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Everything posted by Canadair

  1. Add the ships as a target in the targets ini of the terrain You can use the coordinate of the carrier station, still from target, and play with them to build a naval group Then define the ships as types in the types.ini of the terrain The ships will stay still and the carrier will sail but will not bump in them
  2. A question : Will it be mission or campaign orientated?
  3. What you noticed is interesting but has nothing to do with what we are talking about : the AI flights WILL drop un guided bombs, but will not drop guided bombs
  4. it did happen in sf1: AI flight would not drop guided bombs
  5. I know that it has been tested only for SF2 by the modder Has any of downloaders tested on Sf1?
  6. Which means launched only by your flight, and not from AI?: which makes a "modern" campaign with use of cruise missiles, impossible
  7. do Cruise_missile missions work only versus ships, or ground targets as well?
  8. What is the difference between naval_attack and cruise_missile?
  9. I have to reinstall the main folder of SF2: mods folder are already packed fortunately Which patch level should I choose? I would like various opinions, and possibly with motivations, in order to prepare a new install: I will use eburger packages so I should be minimum at march 2012 I understand that it is a matter of compromises: I would like to understand the better possible one Thank you in advance
  10. Remind again the sequence of patching please,, base install, merge all the games and patch..is jul2013 enough?
  11. it does work: I tried again. Problem is for ground objects I noticed that wont benefit from the exported=true statement- I wanted to do an sold style paran-dhimar and without soviet nation it crashes because it doesnt found ground objects to spawn, i think. On the other hand, on desert with usaf dhimar paran soviet usmc selected, I got no other nationalities airplanes
  12. Is the limitednations=true in terrain.in and the limitednationslist in terrain_nations ini working in series 1? I can"t really recall
  13. Really? Could you Point me how? I tried the two statements as in the above post, with dhimar and paran, but i had no result, in single mission, still everything is spawned
  14. Ethiopia, African Horn (1993-2028)

    This would be a nice TAW revival terrain, and someone should really think of a Ethipia/Eritrea campaign with interesting red on red hardware situations. Also some "black hawk down" somalia scenarios could be conceived
  15. I f you hae vietnam mod in multiple packs by eburger , the b-26K should be in Steel Tiger and flyable
  16. But what does ıt mean multıple targets at once? Does ıt apply only to semı actıve mıssıles? For example ın the EF2000 I should be able to launch a salvo of amramm just by swıtchıng theır targets
  17. So finally what is the solution? the board on tW forum is hidden now
  18. Actually in series 1 in the GOING downtown missions, for example, with eburgers fantastic pack, I have sometimes up to 8-9 sam in the air. Series 2 (last patch) , with the same eburger package has as much as 2-3 sam in the air. Everything on hard settings, and even added a few SEPARATE arease for sam site in hanoi Series 2 has much less SAM activity then series 1.
  19. Which is still not enough. Even the insane rating of the SF2V flak is not enough to be really scary
  20. After years, still bugs poppin'up
  21. Version


    An apparent incompatibility between SF2 and SF1 is that the in series two mods often there are files (.ini) encoded with Unicode format. A common occurrence when downgrading a mod from SF2 to SF1 is therefore having to convert (save as..) a big amount of .ini files from Unicode to Ansi, a procedure which is time consuming and annoying. Included is a one-click system to convert any amount of files from Unicode to Ansi. It can be very useful when downgrading mods form SF2 -> SF1 series Installation: Simply unpack and store in your HD root the directories Files_Ansi and Files_unicode. By default I am using this path: C:\converter\files_unicode (you might want to change it accordingly to your needs by modifying ansioso.bat Use: Make backups of files. A-From the folder where they belong, copy in the Files_unicode folder the files (mostly they will be .ini) that you want to convert. B_run ansioso.bat C-In the directory Files_Ansi you should have the files with the same name but converted to ANSI format D-Copy them back where they belong, allowing overwrite NOTE: Ansioso.bat and stringconverter.exe MUST stay in the same folder. Also, files'names will stay the same. B careful in copying and moving them from folder to folder. Discaimer I downloaded stringconverter.exe from a freeware website. I haven't programmed it , all the merits go to unknown programmer. In the same forum I ve found the batch file which I adpated to the specific needs.
  22. I am back to SF and to SF2. Two issues on patch july 2012 In Campaigns there are no static airplanes. On some terrain only large airplanes Force feedback centering stops working during flight.
  23. MB-339A


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