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Everything posted by Sheriff001

  1. Hi everyone. I've looked through the F-4 templates for drop tank templates. There are none in the downloads section. Does anyone have PSD templates for 3W F-4 drop tanks?
  2. Wow. That I honestly did not expect, especially after all this time.
  3. I was after any skin templates for F-4_DTank_Center and F-4_DTank370.
  4. Bowe Bergdahl charged with desertion

    Throw the book at him? Try the whole library.
  5. Very nice. I've been trying to make an SEA Mirage IIIO
  6. Indeed, I'd like to make an SEA F-101B. Copying and pasting bits from the RF-101B didn't really work.
  7. Arab-Israeli infantry? You mean Druze?
  8. default.ini in the Controls folder in your Mod folder
  9. .LODs

    You may ask. I have no idea if you will get an answer.
  10. The easiest technique is to fly down the length of the runway. That way, you only have to line up, and release at an approximate time. This also looks great if you do it down low, at night, with Snake Eyes, in an F-111 or A-6.
  11. 50 year ban?

    Because criminal law is extremely difficult to apply on a sporting field where assaults are concerned. Recently in Australia, a rugby player was paralysed as a result of a tackle. No charges were laid.
  12. The technique illustrated: Note the Airspeed Indicator, it is reading 550 kt. At this speed and altitude, Flak has very little chance of getting you. The best thing to do is accelerate, and ignore it. If you try to evade it, you run the risk of flying into the ground.
  13. Thanks. I may end up doing Aussie or Canadian Demons.
  14. Just a quick and nasty job. I copied the nose from a Mirage IIIO onto TK's Mirage 5BA skin to create a RAAF SEA Mirage IIIO. Does anyone know of good Mirage III templates, with the lines (etc) for the doppler radar?
  15. Canadair CF-104 Starfighter skins

    This is for the stock CF-104. The lod files are inaccessible.
  16. Canadair CF-104 Starfighter skins

    Version 2.5


    Introduction I have made new skins for the Canadair CF-104 Starfighter. These skins show all the normal Royal Canadian Air Force/Canadian Armed Forces CF-104 schemes. Fuel tanks are included. Aircraft.ini files removing TK's CF-104 skins are also included. Skins The following skins are provided: CF-104RCAF Natural Metal (Canada-based) RCAF Natural Metal (Germany-based) RCAF Natural Metal post-1965 (Canada-based) RCAF Natural Metal post-1965 (Germany-based) CAF Natural Metal (Canada-based) CAF Natural Metal (Germany-based) [*]CF-104_72 CAF Natural Metal (Canada-based) CAF Natural Metal (Germany-based) CAF Green CAF Symmetrical Natural Metal (Canada-based) CAF Symmetrical Natural Metal (Germany-based) CAF Symmetrical Green [*]CF-104_76 CAF Symmetrical Natural Metal (Canada-based) CAF Symmetrical Natural Metal (Germany-based) CAF Symmetrical Green CAF Symmetrical Camo I have provided 20 serial numbers. Anyone wishing to make additional serials will find PSD templates, and the RCAF font in the extra's folder. Use 22-point for pre-unification serials, 16-point for unification serials, and 48-point for buzz numbers. I have also included fuel tank templates which I have created. No instructions or files have been added to make the CF-104 flyable, however plenty is available on combatace.com on this subject. What works for the F-104G will work for the CF-104. I recommend making the aircraft ini files read only. Template used: http://combatace.com/files/file/5474-f-104g-photoshop-template/ Changes Removed CAF Green from CF-104, removed scratches from all skins, adjusted specular, glossiness and reflection values on natural metal skins, added SM files to natural metal skins. Fixed decals to remove white borders. Installation Instructions Copy the contents of "ModFolder" into your mod folder. Over-write where necessary. Credits TK: SF2, stock CF-104 Bobrock - F-104 template Littlesmoke - CF-104 NATO skin (used for 'tracing' the camo skin) Paulopanz - natural metal skins advice If there are any problems, or omisions in the credits, please send me a PM.
  17. Does anyone know which font should be used for the "Canadian Armed Forces" titles. If not the actual font, is there a good equivalent. I am doing normal skins for the CF-104. I've basically done the silver skins, but I need the font to do the titles in black for the green Starfighters.

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