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Falcon Six Two

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Everything posted by Falcon Six Two

  1. The Newbies List Of Forum Acronyms

    The newbies list of forum acronyms 1. IIRC= If I Remember Correctly 2. NP= No Problem 3. IDK= I Don't Know 4. AFAIK= As Far As I know 5. TTYTT= To Tell You The Truth 6. STFU= Shut The F**k Up (isn't used very often) 7. IMO= In My Opinion 8. IMHO= In My Humble Opinion 9. IMUHO= In My Un Humble Opinion 10. CRS= Can't Remember S**t 11. SNAFU= Situation Normal All F***ed Up 12. FUBAR= F**ked Up Beyond All Recognition 13. LOL= Laugh Out Loud 14. LMAO= Laugh My Ass Off 15. LMFAO= Laugh My F**king Ass Off 16. ROTF= Rolling On The Floor 17. ROTFLMAO= Rolling On The Floor Laughing My Ass Off 18. ROTFLMFAO=Rolling On The Floor Laughing My F**king Ass Off 19. WTF= What The F**k 20. BTW= By The Way 21. OT= Off Topic 22. RTFM= Read The F**ing Manual 23. OMG= Oh My God 24. OMGWTF= Oh My God What The F**k 25. TTYL= Talk To You Later 26. AFK= Away From Keyboard 27. ITBL= In Before The Lock 28. IATL = In After The Lock 29. IBTB = In Before The Ban 30. CTD= Crash To Desktop 31. BRB= Be Right Back 32. PWWW= Please Write Whole Words 33. TLA= Three Letter Acronym 34. TARFU= Things Are Really F**ed Up 35. LMFFAO= Laughing My Fat F**ing Ass Off 36. ROFLIA= Rolling On Floor Legs In Air 37. ROFLIALMFFAO= Rolling On Floor Legs In Air Laughing My Fat F**ing Ass Off 38. ICOE= In Case Of Emergency 39. RTB= Return To Base 40. C6= Check Six 41. INC= INComing 42. 911= help (ok, ok so it ain't really an acronym but who cares! ;)) 43. NM= Never Mind 44. TY= Thank You 45. CTF= Crash To Fridge 46. JAFO= Just Another Freakin' Observer 47. ROFLOL= Rolling On Floor Laughing Out Loud 48. NTWITA= Now That's What I'm Talking About 49. BBB= Be Back in a Bit 50. IYO= In Your Opinion 51. IOU= I Owe You 52. WTH= What The Hell 53. AKA= Also Known As 54. TMI= Too Much Information More to come.....also, if you have anymore then spill it and I'll put it in.
  2. Your Top 10 Games (any Console)

    This is my list of the top 10 games for consoles 1. Soul Calibur II (all consoles) 2. Dead or Alive: Xtreme Beach Volleyball (Xbox) 3. Tenchu: Wrath of Heaven (PS2) 4. Dynasty Warriors 3 (PS2) 5. Dynasty Warriors 4 (Ps2) 6. Halo (Xbox) 7. Rainbow Six 3: Raven Shield (Xbox) 8. Grand Theft Auto 3 (Xbox, PS2) 9. Grand Theft Auto: Vice City (Xbox, PS2) 10. Dead or Alive 3 (Xbox) That's just my opinion.....share yours!!!!! :D
  3. This list was compiled by Top Gun & Co over @ SimHQ Decided to make a onestop shopping thread If I have missed any can you please add them below Here are some of the better download sites to get the "FREE" stuff :D www.flightsim.com TOP NOTCH added 7/17/03 Planesimulation FSFREEWARE added 8/20 http://www.avsim.com/ http://www.simviation.com/ Surclaro Newest Kodhanger Shigeru FS2000.org http://www.fs98fabmil.hpg.ig.com.br...ml/projeto.html added 7/17/03 http://www.incantisuweb.com/fs2000/default.htm http://www.hovercontrol.com/ Guide to adding planes, AI flight plans, scenery and much more http://members.cox.net/fstimes/hp/help.shtml http://projectai.flight1.net/ added 7/17/03 adding scenery sites as well http://www.fsgenesis.com/ added 9/3 http://zone.msn.com/flightsim/FS02SpecialOshkosh.asp http://www.simviation.com/fsdterrainusa1.htm Broken down is sections of the US Install help http://members.cox.net/fstimes/fs/help.html 8/21 Screen shot utility http://2500club.hotusa.org/fsscreen.zip added 8/20 Multigrab http://www.irfanview.com added 4/22/03 NAVIGATION LINKS http://www.navfltsm.addr.com/basic-nav-general.htm ONLINE FLIGHTS http://vatsim.net/ http://vusn.8m.com/vusnmain.html http://www.vusafs.com/ http://zone.msn.com/flightsim2002/ How to get online flights http://www.gamesdomain.co.uk/multi/guides/...lightsim02.html Naval addons Arrestorcablesadded 8/20 Quality Payware added 8/20 http://www.thelz.com/ http://www.alphasim.co.uk/main.html http://aeroplaneheaven.com http://www.lagoonline.com weather http://www.hifisim.com/ http://fsw.simflight.com/ http://www.fsmeteo.com/
  4. Why is this not surprising?

