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Files posted by Canadair

  1. Unicode -> Ansi file batch converter

    An apparent incompatibility between SF2 and SF1 is that the in series two mods often there are files (.ini) encoded with Unicode format.
    A common occurrence when downgrading a mod from SF2 to SF1 is therefore having to convert (save as..) a big amount of .ini files from Unicode to Ansi, a procedure which is time consuming and annoying.
    Included is a one-click system to convert any amount of files from Unicode to Ansi.
    It can be very useful when downgrading mods form SF2 -> SF1 series
    Simply unpack and store in your HD root the directories Files_Ansi and Files_unicode. By default I am using this path: C:\converter\files_unicode (you might want to change it accordingly to your needs by modifying ansioso.bat
    Make backups of files.
    A-From the folder where they belong, copy in the Files_unicode folder the files (mostly they will be .ini) that you want to convert.
    B_run ansioso.bat
    C-In the directory Files_Ansi you should have the files with the same name but converted to ANSI format
    D-Copy them back where they belong, allowing overwrite
    NOTE: Ansioso.bat and stringconverter.exe MUST stay in the same folder.
    Also, files'names will stay the same. B careful in copying and moving them from folder to folder.
    I downloaded stringconverter.exe from a freeware website. I haven't programmed it , all the merits go to unknown programmer. In the same forum I ve found the batch file which I adpated to the specific needs.


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  2. .CAT packs Creator

    Created by gerwin.
    Uploaded by Canadair.
    Used to recompile CAT files for the ThirdWire series.
    Reference this thread for origin and use of file:


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  3. J-10 BETA

    On behalf of Erwin_Hans and Insky's group;
    This is the BETA release of the Chinese fighter called J-10 or, as they call it "Viguorous Dragon"
    It requires F-18 avionics 70' s cockpit and latest chinese weapons.
    The model has been slightly touched up by me, not in a significant way.
    Uses F-18's cockpit and avionics file, althoguh the cockpit itself is not included.
    Please read the README file


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  4. Out of Africa V1.5

    Out of Africa 3 v1.5
    Migs VS Migs nd SU and Yak in Air-Sea Environment
    I changed the su-27 with FC's SU-33. It is too great to be left out.
    PLEASE follow carefully the mod instructions.
    IT does work.
    Loadouts and data.ini for the Su-33sim has been revised a little. I think there was the tailhook missing.
    I chose Drdoyo's SovNavy_4 skin it blends perfectly with the new canards.
    Campaing has been revised in order for both sides to NOT receive airplanes replace. You have to use what you get.
    I also changed the friendly-nation with a fictional aslan nation. I needed it because of the pilottrainingstandars set to POOR. this nation entry is needed only for campaign purposes in oder to have mig VS mig and have the loadout shows. I actually don't even know if this is the correct procedure but it works.
    This is the entry for nations.ini
    DisplayName=Kingdom of Aslan
    the campaign needs polishing; basescreens, a better read me, squadron.txt, etc etc;
    There is room for more little campaigns in the future middle age. And I would like to create some atmosphere.
    I ve set the weapon resuppy at day 1; so that you will have immediately all the soviet weapons, AA and AG.
    PLEASE experiment with various AA and AG weapons especially missiles, since I am less than happy with probabilities of kill of even advanced weapons such as R-77 and Kh-29T missiles.
