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Everything posted by NeverEnough

  1. Flogger23, I did the original SF2 conversion of Boopidoo's terrific Su-15TM model. I have been working on an update of the original files, but was holding off releasing the updated package since I had read you were working on another update. The original FM really flew like a dumptruck, since so many of the earlier SFP1 FM values were calculated very differently than the current patch level SF2 FM values. After an almost complete replacement of the earlier FM, it flies and fights very well. I kept having a problem with the tail dragging on take off, preventing a "hands off" take off. The AI take offs were great, but the player controlled take offs required careful attention to avoid dragging the tail. I think it might be an issue with the model's collision point values. If you or Cliff think it would be helpful, I can send you a copy of my latest flight model. This is truly a vexing issue! It really irritated the hell out of me.....
  2. I'll second Brain 32's vote. JSF_Aggie's hi res desert tiles are simply beautiful!
  3. @ Stephan1918 -- an odd request

    Stephan, I hope everything has worked out well for you and your family. Your considerable contributions to the FE community have helped me when I have needed a temporary timeout from the slings and arrows of real life. Thanks, and I wish you and your family the very best.
  4. Dave, these might be what you're looking for. God Bless.... Mirage 5 Files.7z
  5. You need to use the Cat extractor to pull the cockpit.ini's out of ObjectData008. The F-4E, B, E and J are all in ObjectData008.
  6. Dave, try Ludo's Mirage 5F V2.0 and Paran Camo Mirage 5D V1.0 in the SF2 Downloads. Ludo always does beautiful hires skins, and the files to make them flyable are included. If you need any more, just say so.
  7. Stary, maybe you're getting burned out on modding SF2 because you have obviously been devoting so much time and effort to some really impressive additions. Thanks for the great contributions you have provided for our wonderment and enjoyment!
  8. I agree with PFunk on giving CCleaner a shot. Piriform has a Professional and a free version. I have been using the free version for a couple years, and have been very satisfied with it. Here's the link for the download of the free version. I usually get it from FileHippo. http://www.piriform.com/ccleaner/download?upgrade
  9. ancient motherboards drivers?

    Driverguide has been around a long time in computer years. They used to be a pretty solid source of device drivers. If you can, download the driver package to your desktop and virus scan the hell out of them. It's tough finding drivers for older devices, and then you need to determine if the files are legit. Other than that, no worries......
  10. ancient motherboards drivers?

    Stary, is this the driver you are looking for? http://www.driverguide.com/driver/detail.php?driverid=152204&action=winfo
  11. Russouk, thanks for all the work you put into a substantial rework of the MiG-29 TMF. Your efforts are much appreciated!
  12. P-40N

    Hey Raven, best wishes on your medical adventure and thanks for all your excellent models. Be well.
  13. This "cold turkey" therapy has really made me realize how much CombatAce adds to my daily quality of life. Dave, Erik and all the contributors to this site deserve a giant community group hug for making so much available to so many. Thank You!
  14. Check on the website of your hard drive manufacturer for diagnostic software. For your external HD, Western Digital should have a diagnostic program available. If your internal hard drive is a Samsung, Seagate acquired Samsung's hard drive manufacturing business so Seagate has diagnostic software at their website for the Samsung hard drives. I just went through the diagnostic check on my brother's Samsung hard drive, and it checked out fine on SeaTools.
  15. Plane requests

    Stephen1918, This is not another "I Want" request. Just wanted to say that whenever I see an announcement of another of your beautifully done models newly available for download, I feel like a young kid on Christmas morning! Thank you very much for your considerable contributions. Ojcar, thank you also for helping to bring these great new models into the game!
  16. Remembering My Father...

    Best wishes for you and your family in a time of terrible loss.
  17. Mig-29A.7z

    Russouk, thanks for all your work making improvements to existing models and the terrific new additions you have made.
  18. Hey Nvidia Fanboys, the brand new 320.18 WHQL drivers a available now at the following link: http://www.geforce.com/drivers
  19. Cuba OTC Help

    Wrench, thanks for the update. I was using your CubaOTC +.
  20. Cuba OTC Help

    I just wanted to enjoy Stary's brand new hires Cuba tiles, and instead ran head on into the "hangs at 80 percent" curse. The terrain is located in SF2 in a fully merged SFNA install patched to July 2012. I double checked all the ground objects were installed, re-directed the CAT pointer to the GermanyCE.cat, and then tried Kodiak's solution copying the Desert.cat into the terrain folder and renaming it CubaOTC.cat. It still hangs at 80 percent!!!!! Did anyone finally figure out a solution to this issue?
  21. Zur, RussoUK and Wrench deserve a huge thank you from "the community" for the effort they all put into this model! A lot of people have been anxiously waiting for this beauty to get the love it truly deserves. Thank you all!!!
  22. Cocas, do you mean "Swashbuckler"?
  23. Warthog64, I'm not sure mixing different effects packs is a particularly good thing. The MKSheppard SF2 Combo Effect Pack is pretty old (December, 2009), and might not include all the updated shader references. You could drag your current Effects folder to your desktop, and install a clean Stary Unified Effects Pack to a new Effects folder you create in the Mod folder of the install you want to test. Make sure you have the latest Unified Effects Pack update (v1.2). Give it a test drive, and see if you like it.
  24. Hey Warthog64, why aren't you just using Stary's Unified Effects Pack? I went back through all my SF2 effects folders, and did not find either the HmgFireEffect or the LmgFireEffect. That took me back to my SFP1 Effects files, and they still didn't show up. Are these the stock effects, because Stary's are all massively better effects!

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