    And the strongest... Look at the size of that bomb!
  5. Why is this not surprising?

    I just could NOT watch the whole thing... It's gut wrenching...Jesus, how could he do this!?!?!?!?!?!?! Damn him to hell. I'm going to post this site at the WCE forum, we'll see how they react to this...
  6. Why is this not surprising?

    Actually if the guy gets elected we just Might have him for 8yrs...the military would most likely be,but they'd do same as when carter and the perjurer were in office,respect the office even if the ocupant is a true numbnuts...the same guys that tried make a issue out of national guard service are now saying that whole bunch of viet boat vets are lying,unbelievable... EIGHT? EIGHT? EIGHT WHOLE YEARS? Oh, the horror... <_< You're right. They have to...well, respect the office. They might not give a damned s**t about who's in it, but respect the office. I wonder what Kerry's plan regarding the military is. Should be interesting, seeing as how he wasn't in Vietnam long enough to get a decent tan...
  7. Why is this not surprising?

    Kerry... I can't stand that guy. Damn him. I do not know what I'd do if he was elected... I bet most of the military would be right pissed... We'd have to put up with FOUR (4), that's right, FOUR WHOLE YEARS of this guy. A proven liar. A liar as POTUS? Oh, the shame...
  8. Attention Falcon Sx Two

    You mean this? http://forum.biohazcentral.com/index.php?showtopic=5664 is it FS2004 Yes, it is. what did you use for catshots and arresting wires to stop--which addon, I mean? Believe it or not, nothing. The only addons in those screens are AlphaSim's payware A-10 and the freeware carriers available from SimViation. How did I cat? I had to power up to full power, even then, I fell off. If you look carefully at this shot: you'll see that I was slewing, indicated by my 0.0 KIAS. Without FD3, it'd take the whole 4.5 acres of the deck to get enough airspeed, even then, it might not be enough. As for the trap, well, my airspeed was suffciently low as to let me slow down once I slammed into the deck, but I still had to use brakes. All that smoke is just the tires burning... :D Since I don't have FD3, this is the only way I can cat and trap. I'll have to improvise. You ought to teach Navychief how to trap better--seems he is still learning... Oddly enough, I find trapping somewhat easy. However, this is in a SIMULATED sense. Trapping real life? HELL NO! Besides, FS2004 does not simulate rocking boats, so the deck is stable. All you have to worry about is the crosswind, like in this shot: I had a bit of crosswind there, so I couldn't make the centerline. If you can land on the normal runway, like say at NAS Patuxent River, make centerline like 25% of the time, you stand a good chance of trapping in this sim, IMO. To be honest, I rarely land centerline these days, but I can still trap in the sim. The hard part about trapping in this sim, is lining up with the deck, maintain proper altitude and airspeed, crosswinds, and catching the wires. Since I don't have FD3, catching wires of any sort is out of the question for me. Usually, as I approach the deck, I shut off all power, deploy speedbrakes, and pray that I'll slow down in time... ;) Teach NC how to trap? LOL! He shouldn't need an Air Force wannabe to teach him. He's Navy, so this should come naturally... :) If needed, I just may end up posting a cat and trap tutorial, only problem is image quality. Oh well, it might help people out... :D
  9. Blitzpigs VS Turtles VS Sharks! Clash of Titans! :D
  10. Your prayers are needed

