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Everything posted by Emp_Palpatine

  1. Also, IIRC, a RWR isn't able, in real life, to track IR missiles such as R-73.
  2. My two cents on the Mystère. Indeed, what a brick. Don't turn. It bleeds speed like hell and has a quite poor acceleration. Energy fighter definitely. As I do prefer nimble dancers, it's not a favorite of mine... Regarding campaigns, I play with hud indications. I have to compensate for not being really in the cockpit where things are more clear than in front of a computer. Also, my priority is survival. If I am drawn in a fight against an ennemy that's not the primary target, well, let's fight it out. It only has consequences if you loose quite a number of missions.
  3. Going Rogue

    Nope. The EU has piles of shit (yuzhaan vongs and stuffs, all the 80's stuffs also) but very, very good things also. Especially in the pre-Empire times. And the Galactic civil war with Imperial fragmentation and the formation and subsequent peace with the remnants is way more interesting that the satirical space nazis we now have, along with the worst vilain ever.
  4. Going Rogue

    This doesn't matter because Disney decided to ignore the expanded universe. For better and most of time worse. Novelllization are EU.
  5. Here I am. I've decided to do a "North cape" marathon using the three war scenario in north cape mod. I've managed to survive in the Nimitz flight scenario. A lot of aces in the squadron. Quite a few dead, as well. This one is won, the Nimitz managed to survive. She was nevertheless severely hit during a soviet attack. I almost lost her. Don't trust the kill ratio. I actually was shot down twice. Or three time if you count the time I bring the girl above the fleet and bailed out. All three times, I was hit by I.R. missiles. Despite the number of kills, it's a hard campaign, especially on "normal" or "hard". You'll learn to fear flankers. Blue death... And to a lesser extent, fulcrums. Especially when like me you suck at dogfighting in a Tomcat. The first days are hard and the skies are deadly. My first mission ended with an emergency landing in Narvik, out of munition and lightly damaged, wingmen blasted out of the sky. Somewhat 15-20 kills are Soviet heavies during all-out assaults against Nimitz. Also, you have to take very cautious care of your phoenix. Don't run out when the heavies are out in force... But you need them in the first days of war to snipe those flankers from a safe distance! And yes, I got a friendly tomcat with a sidewinder during a dogfight. To much Fulcrums everywhere, I got a tone, you know the rest. Next stop :"return to Norway"!
  6. What's this one backstory? :) Could you make italian mirages? Or french F-15/F-18 (they were evaluated!)?
  7. Going Rogue

    I have a far better feeling than for SW 7. And I disliked much SW7.
  8. North Cape, dangerous skies. Brought her home, but bailed out. You know, the usual "tail gone, life gone".
  9. As long as we dont have inflight refueling, we shouldn't mess with this. I already think some user-made campaigns to be quite difficult without it. North Cape, for instance, as well as Iceland
  10. Guys... It's an age-old problem, I know. But is there some way, any way, around this old and absurd problem? I mean the A.I. always shoots way to low or hundreds of meters away of the target. It's ridiculous when they fly in a straight line pursuit and shoot hundreds of bullets hitting only thin air. Any guesses or ideas?
  11. Showing the colors to the islanders.
  12. Aiuto :-)

    http://combatace.com/topic/83063-europe-total-war-1979/?p=715914 Penso que tu sarai interessato! :)
  13. Oh, thanks. What is your setting?
  14. I've got the same issue as Wilches. It depends on the weather, though. I guess it's an issue with light/shade.
  15. Do the campaigns use the new terrain or do I have to do some tweaks?
  16. Aiuto :-)

    Vero! Ma penso che i piani dell Nato per l'Italia erano la protezione della frontiera austriaca e operazione nell Mediterraneo e i Balcani (Iugoslavia, Albania e Bulgaria/Romania). Anche per la Marine Nationale Francese e le forze spagnole. Questi regione non sono nella carta di Nato Fighters. E non hanno questi terreni. :(
  17. Aiuto :-)

    Ah! E una buona notizia! La maggior parte dei mods sono installati nello stesso modo. Peccato che solo nell' ODS è l'Aeronautica Militare!
  18. Is there anybody out there?

    Here also, even if I haven't much time for siming nowadays.
  19. Aiuto :-)

    Se capisco correttamente, hai creato la nuova mod cartella? E dopo, hai copia (copiato?) il .exe? E inutile e non può funzoniare. Il copiato .exe rimane nella radice cartella (sul mio PC : C:/Thirdwire) con gli altri .exe. La cartella mod serà creata quando hai operato il copiato .exe. E automatico. Nella questa cartello vanno i file dei mods. Ma solo questi! Sei anche sicure che hai "downloadato" tutti i files di ODS? I tre?
  20. Aiuto :-)

    Devi essere metodico. E probabilmente meglior di fare una nuova installazione. Per la maggior parte di mods, devi fare una copia dell' exe che vuoi. Devi verificare quello giocho è necessario. Che giochi hai? Dopo la copia, devi fare funzionare la copia. Double-clik, poi navigare un pò nei menù. Adesso, dovrebbe esserci una nuova cartella mod. per esempio: SF2 Copie.exe farà una nuova cartella C:/User/blablabla/thirdwire/SF2 Copie. Ci vanno i file dei mods. Ma devi anche verificare che non devi cancellare cose prima di installare il mod. Anche, devi non dementicare di creare uno collegamento sul burò per il nuovo .exe. Se utilizzi il originale .exe, non funziona. E di niente, è un excellente esercizio per me! E bravo per il tuo francese.
  21. WOrks indeed, but I lost a great deal of the mod doing this. Is it not possible to tweak the file?
  22. Aiuto :-)

    Se è un aiouto, ci sono due screenshot della mia installazione. Ci sono gli exe. Ci sono le cartelle dei mods.
  23. Aiuto :-)

    Comincio appena a imprare l'italiano, ma provero di aiutare. Il fichier .exe dovrebbe essere nell' uno cartella "thirdwire" nella radica C:/ Su il mio computer : C:/thirdwire/StrikeFighters 2. Ci sono il .exe dei giochi. C'è un' altra cartella nell "users" C:/Users/My Name/Saved games/Thirdwire/. Questo è il "mod" cartella. Ci metti il files dei mods, secondo i read-me. Scusate per il mio sbagliato italiano!
  24. Is it safe to use with the all-inclusive mod?

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