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Everything posted by Silberpfeil

  1. Military Advice

    Link below falls into the "oldie but a goodie" category. For those who haven't seen it, lots of good advice and pix! http://www.doyletics.com/tidbits/militaryadvice.pdf
  2. First Eagles ScreenshotsThread

    33LIMA - Are you sure that D.I isn't carrying two 13mm Parabellum MG15s in its Weapon Stations, or are you just that good of a shot?
  3. Arctic Convoy Action

    Always appreciative of all the work that goes into your action reports, 33Lima! Good job!
  4. Do Navy pilots land different

    Very entertaining - and perhaps some truth in there somewhere!
  5. Cessna Ground Speed Check

    Good one, Erik! Everything I've ever flown in would have parts coming off at that speed...!
  6. Spanish Skies

    Nicely done - great details in all the models!
  7. Spanish Skies

    For your reference, I've got two of them just down the road from me...
  8. June 6: Remembering D-Day..

    See link below - with apologies to "Pips" Priller, of course - one of my favorite sequences from a great movie I saw when I was younger... http://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=the+longest+day+youtube&qpvt=the+longest+day+youtube&view=detail&mid=4F62CEE7156BA970B4B14F62CEE7156BA970B4B1&FORM=VRDGAR
  9. Tweaked Flight Models and Realism Pack for FE2

    Thanks - going to get through all this data and get it loaded up to see just how poor a pilot and marksman that I truly am!
  10. U.S. Navy Blue Angel crash

    Sad to hear of the team's loss - prayers and thoughts for the family and friends.
  11. Link below to interesting Business Insider article on number of aircraft by Air Force: http://www.businessinsider.com/military-aircraft-strength-of-every-country-2016-5?nr_email_referer=1&utm_content=BISelect&utm_medium=email&utm_source=Sailthru&utm_campaign=BI%20Select%20%28Tuesday%20Thursday%29%202016-05-05&utm_term=Business%20Insider%20Select
  12. Strength of World's Air Forces

    I agree, Mike Dora, that the detail in Jimbib's link supports a disturbing trend. While individual platform capability has improved dramatically, we are getting closer and closer to the point where that capability is able to be compromised by a variety of non-traditional means. And, the specialized training for personnel and the increasing time involved with aircraft turnaround between missions due their complexity, coupled with the exorbitant expense of each, makes me a proponent of reversing the trends brought about by purse-string holding politicians whose only short-term interest is in getting elected!
  13. Strength of World's Air Forces

    Thanks, Jimbib. I hope you got a chance to select some of the other links embedded in the brief article - the air show pix from Davis-Monthan are especially nice!
  14. If you haven't seen this, pretty interesting details of specific cockpits and flight stations: http://www.businessinsider.com/inside-the-cockpit-of-most-iconic-war-planes-2016-4?nr_email_referer=1&utm_content=BISelect&utm_medium=email&utm_source=Sailthru&utm_campaign=BI%20Select%20%28Tuesday%20Thursday%29%202016-04-28&utm_term=Business%20Insider%20Select Sample S.P.A.D. XIII C.1 cockpit in panoramic view:
  15. New member, hi

    Glad to have you aboard, Navy! Did you ever hear this one: USN Commander: Do you have change for a twenty, by any chance? USCG Ensign: I can probably help you out... USN Commander: That's no way to address a superior officer, Ensign! Now let's try it again - do you have change for a twenty? USCG Ensign: No, SIR! If you laughed, you'll work out just fine around these parts!
  16. Some pix from today's show for your enjoyment. For those who are interested in such things, Virginia State Police clocked the "Shockwave" jet truck (sorry, no photos of that one!) at 313 m.p.h. as he ran from one end of Runway 26 to the other! However, that was only about half as fast as the F/A-18 the Navy sent up from Oceana. I don't think the local constabulary could have gotten their radar guns warmed up before he was gone - he reported 0.96 Mach (no kidding!) at the end of his high speed run!
  17. Langley 94FS Nieuport 28

    Replica Nieuport 28C.1 built 1985 and rebuilt 2012 after storm damage.
  18. Really Getting Kicked in the Ass

    Positive thoughts and prayers for both, and because it never hurts, best of luck!
  19. Langley AFB Airshow

    Just one more piece of evidence on this "missing Nieuport" issue. The following photo is from last September's base newsletter and you can see the aircraft is there, and from the photo's background, still parked where it was in 2011, adjacent to the 94th's hangar. But, for whatever reason, I sure didn't see it when I attended the airshow on Saturday!
  20. Langley AFB Airshow

    Thanks for your kind words! I was a little disappointed that I didn't get to see the Nieuport 28 replica that the 94th's maintenance personnel rebuilt after it was damaged by a storm a few years back. Here's a photo of it from 2011 (I think!) but not sure where it is now or what it looks like...
  21. Langley AFB Airshow

    It was imported to the States a few years back and is now owned by a guy from Richmond. The Typhoon was the real surprise - apparently they had a maintenance issue that put them behind their scheduled return, so they ended up staying a few extra days! Thanks - I pretty much stayed with the static display stuff as my old camera isn't good enough for any of the medium distance or high speed pass shots! It's my pleasure to post them. I haven't been able to attend this show for a couple of years so I was glad to see it come around again this Spring!
  22. Collisions (Again)

    Very interesting discussion and findings, gentlemen! I look forward to further developments!
  23. Many happy Returns

    On behalf of The Colonies, "Roger That!"

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