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Everything posted by NeverEnough

  1. The ObjectData007 is where the B-57B files you need are located.
  2. CR42 (1940)

    Geezer, enjoy that bottle of wine because you have certainly earned it! I have been really looking forward to your CR42, and want to thank you for your extraordinary efforts.
  3. Still Kicking

    Firehawkordy: It's great to hear from you again so everyone here knows you are doing well. Nice update, until you got to the big medical adventure part! At the risk of stating the obvious, take really good care of yourself.
  4. Rumpler C.I updated (again!)

    This is another illustration of the incredible craftsmanship and pride Stephen1918 has invested in the many beautiful models he has provided for the rest of us to enjoy. Thank you for all your considerable contributions!
  5. Keep your fingers crossed, and hope and pray for the best!
  6. I'd vote for whatever is easiest for you and the least strain on your eye!
  7. Wrench, please be good to your eye. We all need it! Thanks for all your considerable efforts over a very long period to make the TW world better for us all.
  8. Jug Has Passed Away

    May he find eternal peace, and best wishes for those he leaves behind.
  9. Any News From Ravenclaw_007?

    Ravenclaw, be well and best wishes. Your works have given many here much joy. Thanks so much!
  10. You might be interested in taking a look around in the Thirdwire - First Eagles 1 and 2 forum here to see how far a group of incredibly talented artists have added to the original game. There is a huge selection of beautiful terrains, ground objects and planes available for free. Another big plus is the similar setup to the rest of the SF2 family of modern flight sims.
  11. CAT files!

    No need to open or convert the CAT files. Just follow the very well written readme which came with Green Hell 3.5.
  12. I was thrilled to see Stary posting again this morning. His absence would leave some pretty big shoes to fill!
  13. The sharing of the considerable efforts and personal time and expense contributed freely by a group of extraordinarily talented individuals for the enjoyment of us all, is probably as close to experiencing utopia as any of us will ever come. We are not worthy.....
  14. The F-4B files are located in ObjectData008. The files you need should all be there.
  15. It is available now at both steam and amazon for $5.99!
  16. Some very good news

    Falcon: Best wishes for a speedy and complete recovery. Have a great Christmas and an outstanding 2015! You certainly have earned it.
  17. Cocas Prop Works

    Hey Cocas, as long as you enjoy the work you are doing keep at it! All your efforts are greatly appreciated. Thanks again!
  18. Dan Marut

    DA, I hope you and your wife can remember your friend as he used to be in better times. God bless....
  19. Soulfreak, this pack has the only VX-4 skins I could find: http://combatace.com/files/file/11639-f-4s-skin-pack/
  20. Veltro2k, I'd like to chime in here and thank you for all the models you have kindly provided to the SF community. I have been around long enough to remember your many questions posted about how to make models, so very long ago. We went through the issue when Prowler complained that your models were too similar to Razbam's. How's that whole Razbam thing worked out for the SF community? Since Razbam has thrown our community under the bus, thanks again for your continued efforts! You have shown a steady progression in expertise as your have honed your modeling skills with each new addition. You have come far indeed from your earliest efforts! People need to remember a very wise statement: Don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good.
  21. A New Reality

    Hey James, glad you are still with us. Literally! Best of luck with your new direction.
  22. Two new files: Lewis Gun and AEG C.IV

    Stephen1918, a huge thanks for all the terrific additions you have made to the FE world! I snagged the new Lewis gun yesterday, and I'm off to download the AEG. Thanks again.
  23. paulopanz, here's the link: http://combatace.com/topic/42554-diegos-pilot-pack/ When I clicked on the download link, it just took me to the download page. I'm not sure if the file is still available?
  24. draging

    Hey cocas, your recent absence has made me concerned for your well being. I hope my concern was unwarranted, and all is well with you. If things are not presently sunshine and light, I know there are many members of this community who wish you all the best. Be Well!

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