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Everything posted by NeverEnough

  1. New download?

    The Fokker DR1 is available at cplengineeringllc.com after you register. The model is still waiting for a post-patch flight model update.
  2. Bit of work on an Eindecker

    Hey Bortdafarm: For every "squeaky wheel" that rags on the details of one of your MUCH appreciated models and contributions, after years of lurking on various Strike Fighters forums I'd guess there are another 100+ members of the community that remain forever in your debt. Since the deliriously happy members for the most part belong to the infamous "Silent Majority", their accolades are drowned out by the "Vocal Minority". I would guess that when I say Thank You, Thank You, Thank You; those sentiments are echoed by a vast number of individuals who will never post on a forum.
  3. Wow!!!! That is a seriously beautiful skin.
  4. WoE Files

    All the planes from WOV and SFP1 can be added to WOE. The procedures for adding additional planes are also uniform between the three sims.
  5. File Name: SE5A Loading Screens File Submitter: NeverEnough File Submitted: 9 Dec 2006 File Category: SF Hanger/Menu Screens This file includes three SE5A Loading screens for FE. Add the name of the screen you wish to display to the LoadingScreen= line in the SE5A.ini. Click here to download this file
  6. File Name: SpadXIII Loading Screens File Submitter: NeverEnough File Submitted: 10 Dec 2006 File Category: SF Hanger/Menu Screens This file includes nine SpadXIII loading screens. Select the loading screen you like best, and enter the screen file name in the LoadingScreen= line in the Spad 13.ini. Click here to download this file
  7. File Name: Albatros DVA Loading Screens File Submitter: NeverEnough File Submitted: 10 Dec 2006 File Category: SF Hanger/Menu Screens This file includes four Albatros DVA loading screens for FE. Select the loading screen you like best, and enter the file name at the LoadingScreen= line in the AlbatrosD5A.ini. Click here to download this file
  8. File Name: Fokker DVII Loading Screens File Submitter: NeverEnough File Submitted: 10 Dec 2006 File Category: SF Hanger/Menu Screens This file includes two Fokker DVII loading screens for FE. These screens can be used for both the Fokker D7 and D7F. Select the loading screen you like best, and enter the file name in the LoadingScreen= line in the FokkerD7.ini or FokkerD7F.ini. Click here to download this file
  9. Version


    This file includes two Fokker DVII loading screens for FE. These screens can be used for both the Fokker D7 and D7F. Select the loading screen you like best, and enter the file name in the LoadingScreen= line in the FokkerD7.ini or FokkerD7F.ini.
  10. Version


    This file includes four Albatros DVA loading screens for FE. Select the loading screen you like best, and enter the file name at the LoadingScreen= line in the AlbatrosD5A.ini.
  11. Version


    This file includes nine SpadXIII loading screens. Select the loading screen you like best, and enter the screen file name in the LoadingScreen= line in the Spad 13.ini.
  12. Version


    This file includes three SE5A Loading screens for FE. Add the name of the screen you wish to display to the LoadingScreen= line in the SE5A.ini.
  13. I just downloaded FE on Saturday, and in one week's time the community has developed some incredible additions! We got new skins, mission sets, new planes, and have made every plane in the sim flyable. You folks are amazing..... For those adventurous souls, Bibbo posted a new EnvironmentalSystem.INI for the Korea terrain update on SimHQ. I just changed the Latitude= value to 34.00 as in the original FE EnvironmentalSystem.INI, dropped it into the Flight folder with the SkyMod tga's, and BAM! The world looks GOOD!
  14. Incredible Growth In A Short Period Of Time

