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Everything posted by Canadair

  1. So anyone wants to see the zeewolf with kestrel cockpit and slightly revised FM? if I get permission I can upload.
  2. that is my man, you should see the zeewolf with kestrel cockpit
  3. No I don't like that too much; I would like to make use of the Kestrel and the yak 141 enoguh fixed wing; BTW I have a modded f-15 cockpit, the one that was mig29 OVT's, working on the yak 141. As for the oh-6 i think it is out. and the gazelle too sadly; I want it easy and fast, and with modern helo; actually I dleave out the blackhawk since I can't seethe use for it. The story lin is somewhat like you and your helicoptr multinational team are all what is there before the enemy army and its Hinds I know: it screams Apache and Hokum, and Havoc
  4. More than anything I am looking for ideas and support
  5. okei, can yuo write the squadron descriptions .txt? Any other takers?
  6. For Mig-21F-13 FANS!

    Thanks: I used to work for an airline that had overnights in Prague; and I ve found myself asking the Scheduling office for more and more overnights there, because of the food, of the beer, of the landscape of the wonderful people. Then I had to leave that company on one hand because I wanted to fly waterbombers instead of airliners, and on the other hand becuase the work environement was realy bad For sure knowing I would not have been going to Prague anymore made me think a little longer about the choice.
  7. ah okei there were a few posts on this forums that suggested to use 512, but comes at the price of blusrrying btw I maged to add trees at leisures,,it is just a matter of adding treeobjects.tga texture by texture where rlevant in the vietnansea.data. I also imported some of your tods, those for mountain tiles, in y terrain install, and now I have trees without the latest patch which I am quite happy without. excellent
  8. posted twice, don't know how to delete thread
  9. Ok I am not computer baby, but point me where to check? I have AA and aniso Managed by the appilcation Latest Omega for ati radeon In fhe flight engine I have 512 max texture size set for high details Of course thanks and help for your time; I trtied to use only the trees, but then I see NO trees at all, and obviously not those that I already installed with deuces addon!
  10. Is there any way to have just the tree work? I have the standard Vietnam se with that early version of trees released by deuces and with tiles I think form deuces, as well
  11. For some reason the SAM trails are screwed on my system with included particle system.ini; Whta happens is that I see booster effect and then the sam has no trail. By replacing the particle system backed up everything is fine Now my question is, what a I losing out of your explosion addon by NOT using the particlesytem.ini you included?
  12. Thanks I will check, now I wonder f there is any way to install the patch without screwing the add-ons As for the town no I did not mean the seams but the blurryness of the textures..
  13. Can someone help me with this? 1024X768, SFP1. graphic option set to high, except for mirrorsand shadow; Also this install of wow is without the latest patch, (the one that included water effect, could this be the cause?) Also please look at this one. The town texture does not look quite right to me; in this screenshot resolution is 1280x1024
  14. For some reason I have no texture on the launcher and the squarepair, in SFP1; to which textures are they related, and where to get them?
  15. Vectors- FSX (Youtube)

    But am I aright or I see some air-duel in the video "lament" from the same author.?
  16. I see form the spalsh-screen of the campaing a CVN-68 with static aircraft; is it part of the add on? grr I have in the least one month to go to play Sfp1 again!
  17. Well maybe someone instead could explain one day this f-22 thing. I mean there are plenty of things I can't have for a reason or another Including the one "I made it for me and friends" which, is more than reasonable I would just like to know Have a reason
  18. Well I was looking for the effect such as "I don't know if the next bullet as my name on it", pucker factor over enemy territory So I powered up a lot the AAA; i guess what you did with your1950 mod isntead was having a greaer numebr of AAA guns scattered all over the place; My point was that I had losses due to AAA with my mod, at times nasty and unnice, just like real war. On the othe rhand I had to power up warheads to significative levels
  19. Flak'sinefectiveness is really annoying and unrealistic; by fidgeting with warhead weight I made this file http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autom...p;showfile=4856 Flak is now more effective and will make you think twice of loiter in AAA infested areas Give it a try
  20. I had the same problem; I guess the Kormoran is a CGR, so this type should be added in the aircraft.ini file
  21. Roll Call

    check in
  22. You know what guys? I am stuck in-Turkey flying Waterbombers and I can't play SFP1 or Wov; It is only 24hrs now and I am having huge withdrawal; wish I could buy the addons,, sigh
  23. For some reason they don't show up anymore; with default nations.ini and terrain specific (desert) nations.ini I serached the forumms to no avail? ideas?
  24. Is it possible that some sam_batteries end up underground? and maybe some AAA placed on taxiways and runways? 1.1 desert terrain
  25. in the campaigndata ini if this line is not present or not specified, does it trigger a defaul rate of normalsupplyrate? if yes, wha is this rate?

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