    He's in my prayers. It's too bad he died, he sounded cool. :( God bless him and his family...
  11. Impressions of Athens, June 2nd, 2004

    Nice painting Nick! Happy 4th of July! :D Here's a Photoshop I made to commerate the occassion...it's dedicated to the men and women of our armed forces who safegaurd our freedom and way of life. God bless us all! :) Size is 1024x768 so you can use it as wallpaper if you like. :)
  12. NOTE: All USN/USAF purists, turn away NOW! You USMC types will get a laugh outta this. The rest of you who are insane and whacked, proceed. Ok, I tried a carrier landing. We'll see how it went. We're ready on Cat 1... Up, up, and away we go! A little stunt flying here and there... Perhaps this will impress the squids... Playtime is done...let's go home... Almost there... Down! Ah, home sweet home...now where's the darned head?!?! (How I landed is beyond me.) Hey, if a C-130 can do it, an A-10 can too!
  13. Anything is possible in FS2004!

    Don't worry, firehawk. I'm enjoying life as it is...(It helps when the girls love you.) ;) Thanks for the vote of support. It means alot. :D PS: I will laugh extremely hard if I end up landing an A-10 on a carrier. :P
  14. Anything is possible in FS2004!

    Thanks Chief, I'll take that to heart. :D
  15. Anything is possible in FS2004!

    Well, it's either the Air Force or the Navy for me. :) Everyone is either joining the Army or the Marines. Not one of my peers talk about joining the USAF or the USN. It's always "Go Army!" and "Semper Fi!" (not that there's anything wrong with that.) I bet it's probably because of games like Ghost Recon. (great game, might I add.) No one plays Falcon 4.0 or Jane's F/A-18 anymore! :( I like to not follow the crowd. Since I doubt I can become a pilot, I just might join right outta high school :D Enlisted all the way! B) Who knows, I just might get the chance to earn a comission while I'm on duty. ;) Why I really want to join the military is because I want to help my family out. You see, my mom is a nurse. She's the primary breadwinner. My dad works at an airport and is what you'd call a bag handler. It's backbreaking and doesn't pay that good. Now, if I manage to become a pilot, I hope the pay will be good enough to help my folks out. Hopefully, it'll all work out. :D But I think I'll go the Air Force route. Everyone in my family who's been in the military has been in the USN/USMC. But who knows... ;)
  16. Anything is possible in FS2004!

    Thanks NC!
  17. Anything is possible in FS2004!

    Damn! And here I was contemplating joining the Navy as a Yellow shirt...one of the Air bosses henchmen... ;) BTW, what exactly are all the shirts? Blue Red Yellow Green White Brown Purple and any others I missed...
  18. Can You Identify THis?

    Looks like it... If that's supposed to be a flight helmet, where's the visor? Where's the oxygen mask?
  19. Fates, The new calendars you made (nice!) all link to this: What happened? I tried to get your "Peaceful Knight" calendar, but it showed up as that.
  20. Calendars...

    Oh well. :( Thanks for trying anyway. :D
  21. Calendars...

    Oh yeah, Fates, could we use this image as a calendar for next month? I think it'd look real spiffy once it's branded w/ the Biohaz logo... Just a suggestion... :D
  22. Calendars...

    Yeah nesher, these calendars have been my backgrounds for the past year or so... Jeff, the only way to get to the calendar page is through a front page, so we don't have a choice! :D
  23. Calendars...

    PG, whenever I clicked on this month's calendar, that's what showed up. Nevermind, as it all works now.
  24. Punkbusted Too Far?

    Looks like the folks over at PB are fanatical when it comes to preventing hackers, huh? I agree, it's a bit overboard.
  25. Anything is possible in FS2004!

    Heh, yeah, it sure is fun! Those traps are MURDER! Especially in a bad crosswind, at night, during a thunderstorm! (Oh, the horror...) No, I never found the head. But...I found the Captain's quarters unlocked and open, and there was a head in there...so I used it. Unfortunately, after I left, he saw me coming out. I ran like a bat outta hell...

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