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Everything posted by Canadair

  1. Sidewinder FFB 2/Win 7 help needed

    I bought another one from ebay just in case. In any case it is really silly that MS terminated the support
  2. Sidewinder FFB 2/Win 7 help needed

    I am surprised you loaded it, since the Sidewinder program is not compatible with W7, and Microsoft never thoguht it was a goode idea to update it for W7. It is only the best joystick ever designed after all in any case, if you plug it in the usb, it will be recognised by w7 and will work perfectly fine, but forget about the mangement program about force intenisity and such: you will be stuck with default settings
  3. The whole problem with DCS is 1-the dynamic campaign 2-the terrain. There is a nevada coming, but Georgia is not only plain and old but is useless for some of the planes being released
  4. Catastrophic wildfire

    Salute to the gone Firefighters Brothers. I hope their souls will support my wings
  5. Catastrophic wildfire

    Where are firefighting planes when you need them? Seeing this makes my hands itchy to fly and bomb it it water..Wish I was closer.. and not on the other side of the world I know very well the disasters of wildfire. You are all in my prayers
  6. It's Spillone104's Birthday!

    Grande Spillo , auguri
  7. I know many people from Tuk Hava Kuvetleri. I hope the pilots are rescued and are well. And I hope situation won't escalate of course. But I am hopeful. In general turkish nation is proud and strong, but it is also a peace-loving and reasonable country. They will not take any s**t from anyone, but they are not warmongers either.
  8. Naval War: Arctic Circle

    I hope so; when thye will arrive I will buy
  9. Naval War: Arctic Circle

    What about the save game feature ? I was one click-away from buying, but I read about this and got turned off: A shame because I am really looking forward to this game
  10. I really would like to see some ant-terrorist action in the south east; also a limited conflict with syria would be a good idea, just to stay with the news. and efintely an historical Cyprus scenario
  11. I am sorry for the really newbie question: In order to get a latest update of SF2E + SF2NA, what should I do and how and in which order should I patch? It takes looking away for a week to lose counts of patches and fixes My idea is SF2E, plus EXP2, plus Nov11, plus SF2A, plus APR2012, is it correct?
  12. North Atlantic

    Il dono della sintesi, amico mio :D
  13. Yes I remember that part very well. In my mind, and not knowing that NYANG was flying D model, and reading about WildWeasels, I simply pictured them as G models. Thanks for the explanation :)
  14. I was going to ask you...AI flights can attack ground targets with guided weapons now? It is a old dead beaten horse of mine, you know, but I am wondering if finally this aspect hs changed
  15. Dave I seem to remember they were F-4G, weirdly enought with guns no less.. or am I wrong?
  16. me too. I can quote some parts I think. I am really wondering if it is possible to see submarine action, and the final attack on stikkisholmur, and before int he book, the attacks on the russian air refueller.
  17. But wasn't that in Germany side of the conflict? Dave this is a great idea this mod; Also adding submarines would be awesome. Which terrain will be used, gerwin's modded one? hmm maybe I shoudl really install sf2na and get to work, this is a great project..
  18. Real Life (tm) troubles

    Don't even think of stopping modding :) I shot you a pm, give it a read. And if you want feel free to psot it back on this thread, might help someone else :)
  19. Gerwin, thank you. Please keep up the good work; I might be tempted to actually isntall SF2NA after wasting my money on it with your mod:)
  20. Ma chi.....zzo scrive.....

    Ma quale? Alla fine se la cavano sempre, con tanti problemi gravi davvero si pongono problemi inutili e dannosi; quelli confusi e disinformati sono loro
  21. Ma chi.....zzo scrive.....

    Però questa mi fa ridere un pò meno; guardate qui http://tankerenemy.dyndns.org/Identified.htm Mi dispiace quasi di non esserci..
  22. Ma chi.....zzo scrive.....

    A me fanno sbellicare dalle risate. Come sapete dedico spesso tempo alla lettura del Giornale di Nosferatu Sallusti onde divertirmi a go-go. La lettura di Tanker Enemy ha quasi spodestato gli articoli di Magdi allam, di Sallusti e di MArio Giordano...
  23. ...ZZO non c'è solo l'F-35

    Vi immaginate un tornado o un Ef2000 su cui mettono mano gli israeliani?

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