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Everything posted by NeverEnough

  1. F-5a

    Best of luck in resolving your business challenges. It looks like another example of "no good deed goes unpunished". The cockpit is a work of art!
  2. Hey fellow Nvidia video card owners, the 314.22 WHQL video drivers were just posted at the following link: http://www.nvidia.com/Download/index.aspx?lang=en-us
  3. "Well Gents, if someone has something to say speek now, before I put my brush for the 4th time on this plane..." Thanks to Veltro2K and paulopanz for your continued efforts!
  4. Hey Fellow Nvidia Owners: The new 314.07 WHQL video drivers were released today. They are available at the following location: http://www.nvidia.com/Download/index.aspx?lang=en-us Enjoy!
  5. Albatros D.III Oeffag Ba.53/153/253

    The assortment of outstanding models available just keeps getting bigger and better! Thanks to all the really talented individuals who have made FE and FE2 so enjoyable for us all.
  6. Women in Combat Units

    This is a link to an article published in the Marine Gazette by a female Marine Captain about her personal experience in Afghanistan. http://www.mca-marines.org/gazette/article/get-over-it-we-are-not-all-created-equal Very interesting perspective!
  7. Thanks for a complete new set of clothes for this previously neglected bird. The Thud is a beast, and now a sexy beast!
  8. The Nvidia 310.90 WHQL video drivers were made available for download this morning at the following link: http://www.nvidia.com/Download/index.aspx?lang=en-us The earlier 310.70 video drivers caused some odd distortions on the outside surface of wing pylons in SF2. Hopefully these have a fix included. Enjoy!
  9. DCS A-10C $9.99 Steam Sale

    Steam has DCS A-10C for $9.99 as a special flash sale which is good for another three hours only. If $15.99 was a deal, this would seem worthwhile! Happy New Year All!!!!
  10. Hey Monty CZ: I still have all the files on this model from when I put together a FM for you last July. If I can be of any assistance, let me know!
  11. It is a tough plane to fight in, but a very nice model and a great cockpit!
  12. The best way to avoid patch headaches is to re-download all the titles you have purchased online from Thirdwire. You just need the authorization code from one of your prior purchases to access the fully patched, latest version of every title you have purchased. It really simplifies life! Just to be safe, you should probably download the latest DirectX redist package from Microsoft. The last one I have is dated June 2010.
  13. For all you Nvidia video card users, the new Nvidia 310.54 BETA Video Drivers are available for download here: http://www.nvidia.com/Download/Find.aspx?lang=en-us They include a new version of PhsyX also.
  14. Hi-Res FE Ground Objects Question

    These new ground objects look great! I would certainly install these as soon as you uploaded them.
  15. Albatros D.II posted

    Thanks again Stephen1918 for another terrific new model, and for your continued attention to detail.
  16. For those Nvidia video card owners who want the latest 310.33 BETA video drivers, here's the link: http://www.nvidia.com/Download/Find.aspx?lang=en-us They also include a new version of PhysX. Enjoy!
  17. Nvidia 306.97 WHQL Drivers Released

    For all you Nvidia video card owners, the 306.97 WHQL drivers were released yesterday. Here's the download link: http://www.geforce.com/drivers Enjoy!
  18. Nvidia 306.97 WHQL Drivers Released

    This is from the ListDevices file included with the 306.97 WHQL: nvak.inf: DEV_0A70&SUBSYS_84581043 "NVIDIA GeForce 310M" DEV_0A70&SUBSYS_84591043 "NVIDIA GeForce 310M " DEV_0DD1&SUBSYS_84651043 "NVIDIA GeForce GTX 460M" DEV_0DE9&SUBSYS_85231043 "NVIDIA GeForce GT 630M " DEV_0DF4&SUBSYS_849E1043 "NVIDIA GeForce GT 540M" DEV_0FD2&SUBSYS_85331043 "NVIDIA GeForce GT 640M" DEV_1251&SUBSYS_84BA1043 "NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560M"
  19. Here's the first section of the Aircraft.ini file from the specific Aircraft folder in the Mods folder: [AircraftData] AircraftFullName=SEPECAT Jaguar GR Mk1a AircraftDataFile=JaguarGR_data.ini CockpitDataFile=JaguarGR_cockpit.ini HangarScreen=JagGR1_Hangar.jpg LoadingScreen=JagGR_Loading.bmp LoadoutImage=JagGR_loadout.bmp LoadoutFile=JaguarGR_loadout.ini AvionicsDLL=Avionics70.dll AvionicsDataFilename=JaguarGR_avionics.ini UserList=JaguarGR1A_USERLIST.ini Make sure the file name in the HangarScreen= and LoadingScreen= exactly matches the name of the loading or hangar screen you want to use. Also verify what format the loading screen or hangar screen is: .jpg or .bmp.
  20. Wow, these Brand New Models of the Panther and Shooting Star are a huge step up from the old models! Kudos to all who contributed their time, effort and artistry. It is really amazing just how far you tatented people have taken this sim from what we had in the earlier years.
  21. Change Again

    The employment situation in South Dakota is supposed to be terrific because of all the new oil and gas exploration. The different network evening news programs have all run segments on the difficulty businesses have had filling available positions of any level. It has turned into a latter day gold rush mentality. If you are thinking about taking a leap of faith, it might be worth researching further. P.S. Shooting stupid people won't make anything better....
  22. I'm lucky I did not have a mouth full of coffee when I clicked on Jeanba's link! Well Said!!! CadeteBRA has posted a nice model of a really beautiful plane, and I know he will continue to tune and tweak it. Thanks for all your fine efforts!
  23. For all the Nvidia video card owners, the brand new 306.23 WHQL video drivers are posted for download at the following link: http://www.nvidia.com/Download/index.aspx?lang=en-us Enjoy!
  24. The original Insky LOD is dated 11-16-08. This is a newer LOD and comes with higher resolution skins then the original Insky J-10A.
  25. Hey Julhelm, it would be great if you uploaded your custom tiles. I always look forward to your projects.

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