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Everything posted by NeverEnough

  1. Russian Reporting on Ukraine

    For those of you who were following the thread on Ukraine before it was moved off to the Political thread, this article from Politico might prove informative. It is written by a free lance Russian reporter about how the situation is being reported in the Russian media. Wow, no wonder there are such huge differences in perspective! http://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2014/03/ukraine-putin-tv-and-the-big-lie-104261.html?hp=pm_1#.UxdTdWePKUl
  2. Must have addons for FE2

    Hey Rends, this thread should give you some ideas on downloads. FE2 comes with a Cambrai and Verdun terrain. Take a look in the downloads section at the models Stephen1918 has made available. They are all really nice! Gterl's Italian terrain is a dazzling piece of work, which will probably be interesting for you to take a look at after all the object placement you have been working on in SF2.
  3. ValAstur, these are really nice skins! I'll gladly download all you want paint.
  4. Tomorrow is a big day

    Be well! You will be in my thoughts and prayers.
  5. The "exe" is the green icon button with the lighter green airplane image in it. For StrikeFighters2 it will be the green icon button named "StrikeFighters2". Just as Russouk said, make a copy of the green icon button named "StrikeFighters2", and rename it "StrikeFighters2 Falklands" or some other equally inspired title. After renaming and saving, click on the newly renamed green icon button and enjoy the moment! It is really that straight forward.
  6. The DLC will update your sims to the latest patch level, which I have been perfectly happy with. Be aware that your mods will be affected just like running a patch, so you will need to re-name your Mod Folder to zMods to prevent those files being altered. Do a search for the method for installing the DLC without having it update your current patch level. It is easily done, just I have not tried it myself. In a recent thread it was covered at length.
  7. Snailman, I thought I was pretty well versed in WW2 history, but I had never heard anything about the siege of Budapest. Thanks for posting this.
  8. YO!

    Falcon, stay tough! You will beat this thing. You have lots of fans rooting for you....
  9. Tomorrow

    Falcon, wishing you an uneventful and successful procedure! Be Well!
  10. Storm Over The Sahara

    Geezer, it is great to hear that you are back again. I remember how excited the FE community was with the teasers you had posted.
  11. Update of my treatment

    Falcon, the power of positive thinking really can help accomplish amazing things. You sound like you are determined to kick this f**ker's ass. If you feel like your determination is slipping, the good folks here will be available to try to talk you through the tough times. The CombatAce community has shown themselves over the years to be capable of some pretty extraordinarily thoughtful and considerate actions. You have a hell of a support group available here! Best of luck in winning this battle. Hey, go out there and win one for the Gipper! (I have no idea who the hell the Gipper is, but that line always got me all wound up!)
  12. Setting up multiple versions of FE2

    Hey Grinseed, welcome back! I thought I could find a quick answer to your question with the Search Function, but it was not particularly helpful. Here's a excerpt from my SF2 Notes file, by an unknown helpful soul: I found a really easy way to have multiple installs of SF2 (or SF2V or SF2E). Apparently, the name of the folder in your main ThirdWire Mod folder is not hard-coded but copied from the name of the EXE when it is first run. So you fancy another install!... Follow me: Go to your main SF2 (or V or E) folder. Make a copy of your “StrikeFighters2.exe” (or Vietnam or Europe, but you get that now). You should get a new file called “Copy of StrikeFighters2.exe”. Rename that file “Whatever_you_like.exe”. Run it. There you go! This will create a “Whatever_you_like” folder in your ThirdWire mod folder (by now everyone knows where it is!). This folder is a carbon copy of the initial mod folder created by your stock SF2, with its own “option.ini”. When you launch your “Whatever_you_like.exe”, it will read this “option.ini” file. In your “Whatever_you_like” mod folder, you can add or remove pretty much anything you want (as long as it’s SF2 compatible). However, if you remove stock aircraft (or other ground objects), you will probably CTD if you try Instant Action or stock Campaign. So far, I’ve remove most of the US aircraft (I want a Western Europe vs Soviet) and add a new terrain, and everything works perfectly fine. Haven’t done a campaign yet!!! This is the same method you will use to set up multiple installations for FE2!
  13. News of my test results.

    Falcon, hopefully the tests will find that it is early stage. My hopes and prayers are with you!
  14. YO CA!

    Great to hear everything went well! Hopefully the tests give you a clean bill of health.
  15. Very cool news

    Falcon, my hopes and prayers that you have a successful and uneventful surgery and a rapid and complete recovery. You will be fine.
  16. Should I get First Eagles 2?

    FE2 is definitely worth the meager price TW charges. The fact that TK isn't offering additional patches may actually be a plus. The mods and models are not being broken by new changes introduced with each patch. The models being produced currently are absolutely outstanding work (Thank you Stephen1918!)and all the earlier custom models from FE are easily adapted to work just fine with FE2. The majority of the underlying game code is the same as SF2, so all the tricks that apply to adding various mods are the same. The terrains modders continue to make available are beautiful, and you have more time to enjoy the scenery when you are not moving at the speed of sound. I have all the flight sims TW has released, and I keep finding new things available in FE2 to rekindle my interest. It is all about air warfare at its most basic and pure level. You are not going to get slammed by a Sparrow you never saw, but you might very well go down in a hail of gunfire from an opponent you never expected. The level of interest by the modding community for Fe and FE2 has ebbed and flowed over the years, but right now I think we are experiencing the highest quality mods in the long history of FE and FE2.
  17. Oh Ian, what have you gone and bought now you crazy fool!

    Very nice ride indeed, but it appears they have placed the steering wheel on the wrong side!
  18. An important heads up for my CA friends.

    Falcon, best wishes for a complete and rapid recovery. As difficult as it may seem, try to maintain a positive frame of mind. You will beat this. NeverEnough
  19. To All My Friends Here at CombatAce

    Thank God it was not MRSA! That is really great news. Hopefully this is the beginning of a positive trend of events. Thoughts and prayers go out for you and your family, Dave.
  20. Ludo.m54 posted these templates for the Thirdwire F-105D. I'm not sure if they are 1024 or 2048. Centurion posted templates based off Ludo's, which are 1024. http://combatace.com/files/file/13120-f-105d-templates/
  21. Like my new toy?

    pcpilot: Now that you have been infected with the milsurp bug, this is a site which should be really helpful. http://www.surplusrifle.com/ That looks like a very nice SMLE! Hopefully you picked up a set of neck sizing dies. Because of the rear locking lugs and extremely generous chambers, Enfields typically have lots of case stretching. If you full length size the fired brass, they usually experience case head separations after only a few firings. By neck sizing only, you will get more loadings out of your brass. If you need any reloading data, I've got some nice load workup articles from Handloader magazine. Mike Venturino has written extensively on loading jacketed and cast bullets for the Enfields. Let me know if you need any info.
  22. I use CCleaner on a regular basis, and have never had a problem with it impacting my SF2 merged install. I run the CCleaner cleaner and registry cleaner, but I have never used the "advanced system care" tool. Checking my CCleaner menu, I do not see any "advanced system care" tool. Is this the freeware version 4.06.4324 version?
  23. Back For A Bit

    Congratulations, and wishing much success and happiness in the latest chapter of your new life moving forward. You've been missed.
  24. Julhelm, do you already have a data.ini with collision points and basic model dimensions? I've always been a huge fan of your models, and would be willing to give the FM a shot if you'd like. It would really be a shame to have your modeling efforts wasted due to the lack of an equally high fidelity flight model.
  25. Nice work as always, and I look forward to installing these tiles as soon as you post them!

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