    Thanks Fubar for the latitude adjustment (sounds like a Corona beer commercial). I made the mis-guided assumption that the stock FE EnvironmentSystem latitude value was correct. Obviously a bad assumption. I checked the Nato Fighters EnvironmentSystem latitude, and it was 50, which probably is just exactly where it should be!
  15. What's up with the WOE/WOV/SP1 File Announcements forum? Last night at 10:55 to 10:57 p.m. something did a shake and bake on all the File Announcement postings.
  16. Adding a new cockpit is pretty straightforward. Drop, for example, the F-15A cockpit folder into the F-23A aircraft folder, the F-15A cockpit.ini, and the F-15A avionics.ini. Before dropping in the new cockpit folder, rename the original cockpit folder to something different, say org cockpit. Then edit your F-23A.ini to point to the new cockpit and avionics ini's, like so: [AircraftData] AircraftFullName=F-23A Black Widow II AircraftDataFile=F-23A_DATA.ini CockpitDataFile=F-15A_cockpit.ini HangarScreen=F-23A_Hangar.bmp LoadingScreen=F-23A_Loading.bmp LoadoutImage=F-23A_Loadout.bmp LoadoutFile=F-23A_LOADOUT.INI AvionicsDLL=Avionics70.dll AvionicsDataFilename=F-15A_avionics.ini That's it! If you want to use the Mirage Factory F-18A cockpit, you would use the F-18A cockpit folder, cockpit.ini and avionics.ini instead. I think I added a higher resolution seat model (Mirage Factory!), which is done in the data.ini "pilot" section. You could rename the new cockpit.ini and avionics.ini to F-23Acockpit.ini and F-23Aavionics.ini, AFTER first renaming the original files to org F-23Acockpit.ini and org F-23Aavionics.ini. I keep the original source file names so I can remember what I changed and where it came from.
  17. The team at Mirage Factory just posted four new MiG-21 F's for download at CheckSix. All you RedAir guys and gals are gonna wanta get some of this! Thanks so much to all the Mirage Factory talent!
  18. Thanks to the really open nature of the Thirdwire SFP1 series, adding new skins is pretty straightforward. From the downloads section here, select the desired aircraft skin and follow the instructions on the download page (usually just a mouseclick on the "Download" tab at the bottom of the page). Download the file to either your desktop or My Documents, and I ALWAYS virus scan the file immediately after downloading. Thanks to the excellent administration of this site, I have never found a virus infected file on CombatAce but better safe than sorry! You will need either WinRar or 7-Zip programs to decompress the downloaded file. Both programs are available free, so Google the program name to locate a download location. I always make a new folder on my desktop to extract the new skin to, and name it for example VX4Ferris_F-14A (a really great looking skin!). Naming the folder with the skin name and aircraft type helps avoid future headaches when you later are trying to remember what plane the skin is for! Next drag the compressed skin file over the new folder you just created, and from the pull-down menu that appears select "Extract Here". After extracting the compressed skin file to your newly created folder, open the folder and you will usually have a folder (in this case VX4) and sometimes a readme file. The readme file will give you the details on installation of the skin and sometimes history on the plane or unit. To install the file in the sim, in this case you would go first to My Computer, then the drive the sim is installed on, then the program the plane is in (i.e. Strike Fighters Project 1), then open your Objects folder. Within the Objects folder, open the Aircraft folder, and finally the specific plane folder (F-14A). Then drag and drop the VX4 folder into the F-14A folder, and from the dropdown menu presented select "Copy Here". If your sim is patched to current levels (SP4), thats it! Earlier patch versions required you to add the new skin file to the plane's ini file (F-14A.ini), but I think it was in SP3 and later patch versions this function is performed automatically by the program. Normally, you are officially good to go at this point. The reason I said "normally", is that some older skin files do not include a Texture.ini file, which the program needs to recognize the skin. Creating a Texture.ini file ain't rocket science, but for now you'll be better off just sticking to the more current skin files while you learn the ropes! Enjoy the whole world of resources the many talented individuals in the Strike Fighters community have made available for your viewing pleasure!
  19. It's raining Vipers at checksix-fr.com! Seven different F-16A's are up for download as we speak.
  20. Scrapper: Thanks for all your work updating the MiG-29, especially the F-15C cockpit repaint! After playing with the v1.1, I noticed the rear horizontal tail surfaces developed rapid fluttering at full afterburner when viewed from the F6 chase view. I went into the data.ini with the intent of adjusting the pitch and yaw damper values to eliminate the flutter but noticed the MaxSpeedSL=694.444 value. All the speed values in SFP1 are in meters per second. 694.444 meters per second = 1,533 miles per hour! Wow, this bird has warp drive!!!! The best data I could google was 805 mph at sealevel for the MiG-29M, or another site that stated Mach 1.225 at sealevel. I just downloaded version 1.3 to see if the MaxSpeedSL value had been adjusted, but it is still at 694.444. On my data.ini I used the Mach 1.225 value, which converted to 416.868 meters per second.
  21. Wow, you guys are really kicking it up to the next level on this one!!!! This looks to be a serious " kid in a candy shop" moment for all the fans of what up until now has been one of the most enjoyable mods. Thanks so much for all the incredible enhancements you and your team of digital wizards have put together for the community! We are not worthy......
  22. While looking through the data.ini and comparing performance values to the Mirage Factory F-15A, I noticed the F-23A CruiseSpeed=339.53 and ClimbSpeed=205.78. Are these values reversed, or this supposed to model super cruise?
  23. Outstanding model! Just drop in the Mirage Factory's beautiful F-15A cockpit, and it's as close to perfect as you could ever want. Thanks for your incredible work.
  24. I just downloaded the updated file, and all is well! Thanks for fixing the broken file.
  25. Even after the updated file, I still get a "unknown format or damaged file" error message when I try to extract the file with Winrar or 7-zip. It looks like a great skin and I'd love to have an up-dated MiG-21 Bis, but still no joy.....

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