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Everything posted by PFunk

  1. Where can I find the most recent version of the TFD Tool? The one I have gives me virus warnings on Norton. Never mind. I apparently have it already.
  2. You know who you are. You're the guys who, when you make an airplane, you include skins with the mesh details and proper decaling. This means I can fly anything for any air force and the insignia show up. Now, I understand why some folks directly apply insignia to the skins. It often looks more realistic and YOU KNOW IT WILL WORK. It's just a pain for those of us who want to fly an airplane for one military and someone's else's insignia are on the wings. Thanks for going the extra mile for us 'what-if' guys.
  3. SF2 SU-30SM Flanker Pack Redux 2016

    I absolutely love this version of the Strike Flanker.
  4. Wrench, I know you have one and I can't find in the download section or in the forums. Help me out?
  5. You guys do realize the R-27 SAHM missile has achieved a stunning 4% effectiveness in the conflict between Ethiopia and Eritrea, right?
  6. Anyone know where I can find a nuclear reactor cooling tower for a terrain object?
  7. Hey, guys. I can't get the canards to show up on the new Su-30SM. I recall having this problem on the Su-33 and I couldn't fix it then, either. I keep seeing the little pilot's butt hanging out of the bottom of the fuselage.
  8. Is the Weps Pack in the download section that much better than the stock weapons?
  9. I know in the data.ini files of all "stealth" aircraft, there is an RCS and IR entry that I presume reduces the radar and heat signatures of the plane. I presume, the smaller the number the greater the "stealth"? I.e. 0.1 means 10% of the radar cross section?
  10. This. I'm just about ready to completely scotch the stock weapons for this exact reason. Yeah, yeah, I know the engine apparently can't tell you that you're getting shot at by an active-homing radar missile, but STILL.
  11. Thank you. That was the missing link. I have one now with the clear transparency pilot skin and all is well. Appreciate your help and patience, sir.
  12. Everything's looking good...the canards are now displayed....along with the pilot....
  13. LOL. Now I have both showing up. The canards AND the fake pilot.
  14. American pilots of the F-4 Phantom used to call the AIM-7 Sparrow the Great White Hope and would fire two at a time during Vietnam, just to rid themselves of excess weight.
  15. The canards, I presume, belong in the Pilots folder? This may be my problem, because they're not there.
  16. I'd figured after all was said and done, I'd probably wind up with about 80 TargetAreas total. If every one of them has their own SAM battery, that's pretty much every last SAM battery in Greece getting its own place to call home. Turkey has many more SAM batteries than Greece does, so that's going to have to be planned for accordingly. However, if you figure that at least half are going to be pointing at Syria, well, it's still going to be a nightmare for strike planning. I've got to figure out a way to accommodate the AI and still make it very challenging without resorting to sheer numbers. I know the modded SAM and AAA packs are far more...aggressive...than the stock ones, so the experiment is to see if that makes up the difference or not.
  17. You are very kind. Thank you for your help.
  18. I'm glad you brought that up. This is going to be something of an experiment. We all know the AI can't handle the effectiveness of the awesome SF2 SAM Pack and AAA Pack, it's just too deadly in large numbers. Strike packages would be blown out of the sky. But, let's face it. Some of our terrains overestimate the military inventory of some nations. So, what I plan to do is use the more deadly AAA and SAM Pack weapons, just in somewhat smaller numbers. A target area that had two or three SAM batteries and about a dozen AAA guns might now have only one SAM battery and maybe four or five AAA guns. The weapons you'll be facing won't be as numerous, but they'll be more deadly. I want to see what the AI can do with that. Also, I won't be creating EVERY airbase and target area in either nation. In the case of Turkey, I can't. Half the country isn't even there, and that half has about five airbases. Both the air forces of Greece and Turkey have no real strategic assets (heavy bombers), so there's little reason to create off-map bases. That means both militaries will be at or near parity in numbers. It'll be up to the player to determine how challenging they want to make the in-the-air experience. I'm looking at making: ~ 8-10 airbases for each nation ~ 3-4 military/industrial complexes ~ 3-4 army bases ~ 10-12 strategic nodes for campaign play (a military conflict between these two might not take that long) If this isn't interesting to people that's fine. I don't even plan on using a custom tileset. If someone else wants to, that's great, but I'll be using stock GermanyCE tiles. Greece and Turkey are a lot greener than people think. What I'm curious about is the FRIENDLY/ENEMY dynamic of the game. Can a terrain change the status of a nation's allegiance to the player (just for that one terrain), or, must you edit the NATIONS.INI file to reflect what the terrain says, otherwise, it doesn't show up in game?
  19. LOL. Yeah, that was about as good of a projection I could get after multiple crops/resizes and still get the distances right. It's going to be a relatively modern terrain. 1974-present.

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