    I modified my weapondata according threads on combatace, and tuned down mig-23mld internal ECM strenght from 15 to 5. Those changes are NOT included in the campaign files I am providing, but please experiment.
    With this changed thoguh the whole air to air war is a little more realistic according to me. I have now a 40-50% hits with AA missiles.
    And it is challenging. FUEL IS an issue. You aìhave to decide wheter engage and pursue, but will you make it back to the carrier?
    Anyway as it is the campaign is fun to play. I changed also all the cockpits of SOVIET planes to the one of the su-27.
    In order to have working anti-ship missions you need to have the some ships labeled as generic and cargo_ship in their data ini.
    Every Ship so labeled will be thrown randomly in the shipping lanes; for the campaign I suggest you have the tanker and cargo ship and the yavuz frigate only
    IMPORTANT NOTE number two
    make sure that in your weaponpack ALL the weapon listed in loadouts are available for the year 2004; other than that don't touch provided datas and loadouts, everything should go well
    The tu-16G is optional; it is nice to experiment with. Sometimes in antiship mission you get tasked antiship and they will cover you with long range ARMS such as KSR-11
    Would be nice to have them go on anti-ship mission, but I have not seen yet AI-assigned anti-ship missions
    In a parallel universe, in 2004 things, went worse than in ours. World reduced to famine. Corruption, decay, starvation for food and energy. A new technological middle age.
    And in middle age there are mercenaries.
    In this story, ex-soviet union mercenaries
    The fleet of the former Soviet might navy, led by Carrier Gorshokov.
    The business is easy. Mtumba, leader, warlord of poor african state, is at war with Dictator of Madagascar Gorondi who is supplying his rebels. Both of them are evil and bloody dictators, but Mtumba pays well.
    Ships sail to the shore of africa from madagascar. They must be stopped, and this is the bussiness.
    Gorshokov task force, with two old kynda cruisers, and refueller takes place at Rasputin station.
    On board, Su-33s and Mig-29OVT modified for naval and multirole operations, and Yak41.
    They will hit the shipping lanes and, possibly madagascar airports and comm buildings.
    Gorondo has good weapons himself. Mig-29A and Mig23MLD to patrol the skies and perhaps attack the carrier herself.
    War at sea begins. A little meaningless fight in the future middleage.
    I hate writing readmes
    You need:
    Out of africa 3 campaign
    Su-27 (with su-33 Fast cargo mods)
    Tu-16G (optional)
    lybian koni
    gorshokov carrier
    OsaII class.
    Madagascar(AE) terrain
    All downloads are at combatace.
    I have provided no skin, and the name of the squadrons are only practical, anyway skins pointed at in the inis can be found on combatace as well.
    Install AE terrain, backup originals ini.files
    Install su-33 from Fastcargo.
    install the inis provided in campaign package in AE folder. Overwrite
    Install data.inis and loadouts provided for each and every aircraft. Overwrite
    Install the ships.
    Install campaign folder (AE3)
    Test everything and complain at the designer, try again and write an email for complain etc etc, you knw the drill...
    I HAVEN't done anything but the files in the package, everything else belong to respective designers, too many to list. Thank you and if you don't like seeing your work modified and around contact me and I'll retire the campaigns. But please have mercy.
    Please this is freeware, redistibute and have fun, but rememeber that little to nothign here is mine s you have to contact respective designers.
    instead for campaign design issue it is just my fault, I can be found at comabtace, and at pintogabriele@hotmail.com


