=-0.40,0.55,-1.16 AttachmentAngles=0.0,0.0,0.0 LoadLimit=225.0 LengthLimit=4.90<------------------------ AllowedWeaponClass=IRM,2IR,BOMB,RP AttachmentType=SOVIET,WP ModelNodeName=AAM_Pylon_Left PylonMass=108.9 PylonDragArea=0.02 LaunchRailNodeName=LeftRail01 [RightFuselageStation] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=4 StationGroupID=2 StationType=EXTERNAL AttachmentPosition=0.40,0.55,-1.16 AttachmentAngles=0.0,0.0,0.0 LoadLimit=225.0 LengthLimit=2.99<----------------------- AllowedWeaponClass=IRM,2IR,BOMB,RP AttachmentType=SOVIET,WP ModelNodeName=AAM_Pylon_Right PylonMass=108.9 PylonDragArea=0.02 LaunchRailNodeName=RightRail01

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