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Posts posted by Silberpfeil

  1. Best wishes on getting your eye repaired. When you're all healed up, will you have like x-ray vision to see through clothes and such? I'd be willing to put Rebellion re-enactments on hold a few weeks for such an upgrade!

    The prospective mission add-on list looks great - for someone who thoroughly enjoyed this software line during the 90's, and had no clue that it was still viable over fifteen years later, this whole process has been an eye-opener!

  2. To follow up – the two XvT add-on mission sets have been recovered and work as they should.






    What I think happened were two different pathway conflicts that didn’t allow the game to find the add-on missions, hence the results (no Mission Description, Briefing, Map, and the game crashing) shown in my previous posts.


    In the first add-on missions release, the download folder was named xvt-bop_headhunter_tod but the COMBAT Mission.lst and Rebel.lst pathways referenced htod as the name of the folder. By directly copying the individual mission files into COMBAT and deleting htod/ in the pathway resolved the problem.


    To avoid the problem I had in the first release, I directly copied the individual mission files from the download folder of the second release into TRAIN, but forgot to delete the whist/ folder name from that pathway – a somewhat different set of circumstances that resulted in the same outcome. By deleting whist/ in the mission file pathways resolved the problem.

  3. If it will help on any ideas, here are screen images as I move from Fly Solo to trying to Quick Start my way into Dev’s Sidestep. Original/stock and add-on missions show for selection:




    Selected title shows but no Mission Description:




    Selecting Begin shows next screen without briefing text or icons on grid map:




    Note there is no Next or Fly button where the cursor is pointing, so if I go back to Quick Start, the mission begins but then the game crashes (I have to use Task Manager to get out and back to the desktop) with this screen:




    As I wrote before, all original/stock missions (in Combat and Train) work as they should in 640x480 with 3D Hardware enabled.

  4. Appreciate the time spent in putting together the tutorial, but still No Joy in finding my problem.

    Installation instructions in both add-on folder packages were pretty straightforward - all add-on mission files seem to be where they should be in my Combat and Train folders, all sub-files in Mission.lst and Rebel.lst are sequenced and numbered per the instructions. Add-on missions follow the original/stock missions in the .lst files and Page Breaks (//) mark their separation.

    I’ll keep looking for what I’ve got wrong and will try it again in a new install when the next group of add-on missions are made available.

  5. Installed both supplemental xvt-bop mission packages, but can’t get them to work. Not familiar with modding this game, but I think I followed all the instructions correctly – here’s what happens: Choosing Fly Solo and Training Exercises works OK and all titles (new and original) are shown. When selecting one of the supplemental missions, the Title shows but no Mission Description text. Clicking Begin turns up the next page where there is no Briefing text. A blank grid (no icons) shows. If I choose Quick Start, the Prepare for Launch screen comes up, changes into Entering Training Exercise, and then the game crashes, with two windowed messages: Unable to Set 320x240 Screen Resolution and Unable to Set 512x384 Screen Resolution, and then another message outside the window: Unable to use 3D Hardware, See ReadMe.TXT. Same thing happens when trying to run individual HTOD Combat Missions. All original bop game missions run OK at 640x480 and using 3D hardware. I’m sure I’ve got a setting wrong somewhere, so thanks for any help in advance!


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