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About Blueteamguy

  1. SF2NA Ultimate Carriers Pack

    To clarify, this will not work (Except maybe the SCB-125 french & aussie ships) unless you have NA, with the .exe directed towards NA? Great, time to move all my damn mods to that folder :P On a positive note, excellent collection, I doubt I'll find anything like it anywhere else :)
  2. Mirage Factory F-5E for SF2

    You idiots, you forgot to define afterburnernode!!!! FIX: go to F-5E_DATA.ini (or close to that), find AfterburnerNodeName, and type in "afterburner." I'll tell the TMF guys about their mistake via PM so this can be fixed promptly
  3. Is there a workaround for those who do not have NA? I know I could buy the F-14A Iran, but I'm dead broke for a couple of weeks. I don't want to have to fly only the F-14D forever Also FYI: I'm not a new member, I've been around for a while and followed everything quite a bit, I just never needed to post anything till now. Cool testament to how user-friendly playing, troubleshooting, and modding SF2 is :) EDIT: NVM LOOK AT ABOVE POST I'm a dummy. Thanks, it's not like I need to target six at once anyways. Damn phoenixes won't hit half of them. Only really can use that capability with AIM-120D lol
  4. A/F-24 Shadowcat

    This would go great with NA XD

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