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Everything posted by Canadair

  1. Modellini AMI con Gazzetta dello Sport

    Bestiale : Presentarsi in seminario senza le mutande. Sul blog di DonZauker c'è una bel pezzo sull'editore del Vernacoliere. Leggetelo, altro che i vari scrittori di Mondadori. Questione che trovo assai "pelosa".. Restando in tema. Personalmente non sono un grande fan dei modellini. Sono disordianto ed impaziente, e gli aerei mi piacciono rumorosi sul piazzale e zozzi di olio (si vale anche per le skin, come dice l'appena bannato Julhem) piuttosto che della polvere dello scaffale. La Gazzetta. Il punto non è tanto la gazzetta in sè, che parla di calcio e di sport. E'un argomento (il calcio) che può interessare o meno (interessa molti italiani e pochi forumisti sembra). Il problema è che piuttosto c'è chi non legge NIENTE ALTRO che la Gazzetta.. Se da una parte un discorso dui "valori" di mondocalcio si può sempre fare, è anche vero che qualunque cosa, fatta e seguita in modo esclusivo, è dannosa e nefasta. Si anche l'aeronautica. Si anche la figa.
  2. File Name: Unicode -> Ansi file batch converter File Submitter: Canadair File Submitted: 06 September 2010 File Category: SF/WO* Utilities/Editors An apparent incompatibility between SF2 and SF1 is that the in series two mods often there are files (.ini) encoded with Unicode format. A common occurrence when downgrading a mod from SF2 to SF1 is therefore having to convert (save as..) a big amount of .ini files from Unicode to Ansi, a procedure which is time consuming and annoying. Included is a one-click system to convert any amount of files from Unicode to Ansi. It can be very useful when downgrading mods form SF2 -> SF1 series Installation: Simply unpack and store in your HD root the directories Files_Ansi and Files_unicode. By default I am using this path: C:\converter\files_unicode (you might want to change it accordingly to your needs by modifying ansioso.bat Use: Make backups of files. A-From the folder where they belong, copy in the Files_unicode folder the files (mostly they will be .ini) that you want to convert. B_run ansioso.bat C-In the directory Files_Ansi you should have the files with the same name but converted to ANSI format D-Copy them back where they belong, allowing overwrite NOTE: Ansioso.bat and stringconverter.exe MUST stay in the same folder. Also, files'names will stay the same. B careful in copying and moving them from folder to folder. Discaimer I downloaded stringconverter.exe from a freeware website. I haven't programmed it , all the merits go to unknown programmer. In the same forum I ve found the batch file which I adpated to the specific needs. Click here to download this file

    Molto attuale in certi tempi di "imbavagliamento"
  4. Thanks Spinnes, this is awesome. I think this airplane and his anti-raptor look , deserves a lot of skinnning. I see it defintely in JASDF colors, for example..
  5. Spinner I quote you on that. there is no barrier. Just some simple modding to do to downgrade or upgrade. Also some mods that are issued on double verions are available only in the SF2 area. It is not a big deal thoguh. It Simplifies life for the not-so-hardcore downloaders, that can go straight to their sims of reference, without wondering if they will have to mod or not We advanced users will browse long time both section anyways, let's face it. On the other hand I figured out a batch converter of unicode to ascii. converts with one click as many files as you want. if someone is interested I might upload
  6. I knew you could not resist....can I have?=
  7. ..does the limited nation statement affect ground objects as well?
  8. Fire Destroys Russian Naval Base

    Believe it or not, we just finished planning a flight to deploy waterbombers in the area. I received the alert call about 4 hours ago, anc currently waiting for the go. As always, waterbombers support has been called way too late.
  9. NORAD and Russia Joint Air Defense Drills

    I think this is absolutely wonderful. Working togheter against the REAL enemies
  10. Ravenclaw, while the Buccaneer is awesome,, what terrain is that in the back ground?
  11. TV serie italiani

    Thankfully. "Consign to Oblivion"
  12. Version


    Since it has been requested by a few people In this rar is included airplane FOR SERIES ONE, WITH THE OLD F-111F LOD included. This mod is nothing special and the new F-111 is much better. On the other hand thoguh, as far as I know there is no RF-111G with canards and hud and modern avionics made from the new lods. Oh this plane is totally fictional, BTW. Installation FOR SERIES ONE:(and only) content of folder "put in aircraft folder" goes in aircraft folder weapons paveacksystem (it is a fake unlaunchable EOGR which gives pavetack capabilities even when LGBs have been launched) and Lau-105AHM are to be added with proper weapon editor FOR SERIES ONE.
  13. Which Terrain is that? lybia (which includes south italy )uses desert conventions, and that one looks like germany tiles from stary which do use germanyCE name conventions...
  14. Pessime notizie

    Bhè complimenti Uzzo. Hai appena iniziato, lo sai vero?
  15. Felice compleanno Spillone

    Tanti auguri Spillone.. Pronto Al Decollo?
  16. Out of extensive testing, I can tell you that in series ONE, with limited nations statement, you get per terrain only those aircrafts for nation listed. Provided that EXPOrt is marked as FALSe per airplane. I bet your sukois were marked as export true. I don't know in series TWO, but I guess that all what userlist function (not available inseries one) does is limit the exportavailability for the antions (and the skins) listed in userlist. So in a terrain you have only france and germany and the system will pick according also to enemy and friendly statments, only planes from natiosn france and germany, or planes with export = true. In series TWO, also, the userlist.ini will limit the export. IE a terrani with nation, say argentina, will pick a mirage with nation france and export = true. But won't pick a Rafale maybe with export = false, or won't pick another Mirage version whose userlist does not contain argentina. EDIT: just tested on series one, with a nation named Target Drones , the limited nations statements, (and obviously an enemy airport) I have only QF-104, QF-4 QF-100 (whose nation is now target drones) showing above the terrain.
  17. As a note Wrench I tested extensively the limited nation function in series one it works perfectly. obviously of course the userlist.ini functions do not, and the skinpicked is the one with the nationname in data ini. I wish I figured that out )or someone told me ( earlier. That limited antion thing really makes a difference now. the user list would help in picking the skins for the nations involved for a terrain, but that is obviously a SF2 feature. Anyway the imitednations feature alone in SF1, is a reason less to move to SF2 totally
  18. As a note Wrench I tested extensively the limited nation function in series one it works perfectly. obviously of course the userlist.ini functions do not, and the skinpicked is the one with the nationname in data ini
  19. Spinners, who is your pusher? I want some of that stuff too!!!
  20. It is not impossible. What exactly are we looking for in that regards?
  21. Should you need any help, test or support, I am available, I am pretty familiar with campaigns. Are you using DS terrain?
  22. Personally, very interested, despite the lack of heavy combat I suggest several smaller ones in order to give players variety in choosing airplanes and missions

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