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Everything posted by PFunk

  1. I see almost zero reason to the least bit excited about the Third Wire F1. This is going to be very similar to the ThirdWire Tomcat. The Mirage Factory version was better in almost all respects.
  2. The Desert and GermanyCE tilesets are really the best TW ever did.
  3. Is there an Aeronavale Rafale out there?
  4. The Black Sea Terrain was resurrected this morning and will be given what I hope will be a substantial facelift. Roads, rivers will be added as well as CVBG zones for red and blue forces on the water map. There will be two new enemy forces added, Ukrainian forces loyal to the USSR and Russia, which hopefully will get us past that damned strike mission bug where all you can hit is the carrier. The TFD and HFD will be altered to give a more accurate representation (hopefully) of the Black Sea. Also, after I do a few more projects, I would like to create an entirely new Black Sea terrain for modern warfare that is far more accurately scaled, call it 'Black Sea Future Project'. The terrain will be hosted both at SimHQ and here. Keep watching for updates. Today's update: Basic functionality tests completed for the terrain, .ini files altered to answer some basic questions I had. Water map functions for blue side, have not tested Red side CVBGs yet.
  5. Don't know whether to laugh or cry

    She'll be promoted.
  6. File Name: Archipelago v1.0 File Submitter: PFunk File Submitted: 09 August 2013 File Category: Full Terrains This is the first in a series of terrains (and probably tilesets) that I plan on making. But, it's not going to be anyplace you recognize. You might notice a few landmasses that look familiar, but this terrain is a complete fabrication, Google Earth will shrug its shoulders if you start looking for it. But that allows you a lot of freedom in terms of scaling and just simply creating anything that pops into your head. This concept came from a couple of ideas. Western militaries have long had a tradition of wargaming exercises and creating war plans using fictional enemies. Consider this terrain to be less like a real world conflict and more like a live-fire training exercise against bad guys with real guns. This terrain will be not be a real place, but I did want some nods to realism, like a realistic number of targets and a realistic number of airfields for an island chain in the Pacific or Indian oceans. The next idea I had came from top-tier games like Battlefield and Call of Duty. Ever notice how their multiplayer maps have vague names? The terrains are a lot like a single-player map pack, and this particular terrain could conceivably be used to create a campaign, but it was really meant and intended for single missions. The last idea was that I want each terrain to be geared for a particular style of warfare, this gets back into the terrain being more of a sandtable exercise than a real conflict. Warfare styles might include traditional Cold War gone hot foes, or a 70s style bush war. This particular terrain is geared for very early jet combat/last of the prop jobs sort of combat, like a war of decolonization. It is designed to be an ECM-free environment, guns, unguided rockets, and dumb bombs. You won't find a single SAM site. You could even mod it into a WW2 theatre if you felt like it. That's another thing. I don't mind if anyone wants to mod this further, like using a particular tileset or such like. If you plan on posting any mods of this terrain here for others to use, just shoot me an email. You don't have to ask for permission, just let me know what you're doing. Also, this is part of the CA freeware agreement. Do not use this for payware. Required Files - SF2 Vietnam (this terrain won't work without it, period) Click here to download this file
  7. I have tried to get into DCS World and I keep coming back to SF 2. It simply does the single player experience better.
  8. Term limits are not enough. We need jail time.
  9. Hasn't really changed much from the original in terms of looks, but I'll update it as the look changes.
  10. The terrain is pretty much already populated. I might add more "dummy cities" to make the terrain a little more interesting, but the big thing I want to add are rivers and roads.
  11. Just copy this, paste into Notepad, save as an .lst file?
  12. Yeah, that's the rub. What replaces it? We didn't get enough Raptors to really take over the role. Personally, I think we need to CILOP the F-16 to Block 60/62 version and then buy a bunch of Silent Eagles.
  13. Threat libraries are locked down, now...apparently...sheesh...
  14. I hope the Army gets those old Warthogs. They're still very useful birds, awfully shortsighted to axe them. The F-15C, on the other hand, is getting dangerous to fly and doesn't function really well on the modern battlefield unless it has ECM support on a biblical scale. Beautiful? Yes. Iconic? Certainly. Worth still trying to bootstrap into the future? Probably not. Hopefully, our forces won't be deployed so much that a smaller force will suffice for our needs.
  15. http://combatace.com/forum/191-modding-terrainsenviroments/ In here you should find Gepard's tutorials.
  16. Red and Blue carrier units operate perfectly with the new water map. Red and Blue air defenses populate just fine. Now taking a look at Off-Map airbases to see if it will work.
  17. Oops... Something else to fix. It's the little things you always miss. Something weird I've noticed is that aircraft carriers don't do well when you attempt to export them to other countries. You pretty much have to make a dedicated carrier for each naval air arm.
  18. Where is that data located now and can you change what the RWR can pick up and what it can't?
  19. Thanks...what the hell would he do that for?
  20. Thank you very much, sir. I do appreciate the help and this helps me greatly. It looks like TW has locked out the RWR.lst files, can't find them with the Extractor.
  21. Wow...has it been tweaked? The SA-10s are no longer Death Eating a Cracker. I know, because I actually managed to slip past one this time, without the little bloodsucker getting a shot off on me. Then I got shot down by a J-10. Wow. This is why I return to SF2. It's like the challenge factor was worked on just enough to wring you out, but not so much that you just throw in the towel.
  22. I do! What did you do different? It's just a better game now. Kinda like a little more challenging version of ODS, which is still really good as it is right now, too.

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