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  5. RF-111G

    MF's F-16 blk10 avionics and hud.
    Some Wrench's nosearts ( I can't resist)
    Stealth skin and mercenary skinby alfonsofondacaro
    F-111F modded datas (of course) by Vark team
    F-111F modded cockpit by I don't know
    Pavetacksystem mod by me (nothing special and idea already used in the B-57G)
    Lau105AHm from various Combatace threads (FastCargo, GoCAD and others)
    Canards lod and bmps by crimsonroamer, placed by 76.iap blackbird and repainted by bobrock
    Everything put togheter by me. It is my fault not people's above.
    Also this is really a combined effort. I think I mentioned everyone and asked permission to everyone for what is in the package.
    In case I forgot, it is just my mistake, I apologize in advance, and we will work it out, let me know in PM or on the boards.
    Same if someone wants the files removed, just ask the moderators or me.
    Hopefully in the future we can have an easier to install version that includes .lods and cockpit. which for now are not included.
    This plane is completely fictional.
    It is inspired to Dale Brown's novels in which, usually the characters are flying highly modified bombers to save the free world in top-secret and reckless missions.
    The RF-111G appears ina Dale Brown's novl called "Chain of Command" which I actually haven't read, but the idea of a revamped F-111 was too good to pass.
    It makes use of various bits and pieces of stuff made by great modders, such as:
    Of course F-111's model and cockpit makers, for starter. Without them we would not have the Varks at all. Their is the credit.
    -MF's avionics suite and graphics coming form the F-16A Blk10, allowing modern AHM capabilities, TWS and avionics70 compatiblity, and HUD. tThe suite has been slightly modified to be adapted to the RF-111G, but the credit is Mirage Factory
    -alfonsofondacaro's stealth and mercenary skins for F-111F, great jobs done quickly and on request, keep an eye on this guy he will do great things I think!
    -Some of Wrench's nosearts, that definately need more visabilty; what is more sexy than a beauful girl painted ona sleek fighterbomber nose? Yes I agree, a real beautiful girl in your bed, I know I know..
    This is not a complete aircraft. You need a good and complete install of the F-111F, with sounds and effects and fuel tanks.
    Most likely you already have the F-111F in your install, if you don't:
    -Install the F-111F from the package available at Combatace.
    Install the F-111's cockpit from Mike Wherner website
    -MAKE a COPY of the F-111F and rename it RF-111G;
    -Delete all skin folders in the just renamed RF-111G folder
    Copy, and overwrite all content of this download folder into RF-111G folder.
    Next we need to install two new weapons.
    Copy the content of the supplied weapons.txt in your weapondata, renumber in sequence, and then open the weapondata with weaponeditor and save.
    You will have two new weapons
    -A "pavetacksystem" which is basically an unlaunchable missile(EOGR) with no lod attached to a mock hardpoint; it will allow you to "operate" a camera FLIR even after the release of the guided bombs. . Think of it as the software for the Pavetack AVQ-26 (which still needs to be loaded)
    -A LAU-105AHM, Dual Amraam launcher-rail.(yes this plane can perform Air to AIR)
    Finally the content of "put in aircraft folder" must be dropped into your aircraft folder; do not overwrite if requested; most likey you have canards for other planes. in this case backup your canards and drop the RF-111G canards, or keep those you had before, althoguh in this case the RF-111G wil be without canrds, or even worse get the canards you have installed. On Combatace there is thread by FastCargo that explains how to modify with an hex editor the canards.lod. Perhaps a future version will have dedicated canards.
    Final notes
    -AVQ-26 pavetack should be kept in all loadouts, and the FLIR can be deployed with CTRL-O command, and to mantain camera FLIR capabilty, the pavetacksystem should be kept in all loadouts too.
    Loadouts: there are only weapons included in standard weapons pack. I suggest though to experiment with exotic loadouts as SDB, TacitRaimbows, Jsows, Jdams etc.
    Hangar and loading screen are still those coming with F-111 package , maybe some one feels like redoing them?
    IMPORTANT final note
    TO improve you BVR gameplay make sure that ALL your planes in the install have a maxvisibility of 12000 in their data ini; you will be able to lock a target, on radar, hit CTRL-R to lock it visually (BVR) and order wingman to attack. In most case wingman will use SAHM, AHM and then IRM. Very cool, until WOI which apprently has an AI very good at breaking radar lock.
    Of course all credt goes to mentioned designers and this mod is for freeware use only


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  6. More effective FLAK

    Modded gundata.ini
    In this Gundata.ini file, all the relevant guns for soviet-originated AAA FLAK, have been powered up in such a way that makes "uncomfortable" hanging around straight and level on FLAK areas;
    Baffmeister had the original idea and I just applied it to (hopefully) all soviet flak-armored AAA vehicles.
    I had this file for while and it makes in my opinion for a decent immersion;
    You can be wiped up fron the sjy with no warning if you don't jink and you do too many passages on the targets;
    Unfortunately at the moment I am away from gundeditor and SFP1 or WOV equipped computer, so I can't recall all the guns modded, but they include the gun equipping
    KS12, KS30 KS19 and M1939, plus others;
    Installation is straight forward, back up your gundata and drop the gundata included in the objects directory;
    Latest Weapon pack is required,
    Of course the original gundata intellectual property belongs to wepaon pack designers
    I wanted to share this file because I reallty think it adds to the immersion, and it might be a tedious process modifying all the guns;
    Please note that in case you are shot dow by FLAK, in the debriefing screen it will just say "shot down" and not tell you it was FLAK
    Complaints and bug report to pintogabriele@hotmail.com, althoguh I will be away from SFP1 for the next few months
    Have fun, take care, and please give me credit should you use this file, and don't try making money out of it.


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  7. RF-111G

    Since it has been requested by a few people
    In this rar is included airplane FOR SERIES ONE, WITH THE OLD F-111F LOD included.
    This mod is nothing special and the new F-111 is much better. On the other hand thoguh, as far as I know there is no RF-111G with canards and hud and modern avionics made from the new lods.
    Oh this plane is totally fictional, BTW.
    Installation FOR SERIES ONE:(and only)
    content of folder "put in aircraft folder" goes in aircraft folder
    weapons paveacksystem (it is a fake unlaunchable EOGR which gives pavetack capabilities even when LGBs have been launched) and Lau-105AHM are to be added with proper weapon editor FOR SERIES ONE.


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